Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 3:45 pm, 11/08/2024
Thanks for the update, dumdum. Like your member, your contribution to this thread is short and flaccid.
Wrecky Studhouse
Posted 3:15 pm, 11/08/2024
Democrats lost, get over it shorty...
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 3:06 pm, 11/08/2024
You're dead wrong on Trump's criminality. A jury of his peers found him guilty. The evidence has spoken. No use whining about it.
You do bring up an interesting point concerning Fat Boy and him winning North Carolina. So, basically, North Carolina is blue. I'm not sure you're wrong. Just wait until the tariffs kick in. Those non-MAGAt voters will have a nearly-terminal case of buyer's remorse.
Posted 11:34 pm, 11/07/2024
I suggest you go look at the exit polls for who voted for Trump. You act like it was just MAGA who voted for Trump. It was the broadest crosssection of Americans to ever vote for a republican. It was independents, it was moderate democrats or as one democrat stated, democrats with common sense, highest number of black voters for a republican, the highest percentage of Hispanic vote for a republican. Democrats was so bad, a gay guy in Pennsylvania registered 180,000 Amish to vote for Trump. Now the liberals want to bring up felony convictions. There is rules of laws and the democrats broke everyone of them. You are not allowed to target someone. You can't investigate someone looking for a crime. Prosecutors from all four charging jurisdictions met with White House officials. Nathan Wade from Atlanta has done admitted under oath to meeting with White House officials. The charges he was convicted of had already been reviewed by Bragg himself and federal prosecutors twice and both declined to prosecute. No new evidence. Just they decided to charge Trump in the two years before the election. Why didn't they charged him after he left office? It was to damaged before the election.. Lets look at the civil matter. There was no victims. Every Americans that has sold their house and didn't take the listed price and sold it for a reduced price has committed a crime according to New York. Now asked yourself why Trump was not criminally charged with rape? Prosecutors declined because she was not a credible witness. Would you take a case to court where the victim couldn't even tell you the year? She claimed she was raped in a department store in New York City. Even the jury in the civil trail didn't believe that but amazingly believe she was assalted. This woman paints trees in the woods. So the prosecutors should be charged with prosecutorial misconduct. Apparently enough Americans saw through this and decided to vote for Trump instead of an administration that lied everyday. Look at Bernie Sanders statement where he stated the democrat party had forgot the working man and they had.
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 6:59 pm, 11/07/2024
Uh...are you on the right thread, Dianne?
Slow down. You may be moving too fast. Is the nurse around?
Albert Pike
Posted 6:48 pm, 11/07/2024
Conrad, "I vote for who would do the best job, out of the candidates available. Period."
That's what I do.
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 6:39 pm, 11/07/2024
I vote for who would do the best job, out of the candidates available. Period.
Albert Pike
Posted 6:33 pm, 11/07/2024
Conrad, We differ yet again, I almost never vote for someone running unopposed.
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 6:24 pm, 11/07/2024
Several. There were several uncontested races.
I don't leave a ballot blank.
Albert Pike
Posted 6:23 pm, 11/07/2024
Conrad, Now back to you, try answering the question; No I voted for Trump and Robinson...I did vote for a Democrat, how many Republicans did you vote for?
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 6:17 pm, 11/07/2024
Well, you really aren't the MAGAt I'm looking for. You voted pro-Nazi. I can follow, though disagree, with your thought process.
I'm wondering why some MAGAts didn't embrace the Nazi.
Albert Pike
Posted 6:14 pm, 11/07/2024
Conrad's I haven't given it much thought, and probably won't either. The voters of our Great State have spoken.
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 5:41 pm, 11/07/2024
So why do you think Robinson lost if stalwart MAGAts like yourself pulled the lever for Black Nazi? It's weird to me.
Albert Pike
Posted 5:39 pm, 11/07/2024
No I voted for Trump and Robinson...I did vote for a Democrat, how many Republicans did you vote for?
DB Cooper
Posted 5:38 pm, 11/07/2024
Here's how much influence Conrad's Fart's nonsense had on Wilkes County these many months:
Trump 79.5% Harris 19.8%
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 5:34 pm, 11/07/2024
Who knows, honey? You ain't exactly gifted when it comes to writing, ya know?
Did you vote for Trump and against Black Nazi? Why or why not?
Albert Pike
Posted 5:32 pm, 11/07/2024
Conrad, I bet you knew I meant CHEESE, you whining troglodyte.
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 5:26 pm, 11/07/2024
Seriously, you were really close to an A+ retort, but...FUMBLE!
Oh, well. Better luck next time.