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Posted 3:32 pm, 09/03/2024

Voter ID... Outlawed! The Democrats Latest Move to Rig the Election

California just made it clear it wants to allow cheating during election season. Before the passage of a bill that bans voter identification requirements from being enacted at local levels, the California State Assembly refused to add an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from voting in future elections. The bill now goes to the Governor's desk.


Posted 10:20 am, 09/01/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election"


Posted 10:03 pm, 08/31/2024

OMG! If it ain't one BS issue with you maggots, it is another. (most of them out and out lies)


Posted 9:10 pm, 08/31/2024

New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

Here is the bottom-line - the truck driver, Jesse Morgan, picked up a container filled with 20 Gaylord boxes. There were mail-in ballots in each of the Gaylords. A Gaylord can hold from 50,000 up to 100,000 ballots. Do the math - Mr. Morgan was transporting at least one million mail-in ballots (already filled in with signatures on the envelopes). So, what you say? The mail-in ballots are First Class mail. Every piece of First Class mail is supposed to be imaged per USPS regulations. The facility where Morgan picked up the load of ballots is ONLY certified for handling packages and Express Mail. There is no legal justification to account for those ballots to have passed through that warehouse.


Posted 9:02 am, 08/29/2024

Brand New Voter Registration Scam Uncovered In MI... Will MI AG Nessel Reveal The Criminals Behind The Scam If She Discovers They're Tied To Democrats?


Posted 7:58 pm, 08/27/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 7:05 pm, 08/27/2024

Hey conslutcenselesstrybutt, why are YOU skeered of purging the voter rolls sat the precinct level?


Posted 6:36 pm, 08/27/2024

Is Flakey still over on the dark side? He seems to be making it clear to everyone how the MAGATS are going to STEAL the election.


Posted 5:34 pm, 08/27/2024

Texas AG Ken Paxton Launches Election Fraud Raids on Latino Democrats' Homes, Including State House Candidate and a Local Mayor - Officers Seized 65 Cellphones and 41 Computers

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has ramped up efforts to ensure the integrity of the state's elections, launching a comprehensive investigation into allegations that nonprofit organizations are unlawfully registering noncitizens to vote.

This push aims to preserve the sanctity of the electoral process and prevent any potential illegal influence on local, state, and national elections.

Investigators from the Texas Attorney General's Election Integrity Unit have been conducting undercover operations to identify and crack down on voter registration activities that may involve noncitizens.


Posted 10:49 am, 08/27/2024

You Can't Make This Up: DNC Sues Georgia Election Board for Ensuring Every Vote Reflects the True Will of the People

The latest instance of this troubling trend comes from Georgia, where the state's Election Board has taken a bold step toward safeguarding election integrity-only to be met with fierce opposition from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Democratic Party of Georgia.


Posted 11:34 pm, 08/26/2024

Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New Executive Order Forcing Louisiana's DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State - Also Mandates Citizenship Notice for Voter Registration

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has issued Executive Order JML 24-136, reinforcing the state's commitment to ensuring that only U.S. citizens have the right to vote in state elections.


Posted 5:43 pm, 08/26/2024

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Removes Over One Million Ineligible Voters, Including Nearly 500,000 Dead People and Thousands of Non-Citizens from State's Voter Rolls

"The Secretary of State and county voter registrars have an ongoing legal requirement to review the voter rolls, remove ineligible voters, and refer any potential illegal voting to the Attorney General's Office and local authorities for investigation and prosecution. Illegal voting in Texas will never be tolerated. We will continue to actively safeguard Texans' sacred right to vote while also aggressively protecting our elections from illegal voting."


Posted 2:18 pm, 08/26/2024

Hey conslutcenselesstrybutt, why are liberal leftist zh(tZ like YOU skeered of purging the voter rolls at the precinct level?


Posted 1:28 pm, 08/26/2024

The MAGATS are in overdrive preparing the way for Big Lie II, reckon they've already decided they can't win fair and square.

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 1:00 pm, 08/26/2024

RNC Sues North Carolina Election Board: Accuses Them of Flagrant Election Law Violations, Including Protecting Non-Citizens on Voter Rolls!

The Republican National Committee (RNC), alongside the North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP), has launched a significant legal action aimed at protecting the sanctity of North Carolina's electoral process.


Posted 9:18 am, 08/23/2024

Ohio Secretary of State Refers 597 Noncitizens for Prosecution After Registering or Voting Illegally

Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced the referral of 597 noncitizens for possible prosecution after they were found to have either registered to vote or cast a ballot illegally. This significant number, which surpasses previous years, underscores the ongoing efforts by Ohio's Republican leadership to combat voter fraud and protect the sanctity of the ballot box.


Posted 9:48 pm, 08/21/2024

AG Ken Paxton Unleashes Voter Fraud Crackdown: Investigates Reports of Illegally Registered Non-Citizens in Texas

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has launched a comprehensive investigation into allegations that nonprofit organizations are unlawfully registering noncitizens to vote in Texas. Investigators from the Texas Attorney General's Election Integrity Unit have been actively conducting undercover operations to identify potential voter registration of noncitizens across the state.


Posted 8:37 pm, 08/21/2024

Once again this wonderful thread has eclipsed another milestone in longevity AND activity.

I must take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the liberal leftist zh(tZ who have made it what it is today with their various contributions. I especially want to recognize censeless/trybutt/conslut, jestersuckin'ALLZ AND lastly, poor 'ol shoulda.

Keep up the good work b0yZ !


Posted 5:08 pm, 08/21/2024

When Trump and his MAGATS went on their big rampage all over the USA taking allegations into courts at the taxpayers' expense, with no evidence. They got every single fraudulent allegation thrown out. many by repub. judges some of whom were appointed under Trump's regime. Why don't you give it a rest? You know your claims are false, we know your claims are false and the courts know your claims are false.

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."

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