The Democrats haven't been this mad
Posted 11:38 am, 11/09/2024
The real back breaker was the housing crisis
Posted 11:34 am, 11/09/2024
Nixon sent jobs overseas, he actually gave corporations tax breaks to offset the coast of relocating. The recession was during Georgie's first administration when he turned Clinton's surplus into a deficit, giving tax breaks to the rich.
Posted 11:23 am, 11/09/2024
And on the southern democrats became republicans? Why did Joe Biden call Strom turned into a good guy when he became a republican. LOL
Posted 11:20 am, 11/09/2024
Nixon was the greatest president for social security so much Hillary helped run him out of office.
Posted 11:19 am, 11/09/2024
The Clinton administration sent jobs overseas so much Hilary tried to distance herself from his presidency . Bill Clinton changed a housing loan law put in place after the Great Depression that allowed the Great Recession of Obama's administration.
Posted 10:56 am, 11/09/2024
Nixon got Southern Democrats to vote Republican, Reagan got them to register Republican. I have heard several Republicans around Wilkes admit that they voted the second time for Clinton because they made the most money they ever made during his administration. It is and was the economy stupid! Obama was not elected due to people losing there racism but due to there fear of a coming depression due to the 2008 crisis. Hover was popular until the stock market collapse.
Posted 10:32 am, 11/09/2024
For Republicans read galvanized Southern Democrats. Sheep in wolves clothing Baa! Baa! Baa!
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 9:02 am, 11/09/2024
Thanks. Though I'm not sure why you are so happy to be pro-rape. Bad luck with women?
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 8:52 am, 11/09/2024
Eh. Not mad. Just disappointed y'all are the pro-rape party.
It's definitely better to hold the power, but I kinda forgot how fun being in the Resistance is around here.
Fight Fight Fight
Posted 8:45 am, 11/09/2024
Since the Republicans freed their slaves