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Voters Unmoved by Allegations Against Black Candidate fir Gubnor in North Carolina


Posted 7:23 am, 09/21/2024

He's too radical for me.What's wrong with him using the Democrats favorite talking point when they find their a**es in a vice for things they've done in the past.I've evolved.

sparkling water

Posted 7:02 pm, 09/20/2024

Which is more effective for communication, ranting or word salad-ing ?

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 6:46 pm, 09/20/2024

His rantings are pretty standard for a conservative nowadays. Conservatives love Nazism and trans p0^n. I doubt it'll move the needle much.

The clown running for State Superintendent is pretty much the same, though I guess we don't know how she feels about trans p0^n. Fingers crossed we find out soon!

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