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Yes Virginia, the liberal media is melting down


Posted 8:06 am, 11/07/2024

I never said I did not accept the fact that he was elected. I said I didn't understand how people could vote for him knowing what I know.

He himself said it best: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

Trump does not care about anyone but himself and/or people that makes more than 400,000 a year. His says he is going to dismantle the Dept of Education. Get ready to spend more money for school for your children. You see, Trump is a business man who wants people to work for the lowest wages possible. He doesn't want your children to have a great education. He wants them to fill the jobs that immigrants are filling now.

Donald Trump has pledged to eliminate the Department of Education; Defund Headstart; Withhold federal funding for schools that teach our honest, accurate history. This morning, RKennedy says he is dismantling the nutrition program in schools Be prepared to buy breakfast and lunch.

No one and no president is perfect. They make mistakes. It takes an incredible person to admit when they are wrong, apologize, what they learned from it, and shares how they will move forward. These are things Trump does not possess. At least Harris and Biden do these things. This is how I want my kids, grandkids to learn to be. Responsible adults who act like adults. Not name slinging degenerates. I don't know what world you were living in 4 years ago, but I saw people getting sick, losing their homes, jobs etc. He inherited Obama's economy which was for working people. He raised our taxes and gave to the rich. He denied and mishandled the pandemic and sent supplies to Russia when we did not have them. You really need to educate yourself. We need to ask ourselves why do we believe someone who lies to us and is not trustworthy instead of someone who is trustworthy and will keep us informed and do their best to help us?
Someone who does have values, morals and cares about people. I would rather have someone in office that did not go to private school, and did not dodge the draft, and doesn't manipulate and lie to people.
That is just me. I want my children to grow up to responsible, truthful, own and learn from their mistakes. I don't want them to think the tactics Trumps uses are ok. They are not. You don't have a clue how he is going to do anything, because he doesn't know and he didn't tell you. I just want what is best for the working class. They are the ones that pay the most taxes to keep the rich wealthy. We all should have a chance to get ahead. If you think your kids did not watch, listened, or heard about how he called people names think again.. He used the oldest trick in the book. he said it best:

Just wait and see if he delivers. If he does, I will be the first to admit I was wrong and apologize, but I really don't think I will have to. I still remember the truth about him from 4 years ago. Not the lies he told everyone.

Trump has spent a lifetime - in business and politics - repeating exaggerations, half-truths and outright lies to make himself look good.

Albert Pike

Posted 6:49 am, 11/07/2024

No one is telling you that you or your kids should look up to or even respect any of these people, just accept the majorities opinion.
Also some cheese would go good with that whine.


Posted 4:52 am, 11/07/2024

Havacogirl.People like you are the reason Trump won and you just don't know it.When you get up this morning.Get you a cup of coffee.Turn on your TV.I'm sure it's already on MSNBC and let them tell you some more FANTASIES about real Americans.Cry it all out and have a good day.


Posted 4:49 am, 11/07/2024

Havocgiri, if this is all true "Democrats are not disconnected; just horrified that people would vote for a liar, incompetent criminal, name calling, sixth grade mentality, manipulative bully to be president."

Ask yourself, What does that say about MY candidate who just lost the election to this person?

DB Cooper

Posted 12:35 am, 11/07/2024

Not very classy... Leticia!


Posted 8:43 pm, 11/06/2024


Posted 8:18 pm, 11/06/2024

Democrats are not disconnected; just horrified that people would vote for a liar, incompetent criminal, name calling, sixth grade mentality, manipulative bully to be president. What a great example for our children and other countries.

Now we have Elon Musk who as Asperger's syndrome: a developmental disorder that affects a person's ability to interact with others, understand the world, and behave. Symptoms of Asperger's syndrome include:
Difficulty with social interaction- Repetitive behaviors Clumsiness-
Problems forming relationships-
Off body language-
Monotone voice-
Not responding to other people's comments or emotions-
Not understanding humor or a figure of speech
Robert Kennedy womanizer, liar, and a possible murderer. Trump wants to be a dictator. He is a narcissist (someone who has an excessive preoccupation with themselves and their own needs, often at the expense of others). He cares nothing about the constitution. He never told you how he is going to accomplish the things he says he will do. He just throws things out there and hope it sticks. He is banking on people to forget all about the promises because there were so many.
I hope all young males that voted for Trump think about the consequences of having children you don't want and will be paying child support for at least 20 years; possibly ruining their life plans. When Trump takes office and he doesn't do what he said he would do; he will blame others or make excuses why he can't or won't do what he said. He is narcist (someone who has an excessive preoccupation with themselves and their own needs, often at the expense of others). This has been verified by many psychologists.

Yeah, I really want my kids to look up to these people and be like them. They are great examples to follow.


Posted 7:34 pm, 11/06/2024

You stop telling the Truth! Them poor little lieberals have had a hard 24 hours! They can't take it!!

DB Cooper

Posted 7:29 pm, 11/06/2024

Flashback: Pundits predict Harris "blowout"

DB Cooper

Posted 7:22 pm, 11/06/2024

The Five... dimocrats went so far left they were flying Venezuelans into the country and just dumping them in our cities.

DB Cooper

Posted 6:03 pm, 11/06/2024

And The View continue their lies...

DB Cooper

Posted 5:53 pm, 11/06/2024

Epic liberal meltdowns

DB Cooper

Posted 12:32 pm, 11/06/2024

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough Admits Democrats Are 'Radically Disconnected' From Americans


Posted 12:22 pm, 11/06/2024


And not willing to admit one bit of responsibility

DB Cooper

Posted 10:53 am, 11/06/2024

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