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There's a vampire in town!!


Posted 9:59 pm, 09/23/2024

Acumen has some vampire killing swords for sure.


Posted 9:27 pm, 09/23/2024

Anti, This example that you have laid out is exactly what has happened here on Earth. Believe me, when I tell you that I have thought about this since I learned the truth a couple years ago. Humans here were sold out by other humans to keep the peace. Go ask a parent of a missing child what they would have done.


Posted 9:21 pm, 09/23/2024

U get em off the truck at the staples or what?


Posted 9:18 pm, 09/23/2024

I have Swords.


Posted 8:37 pm, 09/23/2024

Stand together and defeat the blood sucker. Neon cross, lots of holly water, guns with spikes, swords to slice the head off. We will be fine.


Posted 8:28 pm, 09/23/2024

Vamps mornlikely prefers the younguns which is awanting ivermectin cause them ol boys is normally purebloods, the otherns should take care of theyselfs with fentanyl or the death jab which either one of 'em makes the blood taste yuck to the vamp whether they looking like bats or whatever shape they r nowadays


Posted 8:16 pm, 09/23/2024

So, you're saying that you would allow your citizens to just die? What if you were one of the ones chosen to be sacrificed? Would you still think we should go along with it?

I'm not saying anything, I'm just asking you to think a little more deeply on what you're saying...

Which, of course, is the whole point of these fun little exercises... trying to get people to think beyond their knee jerk reaction and follow the path of consequences of their actions...


Posted 8:02 pm, 09/23/2024

So, you're saying that you would allow your citizens to just die? What if you were one of the ones chosen to be sacrificed? Would you still think we should go along with it? I'm saying, I would not sell anyone else out just to keep the peace. And I hope other people wouldn't either but we already know the answer to that, don't we?


Posted 7:55 pm, 09/23/2024

Either live free or die. I personally, wouldn't allow other lives to be taken just so I can stay safe.

Isn't that exactly what would happen, though? Many people, if not all of them, would die in your pursuit of safety.

Na, either we all live or we all die.

What if everyone doesn't agree with you? Let's say that 10% want to fight and 90% want to give sacrifices... would you go along with the majority or do what you want, potentially killing the 90% as retaliation for your actions?


Posted 7:53 pm, 09/23/2024

Oh dear lord, someone has been watching too many vampire stories. I say we join forces with the Michelson.


Posted 7:52 pm, 09/23/2024

Either live free or die. I personally, wouldn't allow other lives to be taken just so I can stay safe. Na, either we all live or we all die. I wouldn't keep the charade going just to keep the hidden peace.


Posted 7:42 pm, 09/23/2024

Can't compromise with Evil. He has to go.

How would you propose to do that?

Wouldn't this mean that you put your most intelligent and strongest in the most danger, and if it fails then you only have the weak left?

What?? Am I too stupid to get your point?

I wouldn't say it exactly like that, but...


Posted 3:50 pm, 09/23/2024

What?? Am I too stupid to get your point?

Or is there no point?!

Is Anti is coming down with dementia?


Posted 3:39 pm, 09/23/2024

This is the exact reason we are in the mess we are in now. Our So Called Leaders compromised with evil.


Posted 3:38 pm, 09/23/2024

Can't compromise with Evil. He has to go.


Posted 3:17 pm, 09/23/2024

We send out the weakest and sickest. Got six weeks to live? Eh, let's go ahead and get you on to salvation a little earlier.


Posted 3:13 pm, 09/23/2024

There's a vampire in town!! An old school vampire... he's very old, only drinks human blood, and is supernaturally strong. He burns in the sun... and no, sunscreen and wearing a hat doesn't help. He can turn in to an animal or fog at will, he has superhuman speed, he can fly, and he can heal from just about anything. He has the ability to control your mind, and bite others to make them into vampires.

His only weaknesses are Holy Water, crosses, and sunlight. But these only hurt him... the only way to really kill him is a wooden stake in the heart and removing his head, then burying the body and head separately.

The community leaders met with him, and he agreed to a compromise... if we put out one human each week to be eaten, he will spare us. If we don't, he'll kill everyone before moving on to the next town.

What do you think we should do?

If you agree with the weekly sacrifice, how do you think the sacrifice should be chosen?

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