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Who is the teacher of eternal life? You can ONLY choose ONE.


Posted 3:38 pm, 06/21/2024

Mistress Anne (view profile)

Posted 1:58 pm, 06/21/2024

Like so many in today's world you seem to think that all that matters is what you "believe.

Why make it hard. Jesus said to follow Him. Then do it.
That is FALSE. I believe that Jesus is the only way to live Life. If I want to receive eternal life I got to put Jesus first in my Life. If you not willing to follow him then no salvation for you. I don't understand why Christians obey religion when it's mans traditions. Again it All about what Jesus taught and not what Christianity teaches. Y'all Christian rejects Jesus and make a conscious decision to follow Christianity instead of staying true to Jesus.


Posted 2:55 pm, 06/21/2024

mhj, you ever heard the song choices. Sing it an then make a choice to leave people to decide for themselves what they want as far as their faith. Thats probably to simple for you to understand.


Posted 2:49 pm, 06/21/2024

"It comes down to who an what you believe' Why dont you leave it at that.No, no you are suppose to observe Saturday bs.I say observe everyday.

Mistress Anne

Posted 1:58 pm, 06/21/2024

Like so many in today's world you seem to think that all that matters is what you "believe."

You "believe" that a person "can't follow two teachers" but when shown facts to the contrary you "believed" that you were referring to a Bible verse and were parroting Jesus.

When you were shown that you were, in fact, mistaken in your "belief" about the meaning of Jesus's words you "believed" that you could make other accusations about the Christian church and its "love" of money.

Once again, a couple of easily identifiable facts proved that your "beliefs" were incorrect.

Facts, despite what you "believe," matter.


Posted 1:26 pm, 06/21/2024

It comes down to who and what you believe. Do you believe in the teaching of Jesus or whatever religion teaches. Jesus explain how we are to be judged. So it's either stand firm in Jesus or stand up for religion. I believe in what Jesus taught over religion. John 12:46-50. How many ways did Jesus say they were to get back to the Father? One, that's through Jesus so what religion teaches doesn't matter.

Mistress Anne

Posted 9:51 am, 06/21/2024

Thank you for your example showing that the term "rich" is subjective and that Churches are not "greedy."

I must admit that I am not an expert on the Southern Baptist Convention, but 2 minutes of research indicated that it is the largest Protestant denomination in the United States with just under 13 million members in around 14,000 congregations. (Fast Facts - SBC.net)

I will assume that your post is accurate (as it is without the benefit of a citation) in indicating that they have $2.66 billion in total assets. That is to say there is not $2.66 billion in cash in a slush fund (that we know about) but in "total assets" which would include things like office buildings, automobiles, computers and various other sundry items that they feel are required to run such a large organization.

When compared to other large organizations, the Southern Baptist Convention would not be considered "rich" at all. Chevron, the tenth largest corporation in the United States, makes almost 100 times more money ($246 billion) than the entire Southern Baptist Convention has in total assets. (Here are the largest companies in the U.S. by revenue, according to Fortune - CBS News)

If one were to place the Southern Baptist Convention into the list of the wealthiest Americans, the Convention would not make the top four hundred. (Forbes 400 2023)

While I have, on occasion, been in attendance at various churches who are members of the Southern Baptist Convention, I was never required to pay an admission charge to enter nor held against my will until I paid a ransom to leave. Some quick math shows that if the SBC were to employ either of those practices to maintain it's $2.66 billion (cash in my example) it would need to require $4.80 from each member each Sunday (please check my math: 3 billion in assets (rounding up) divided by 12 million members (rounding down) divided by 52 (weeks in a year.))

Would it be "greedy" to charge $4,80 admission? A "matinee" ticket to Two River's Cinema in Wilkesboro is more expensive. Two gallons of regular gasoline is more expensive. Many fast-food restaurants are advertising "Value Menus" with more expensive items.

Again, thank you for your wonderful example of the frugality of the Christian Church.


Posted 11:19 pm, 06/20/2024

Southern Baptist Church
How wealthy is the Southern Baptist Convention?
The dozen entities of the SBC - excluding Guidestone Financial Services, which holds clergy retirement funds, and Woman's Missionary Union, which is an SBC auxiliary - reported combined total assets of $2.66 billion in 2021.


Posted 10:24 pm, 06/20/2024

You DO know flooding the board. With identical religious posts.
Is only turning people off from Jesus,right?
Pouring it on multiple upon multiple posts. Same topic,no differing approach.
Is just shooting yourself in the foot,over and over.

Mistress Anne

Posted 10:07 pm, 06/20/2024

"Riich" is a very sujective term and is entirely relative to the observer. As such it is difficult to qualify whether any given person or entity is "rich."

