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Was that wild weather caused by climate change? Scientists can now say ‘yes’ with confidence


Posted 7:10 pm, 09/20/2024

. Global warming was the cause of the historic rainfall in Kure Beach.

sparkling water

Posted 6:56 pm, 09/20/2024

Proof that this is summertime that can't be refuted.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 6:47 pm, 09/20/2024

DB didn't even know about the flooding at the coast this week. Poor old DB.

DB Cooper

Posted 6:43 pm, 09/20/2024

If you think hurricanes are something new... what was it that sank all those Spanish treasure ships 300 years ago?


Posted 5:32 pm, 09/20/2024

Like Covid [ bad flu ] climate change EV, solar, made some richer. Live your life then die thats it folks. Go party


Posted 5:28 pm, 09/20/2024

Weather seems to be the same now as it was 40 years ago. Lie


Posted 5:24 pm, 09/20/2024

Only gullible Democrats believe tham


Posted 5:23 pm, 09/20/2024

Fox, why should we believe them? Politicians have a long history of lying.


Posted 5:09 pm, 09/20/2024

Oh no, but we only have a couple more years to live according to Al Gore, John (the one that served in Vietnam) Kerry and all other Democrat Loons


Posted 5:03 pm, 09/20/2024

Foxnose, nothing personal, but I suggest you get rid of your TV, computer, newspapers. Don't watch any kind of news. I bet the climate will be about the same next summer as it was this summer.


Posted 4:53 pm, 09/20/2024


surfer (view profile)

Posted 4:31 pm, 09/20/2024

You're not thinking globally


Posted 4:47 pm, 09/20/2024

The temperature changes were changed by climate change. Now ask them if the climate changed because of people. Before you do, visit a NASA site and take a look at this blue marble in space. Then focus on the people living there, YOU WILL NEED GOOD BINOCULARS. Then get a physicist to help you assign responsibility. Get back soon

Jack Schitt

Posted 4:44 pm, 09/20/2024

CNN said it would be hot again next summer too

DB Cooper

Posted 4:44 pm, 09/20/2024

Poor smurf... gullible and dumb as sack of rocks.


Posted 4:42 pm, 09/20/2024

Why should I believe a CNN reporter? My opinion is just as valid as his. And no one has paid me for my opinion.

sparkling water

Posted 4:31 pm, 09/20/2024

Thankfully you are.


Posted 4:31 pm, 09/20/2024

You're not thinking globally

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