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Wilkes Latest Drug Roundup

Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 12:38 pm, 09/26/2024

If he believes that the DEA is wrong then I would be concerned with whether our Sheriff is influenced by memes and fake news. But if he's lying to get support from Republicans and incite hatred towards Mexicans then that's an even bigger concern for me.

Here we go again. You go girl, pull that race card!! It's all you Democrats got!!

Albert Pike

Posted 1:50 am, 09/26/2024

Your article about how fentanyl enters the US is from 2020, things apparently have changed, the below is from January this year,

"These Counter Threat Teams draw on the intelligence from our 334 offices around the world to map the cartels' global networks and to identify targets for investigation and prosecution. While the cartels' operations are based in Mexico, DEA has identified more than 50 additional countries where these criminal networks operate. DEA has also traced the cartels' global supply chain around the world. The cartels purchase chemicals from companies in China, mass produce the fentanyl in Mexico, and then traffic and distribute finished fentanyl widely throughout the United States."



Posted 1:42 am, 09/26/2024

Good point, I saw the word fentanyl and pulled the trigger too soon

But still, that doesn't change the fact that the DEA says that he's wrong, and that it mostly comes by mail from China directly to the US.

If he believes that the DEA is wrong then I would be concerned with whether our Sheriff is influenced by memes and fake news. But if he's lying to get support from Republicans and incite hatred towards Mexicans then that's an even bigger concern for me.

Albert Pike

Posted 1:38 am, 09/26/2024

Below is from the 2020 article you linked, where does it say how much fentanyl was seized back then?

"The latest efforts resulted in the seizure of 988 grams of meth with a street value of about $35,000, 12 grams of heroin worth about $1,800, 157 prescription pills (mostly Oxycodone pain pills) worth about $5,000 and 28 grams of cocaine worth about $1,200. About 29 grams of marijuana were seized."


Posted 1:20 am, 09/26/2024

I'm not surprised that a Republican politician would cite fake news like that, but it's disappointing when it's a Sheriff

In fact, the DEA says that WE smuggle fentanyl into Mexico just as much as the other way around...

The DEA says that fentanyl primarily comes into the US directly from China by mail, and second by way of Canada.

Did he imagine that there was an open border in 2020, when they arrested 45 people for meth and fentanyl?


Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 9:07 pm, 09/25/2024

Jimmy, you have no substance. You Democrats enjoy killing innocent babies,


Posted 8:31 pm, 09/25/2024

Do a little research and you'll discover that the vast majority of fentanyl and other drugs are smuggled through ports of entry, not through the "open border."


Posted 8:17 pm, 09/25/2024


Dark Brandon

Posted 7:56 pm, 09/25/2024

Well, maybe Trump shouldn't have killed the border bill.

the dog's butler

Posted 7:17 pm, 09/25/2024

Looks like Pearl is having a good time in the mug shot line!


Posted 6:06 pm, 09/25/2024

that a boy acupervshouldadidarunatelldat.very happy they cleared the air around the hb.

Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 5:22 pm, 09/25/2024

Sheriff Shew can only do so much with the budget he has. My opinion, if a person is convicted of selling fentanyl, it should be a mandatory minimum 20 year sentence. Even more if it results in a death.

Kamala Harris open border policies is a major problem in the United States. She should be held accountable,too. VOTE TRUMP🇺🇸


Posted 4:33 pm, 09/25/2024

Albert Pike (view profile)

Posted 2:23 pm, 09/25/2024

Since you're so dialed into Wilkes County's illegal drug trade, maybe you should call the Sheriff's Office and let them know who the heavy hitters are.

That would be foolish. As soon as you do someone in the sheriff's office would run and tell the drug dealer.


Posted 3:51 pm, 09/25/2024

Exactly Albert.

Albert Pike

Posted 2:23 pm, 09/25/2024

Since you're so dialed into Wilkes County's illegal drug trade, maybe you should call the Sheriff's Office and let them know who the heavy hitters are.


Posted 2:19 pm, 09/25/2024

Hey tipper, why do YOU feel that a kilo of fentanyl is street level abuse?


Posted 2:16 pm, 09/25/2024

Both sides do it just before election. You can watch out for state workers running with shovels too


Posted 2:14 pm, 09/25/2024

They never get the the Wilkes heavy hitters in the drug trade, its always the low level street dealers. They do this just to look good to the public in the media and make it look like they are making a impact.


Posted 11:39 am, 09/25/2024

1,070 grams fentanyl with a street value of $53,000;

104 grams of methamphetamine (meth) with a street value of $2,000;


Posted 11:30 am, 09/25/2024

shouldaunocasperlilzh(t spins again:

"Meth beating out fentanyl."

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