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The border czar goes to the border


Posted 10:07 am, 09/28/2024

We wouldn't have such a problem if Bone Spurs had made Mexico pay for that wall, now would we??


Posted 8:18 am, 09/28/2024

She's gonna straighten that **** up at the border.Come on people.Give her ANOTHER chance.


Posted 7:13 am, 09/28/2024

She's for open borders she must keep the borders open. Closed borders are racist.

Fight Fight Fight

Posted 6:57 am, 09/28/2024

She also did so campaigning while visiting the border:

Fight Fight Fight

Posted 6:38 am, 09/28/2024

Proof she made it to the border:


Posted 9:53 pm, 09/27/2024

Sufers worse then a chiwawa nipping at your heels. Heck,, come up with something new once in awhile.


Posted 9:30 pm, 09/27/2024

Stay Calm....POTUS Harris arrives in 25!

sparkling water

Posted 9:13 pm, 09/27/2024

Only if there is a leftist insurrection.


Posted 8:42 pm, 09/27/2024

Stay Calm....POTUS Harris arrives in 25!

sparkling water

Posted 7:40 pm, 09/27/2024

I wonder.
After visiting the border, will she go to Europe?

Is there anything else on her VP bucket list?


Posted 6:59 pm, 09/27/2024

Joe is the man who signs policies right now....stay calm...HARRIS IS ON THE WAY!

sparkling water

Posted 6:56 pm, 09/27/2024

Tell us more about how Harris has wanted to fix things, but couldn't because mean old Joe wouldn't let her.
Tell us how she has languished as VP with no input, no authority, no voice because she is only #2.


Posted 6:50 pm, 09/27/2024

No, VP have very little power to do anything but stay calm as Harris is on her way for 2025

Fight Fight Fight

Posted 6:18 pm, 09/27/2024

Biden put Commie Harris in charge of the border crisis 31/2 years ago, She had all the power she needed to fix it but did nothing! What makes you think should would do something if she had another opportunity?


Posted 5:36 pm, 09/27/2024

Stay Calm....Harris IS coming as your POTUS.....


Posted 5:01 pm, 09/27/2024

In your dreams smurf!!!


Posted 4:55 pm, 09/27/2024

Kamala will have more power to get things done when she's president next year

Fight Fight Fight

Posted 4:19 pm, 09/27/2024

Border Patrol union statement to Fox News re: VP Kamala Harris' border visit in AZ today - her first visit to the southern border since June 2021 when she went to El Paso, TX.

"After years of not just ignoring the problem, but helping create it, Vice President Kamala Harris is finally headed down to the border. This is nothing more than for her to check the box, but what it is in reality is a slap in the face towards the men and women that put their lives on the line every day, and also a slap in the face to the American public. Where has she been?"

- Art Del Cueto, VP, National Border Patrol Council.

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