I have never been to a Church that charged admissioni or required a donation to attend its services. If there are some I would be interested to learn from what part of Jesus's teaching they glean that practice. Instead, all the Churches I have ever attended relied on the donations of the attendees to function.

The fact that attendees do donate to Churches belies the idea that Churches teach "greed." If the atendees were greedy they would not willfully donate to the Church.

Jesus set the example in Matthew chapter seventeen when He explained to Peter why He was exempt from the Temple Tax but provided money to the Temple.


Posted 5:45 pm, 06/20/2024

Why is your churches so rich if it not about money ' ' '.. greed teaches greed.

Stay with Jesus because his teaching will lead to eternal life..
Just believe and if you believe in Jesus you would follow his teaching and keep the FAITH in Jesus. But you make excuses not to follow Jesus instead you follow Christianity.

For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

50 And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.


Posted 5:21 pm, 06/20/2024

What is meant by mammon in the Bible?

Mammon /ˈmæmən/ in the New Testament is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain.


Posted 4:32 pm, 06/20/2024

👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 go Anne....

Mistress Anne

Posted 3:59 pm, 06/20/2024

In Matthew 6, verse 24, which was truncated by you, Jesus follows up His example by saying "You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money." (New Living Translation)

Since it is obvious that money cannot "teach" anything, your attempt to equate "Teacher" and "Master" in this instance is flawed and inappropriate.

The verse does not apply to your initial misrepresentation that a person cannot follow two teachers.


Posted 3:50 pm, 06/20/2024

Mistress Anne (view profile)

Posted 2:39 pm, 06/20/2024

It is false to assert that one cannot follow two teachers. As long as one teacher is not contradicting the other teacher there is no conflict. In fact, our entire education system depends on the premise that learning builds on learning. It is not wrong that a person learns that "O N E" spells one and "W O N" spells won. The growing happens when a person realizes that while "one" and "won" sound the same they have very different meanings and uses.

Is there an example of when the Apostle Paul contradicted Christ?

Is there an example of when Christianity contradicts either Paul or Christ?

If not, there is no conflict, and the initial statement is false
Whose VOICE do you follow?
So you argue with the teaching of Jesus. He says don't have two Masters. Teachers


Posted 2:45 pm, 06/20/2024

Show me whee I was arguing about anything. One thing I dont do is argue over Gods word. You the only one that plasters bible verses to try to make your point. I just talk from the heart an I also know where Im heading when I die.Thats all that important to me. Now come back with your bs.

Mistress Anne

Posted 2:39 pm, 06/20/2024

It is false to assert that one cannot follow two teachers. As long as one teacher is not contradicting the other teacher there is no conflict. In fact, our entire education system depends on the premise that learning builds on learning. It is not wrong that a person learns that "O N E" spells one and "W O N" spells won. The growing happens when a person realizes that while "one" and "won" sound the same they have very different meanings and uses.

Is there an example of when the Apostle Paul contradicted Christ?

Is there an example of when Christianity contradicts either Paul or Christ?

If not, there is no conflict, and the initial statement is false.


Posted 2:22 pm, 06/20/2024

DLD (view profile)

Posted 2:06 pm, 06/20/2024

mhj, you havent a clue. Keep on spewing your drivel until the cows come home. You are just wanting an argument an I aint buying. I thought I just saw a cow so they probably are coming home

You arguing with the WORDS that Jesus spoke. Christian are no different than the Pharisees back in the day as Jesus.

14 The Pharisees, who dearly loved their money, heard all this and scoffed at him. 15 Then he said to them, "You like to appear righteous in public, but God knows your hearts. What this world honors is detestable in the sight of God.

16 "Until John the Baptist, the law of Moses and the messages of the prophets were your guides. But now the Good News of the Kingdom of God is preached, and everyone is eager to get in.[d] 17 But that doesn't mean that the law has lost its force. It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the smallest point of God's law to be overturned


Posted 2:06 pm, 06/20/2024

mhj, you havent a clue. Keep on spewing your drivel until the cows come home. You are just wanting an argument an I aint buying. I thought I just saw a cow so they probably are coming home.


Posted 1:57 pm, 06/20/2024

DLD (view profile)

Posted 1:53 pm, 06/20/2024

I put my trust an faith in Jesus, end of discussion

Not by going against his teaching. If you had Faith in Jesus you would follow Jesus and not religion. Jesus tells you how you will be judged on judgement Day. Haven't you read the Bible for yourself or do you just sit back and follow the pulpit.

Jesus shouted to the crowds, "If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me. 45 For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. 46 I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark. 47 I will not judge those who hear me but don't obey me, for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. 48 But all who reject me and my message will be judged on the day of judgment by the truth I have spoken. 49 I don't speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it. 50 And I know his commands lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say."


Posted 1:53 pm, 06/20/2024

I put my trust an faith in Jesus, end of discussion.

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