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Which side are the Nazis again.


Posted 6:39 pm, 06/08/2024

singer has a serious problem! An orange mutant mouths off in front of the TV cameras and the public LIVE and singer denies it ever happened. LIVE not recorded but LIVE! Exactly how does that work?


Posted 6:21 pm, 06/08/2024

Which side are the Nazis again? It's either side that wants to take any of your freedom. So in my mind both sides have definite designs on my right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We fight each other while all these scumbags in power take our country apart while attempting to goad Russia into war to cover up their theft of our birthright. I don't know if anyone realizes what will happen when number III goes hot and none of us will be gloating about a thing as we will be busy not dying.


Posted 5:12 pm, 06/08/2024

singer (view profile)

Posted 4:31 pm, 06/08/2024

...I don't hold out any hope for you insufferable trash.

And we all know with your "news" sources there is no hope for your mush brain.


Posted 5:10 pm, 06/08/2024

I'll build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
I'll be too busy running the country to play golf.
COVID is a Chinese hoax.

Need I post more??

singer (view profile)

Posted 2:03 pm, 06/08/2024

can one of you mush brain loon tell me one lie that Trump has told.


Posted 5:01 pm, 06/08/2024

Another lie on Trump you minions of Satan keep lying about.

The Charlottesville 'Very fine people lie' The owners of you worthless mind keep telling that lie years after the rest of the world learns all you do is lie about one thing or another.

For instance that Joe Biden won the election. That biden got more votes that obama.

How dam dumb must one be to believe that for a moment.

The crooks don't want to talk about how absurd that is.

Why... because Trump go so many more votes than biden they had to make up votes in such large numbers they surpassed even black messiah obama.

Dang you mutts are gullible and just plain stupid.


Posted 4:59 pm, 06/08/2024

"I am The Chosen One."

"I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it."
"Covid 19 is a democrat hoax."
"The pandemic will be over by May."
And so on, ad nauseum.

Give me a phuggin break!


Posted 4:44 pm, 06/08/2024

Another rediculous lie told on Trump that only fools could believe in the first place.

J 6 comm. had a liar Cassidy Hutchens testify she heard from a friend that 'Trump tried to grap the steerig wheel and go to the capitol. ' The comm. knew it was a lie.

They also had the SS telling them it was not true. The Comm. refused repeatedly to allow the SS to tell it to the public. That just recently was confirmed by the SS

But the damage is done and young people have killed themselves in jail over that whole mess caused and planned by pelosi.

There should be a firing squad with Nancy's name on it

And the J 6 comm. has the need for ACCOUNTABILITY all over it. Your handler will call every indictment that's coming revenge.
So what. Things haven't gone your way in ten yrs.

And it's going to get much worse for your evil ilk for years to come. There's a lot of crimes and corrupt dems to prosecute.

And put in prison, or in H. . I look forward to it all. .


Posted 4:31 pm, 06/08/2024

I'm used to the many lies told on Trump that twist what he really said into whatever they need to feed to you sheep.
Out of his mouth in or you've go nothing .

Former mush brain Amber Rose... reborn said... "we are voting for Trump. We are no longer brainwashed'

I don't hold out any hope for you insufferable trash.


Posted 3:09 pm, 06/08/2024

Yes anyone can edit Wikipedia but all edits must have sources cited and be approved by the people who moderate the pages. Any claim made on Wikipedia will have a link to a source. He's lied so much that there's an entire page on Wikipedia dedicated not to him but to false statements he's made. Trump has lied about tons of stuff but it doesn't matter because you're throughly convinced he hasn't. You've made believing trump no matter what your whole life and personality to the point that you basically wish death on anyone who disagrees with him. You're addicted to the feeling that reading about him gives you and the sense of superiority you get when people disagree with you.


Posted 3:09 pm, 06/08/2024

Gandy just can't tell his lie that the republicans never did nuffin for him. COLA , Nixon was SS best president


Posted 3:06 pm, 06/08/2024

Tell it like it is Singer!!!


Posted 2:55 pm, 06/08/2024

Here's an example of a Trump lie you loons still claim is a lie.

The one about Trump calling the military dead in Normandy 'losers'. It was a lie told in The Atlantic rag.

Immediately the SS said that never happened. They said the reason Trump did not go to that place was it was raining, and nothing had been cleared for him to go.

The dumb fool gandy told that lie on this site this week.

It was refuted within minutes, yet you loons still tell it like your damaged brain believes.

You are worthless messes.

And biden still tells the lie about inflation. When Trump left office if was less that two percent.

biden keeps telling the people it nine. That's a lie no matter how many time the fake potus tells it.


Posted 2:46 pm, 06/08/2024

I have never heard anything good about that site.

Everything I've read says don't believe a thing you read there.

If Trump is really such a liar, can you not give me a detailed example like coming from his own lips.

We don't have a problem finding lies from the lips of biden and most of the media.

Looks like all you have is a source when any one can make up anything they want and the source is also questionable. Most come from fake news.And that brings us into a circle of the liars that never gets corrected.

Many of those corrections took place every morning showing 'T rump was right'.

And Trump has been investigated falsely all over the world and nothing found.

Investigating in every way thought of and nothing found.

So they make up some crimes in NY.. They make up some more in Ga .. They made up, and STAGED some more in Fla.

And all of them has revealed the corruptions and who the real criminals are.

So I think I'll take a pass on believing anything you mush brains claim. So far, you've not nothing.


Posted 2:37 pm, 06/08/2024

Wiped out and dissolved in the aftermath of WWII


Posted 2:28 pm, 06/08/2024

can one of you mush brain loon tell me one lie that Trump has told.

I did this at 1:47...

Isn't wikipedia the site that anyone can write anything they want.

Yes, but they cite their sources and moderators remove unsubstantiated opinions. So it's a good source to find summaries, and then you can review individual sources if you want.


Posted 2:22 pm, 06/08/2024

Isn't wikipedia the site that anyone can write anything they want.

I've never looked at it.
But heres something you mushies may not know since it wasn't on cnn.

For the almost four yr..of Trump there was a morning show on Real America's voice. Every morn they did a segment called 'Tr ump was right".

During that segment they revealed what you owners had claimed was a Trump lie. They showed all the lies told by the media claiming Trump was lying. Then they showed the truth. And that Trump did not lie.

That was every morning... for years. The problem with you loons is that your are brainwashed, and you can't even listen to the truth if you are told not to by your handlers.
You are so brainwashed worthless it's even against your own well being and that of your future generations .


Posted 2:17 pm, 06/08/2024


Posted 2:03 pm, 06/08/2024

can one of you mush brain loon tell me one lie that Trump has told.

I don't mean the little stories that are funny during his rally. I know when he is adding off the cuff things that he thinks up on the spot.

That's why so many comedians talk about how funny he is and has perfect timing.

The only lies I know about Trump are the ones when he said obama spied on him...TRUE.
The one when he said he had nothing to do with Russia. That it was a lie. TRUE.

Looks like Trump's lies are only lies until the truth is revealed. And then we learn who the liars and who the corrupt liars really are.

Just like now on this thread. We know who the mush brains are, and they are the liars, as always.

And biden lies literally ALL the time. And the lies are easily disputed.

In the years of Trump... We know Trump is brutally honest.
So give me one lie from Trump . Give me details that show he lied.


Posted 1:57 pm, 06/08/2024

The liberal news takes to long to fact check Biden and tries to erase it from the internet.

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