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Was that wild weather caused by climate change? Scientists can now say ‘yes’ with confidence


Posted 8:58 am, 09/21/2024

Surfer, what is your suggestions on what we should be doing to stop climate change and what are some examples you personally are doing to save the planet? Inspire us.


Posted 10:28 pm, 09/20/2024

I've posted it before, research it yourself this time.

sparkling water

Posted 9:14 pm, 09/20/2024

You see, "cause" is most difficult to prove.

"Suspected cause" is acceptable.

sparkling water

Posted 8:51 pm, 09/20/2024

Please provide your evidence.


Posted 7:10 pm, 09/20/2024

. Global warming was the cause of the historic rainfall in Kure Beach.

sparkling water

Posted 6:56 pm, 09/20/2024

Proof that this is summertime that can't be refuted.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 6:47 pm, 09/20/2024

DB didn't even know about the flooding at the coast this week. Poor old DB.

DB Cooper

Posted 6:43 pm, 09/20/2024

If you think hurricanes are something new... what was it that sank all those Spanish treasure ships 300 years ago?


Posted 5:32 pm, 09/20/2024

Like Covid [ bad flu ] climate change EV, solar, made some richer. Live your life then die thats it folks. Go party


Posted 5:28 pm, 09/20/2024

Weather seems to be the same now as it was 40 years ago. Lie


Posted 5:24 pm, 09/20/2024

Only gullible Democrats believe tham


Posted 5:23 pm, 09/20/2024

Fox, why should we believe them? Politicians have a long history of lying.


Posted 5:09 pm, 09/20/2024

Oh no, but we only have a couple more years to live according to Al Gore, John (the one that served in Vietnam) Kerry and all other Democrat Loons


Posted 5:03 pm, 09/20/2024

Foxnose, nothing personal, but I suggest you get rid of your TV, computer, newspapers. Don't watch any kind of news. I bet the climate will be about the same next summer as it was this summer.


Posted 4:53 pm, 09/20/2024


surfer (view profile)

Posted 4:31 pm, 09/20/2024

You're not thinking globally


Posted 4:47 pm, 09/20/2024

The temperature changes were changed by climate change. Now ask them if the climate changed because of people. Before you do, visit a NASA site and take a look at this blue marble in space. Then focus on the people living there, YOU WILL NEED GOOD BINOCULARS. Then get a physicist to help you assign responsibility. Get back soon

Jack Schitt

Posted 4:44 pm, 09/20/2024

CNN said it would be hot again next summer too

DB Cooper

Posted 4:44 pm, 09/20/2024

Poor smurf... gullible and dumb as sack of rocks.


Posted 4:42 pm, 09/20/2024

Why should I believe a CNN reporter? My opinion is just as valid as his. And no one has paid me for my opinion.

sparkling water

Posted 4:31 pm, 09/20/2024

Thankfully you are.

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