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Understanding the necessity of the US involvement in the Russia Ukraine War


Posted 7:17 am, 06/13/2024

Putin didn't liberate nothing. Any sort of BS that says as much is pure soviet propaganda.


Posted 5:46 pm, 06/12/2024

Springy , If you knew what they have been doing to people in these places, you would think different.


Posted 5:35 pm, 06/12/2024

We shouldn't help Putin do anything.


Posted 5:31 pm, 06/12/2024

Yes , we have no reason to be there, other than to help Putin rid the world of evil.


Posted 5:29 pm, 06/12/2024

War in Ukraine is over. It's been over. Putin went in there and Liberated the Ukranian people from the Nazi's. Any other reason given for this war that has been over is fabricated to steer you away from the real truth. He also rescued a lot of children from underground labs there.


Posted 4:20 pm, 06/12/2024

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 1:14 pm, 06/12/2024

Now who is a bigger threat, China or Russia?

I think you're accidentally making my point, gmiller.

With BRICS, we see an alliance that includes China and Russia. China has the second greatest GDP in the world, India comes in 5th, and Russia comes in 8th. Put the together and not only do they control the world's oil, but they also control the majority of the world's money.

China is also one of our biggest oil importers, buying 286,000 barrels a day!

India fluctuates, but in April 2024 they bought about 7 million barrels...

If Russia gets Ukraine, they suddenly have more oil than us... which means that China and India are buying from them instead.

You're right, China is a bigger immediate threat to us, but we're so intertwined with them financially that our economy would entirely collapse without them. We're not exactly friends anymore after Trump's tariff war, so if Russia wins Ukraine and China stops trading with us then that will be a huge economic blow.


Posted 1:22 pm, 06/10/2024


Posted 8:03 pm, 06/09/2024

China Joe pulled out of Afghanistan guess what Afghanistan has and China is going to mine.

Trump is who made the deal to withdraw from Afghanistan


Posted 1:11 pm, 06/10/2024

Great question, and my only answer is... the government is subsidizing oil, so why should they try to change anything?

Oil companies got $757 billion-with-a-B in subsidies from the US in 2023

... but $7 trillion-with-a-T worldwide...

They like it just the way it is, and have no desire to change. The US just isn't big enough or important enough to change the global industry, especially when they can see that BRICS is about to change everything.


Posted 9:49 am, 06/10/2024

While posting obscene profits domestic oil companies fail to make any significant improvements to their refining processes, why?


Posted 1:16 am, 06/10/2024

China and Russia were wanted the dollar replaced before Ukraine involvement.

This is true, BRICS as originally formulated in 2001 and became official in 2006.

The combined GDP of BRICS is more than that of the US or the EU, too, so they're already winning financially. Unless, of course, we can create stronger alliances with other countries to be more competitive.

These countries saw an opportunity when Biden became president to escalate their plans

This is False. It's well known that Trump and Putin were allies, to the point that Putin spent millions of dollars spreading fake news in the US to help Trump win.

It's also well known that Trump intended to withdraw the US from NATO in his second term... the opposite of strengthening our alliances. Former Under Secretary of Defense Michele Flournoy said that this "would be one of the most damaging things that any president could do to U.S. interest... And it would be the wildest success that Vladimir Putin could dream of."

Further, you'll recall that Trump had a very strict "America First" policy, meaning that he had no intention of interfering with any overseas wars at all. And he argued that the US should accept Russia's "annexation" of Crimea.

Trump also cut $400 million of military aide to Ukraine in 2019, setting the stage for Russia to invade with virtually no way for them to fight back.

Trump's own Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, along with former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, said that he believed that Trump "must be beholden to Russian President Vladimir Putin."

It has been widely speculated that Putin was waiting for Trump's second term to invade. With us out of NATO and Trump's support, he would have been able to take Ukraine within minutes.

And now, Trump has reportedly stated that he will immediately withdraw us from the Ukraine-Russia war... literally giving the nation to Putin.

There is absolutely no question that Russia would have invaded regardless of the US President. The difference is that Trump would have let them have it without a word, while Biden is fighting what I honestly think may become World War III.


Posted 12:53 am, 06/10/2024

We could set up a new system where we keep all US oil for us and our ally's.

Unfortunately, domestic oil is considerably more expensive than imported oil. Which means that we would pay more for it... not just gas, but all petroleum products.

It's also a short sighted goal. We only recently began producing more oil than we consume.. the first time since 1957! And there's no guarantee that can continue.

Further, a significant problem we have is that the type of oil we produce isn't the kind that we use. This is a little more complicated, so I'll rely on this to explain it...

If we don't need their oil then they don't have power.

That's not quite right, either. What you would see is a global shift in economy that minimizes us, and we simply can't produce for ourselves... we don't have the workforce, and we couldn't afford to pay ourselves if we did! We strongly rely on everything being produced in low wage countries. Imagine if chicken were suddenly $20 a pound, and at the same time your wages went down by 50%.

President Trump was leading us to energy independence.

We're actually producing more oil now than ever. The peak under Trump was 13 million barrels, and last month was 13.182 million.

But as I explained above, the type of oil we produce isn't the kind we need, so "energy independence" is more of a fantasy than a reality. Unless, of course, we start shifting towards alternative fuels so that we no longer need oil.

But again, that doesn't help us on a global level.

China Joe pulled out of Afghanistan

For the record, that was Trump...


Posted 11:27 pm, 06/09/2024

Why I agree with Anti on the premise of these countries wanted to replace the dollar, I don't agree with our involvement in Ukraine. China and Russia were wanted the dollar replaced before Ukraine involvement. These countries saw an opportunity when Biden became president to escalate their plans? Now who is a bigger threat, China or Russia? Which country has killed Americans? How many viruses how started in China? Are there China nationals in Mexico making fentanyl in labs with products shipped from China that is killing Americans? Is China running a secret police in the United States? Is China not buying farmland and some close to military bases? Didn't China fly a spy balloon across the United States and transfer in real time back to China? What country is storing up fuel and food? Russia is no angel but does not compare close to China. China declared war on us and we are fighting Russia which could have been prevented.


Posted 10:54 pm, 06/09/2024

Hey shouldadolly, YOU'll have to tell us why YOU feel it is a fake rallying cry or is your boy demented pedo joe just pandering to the GND wing of los demonRatZ with his oil policies?


Posted 10:43 pm, 06/09/2024

Thanks for admitting that the "war on oil" was a fake rally cry, Pedo Fakey the Troll.


Posted 10:36 pm, 06/09/2024

Well little troll faker, first try understanding the necessity of engaging the brain before your mouth.


Posted 10:14 pm, 06/09/2024

Once again 'ol shouldadolly gigs a thread with yet another spinstraction.

We do lead the world in oil production despite demented pedo joe's war on oil.

President Trump was leading us to complete energy independence.

YOU go, dolly, the one AND only cloned shoulda !


Posted 9:32 pm, 06/09/2024

Foxnit, nice word salad. Explain why you just flipped the topic and then back that claim up with some facts.


Posted 9:23 pm, 06/09/2024

Jimbo, the Putin narrative has collapsed right before your very eyes. The only collusion we have seen is Cankles and the Crackhead. Both tied at the hip in Russian interest.


Posted 8:55 pm, 06/09/2024

foxnit, we all know who was in office when Russia invaded the Ukraine, Obama was basically no help. Subsequently from 2016 - 2020, other than some sanctions that Congress forced him to impose, what did Trump do to stop the invasion? NOTHING, he encouraged his buddy Putin.

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