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Posted 10:14 pm, 05/12/2023

AND furthermore:

It appears that malicious actors at higher levels of the signature verification process could verify any signature by just saying, "that looks right to me," with no accountability.

We The People AZ Alliance pointed out that tens of thousands of signatures were passed through by the County's "activist" signature verification managers "like Celia Nabor."


Posted 10:12 pm, 05/12/2023

Attorneys for Kari Lake appeared with attorneys for Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs today in the Maricopa County Superior Court for oral arguments following the Arizona Supreme Court's order remanding the fraudulent signature verification issue back to trial.

During the hearing, attorney Tim La Rue admitted that Maricopa County's signature verification standards are not an exact "science" to ensure the ballots are not fraudulent.


Posted 9:22 pm, 05/11/2023

Georgia Court of Appeals Returns 2020 Counterfeit Ballot Case Back to Lower Court

The Georgia Court of Appeals on Thursday revived a lawsuit by election skeptics who want to search for fraudulent ballots from the 2020 presidential race two and a half years after it was decided. The appellate court sent the case back to a judge to decide whether to allow an outside review of Fulton County's 147,000 original absentee ballots. The lead plaintiff in the case, Garland Favorito of the group VoterGA, said he hopes to finally be able to find suspicious-looking ballots with perfectly filled-in ovals and a lack of fold marks that Republican vote-counters said they saw during a statewide audit.


Posted 10:50 am, 05/11/2023

Hey fakerScumbag, why do YOU feel compelled to deflect AND distract from telling us about AND taking responsibility for your abusing several lies to author this bogus thread?


Posted 6:42 am, 05/11/2023

YOU never proved YOUR assertion, Comrade. The Big Lie Is a straw man. YOU can't prove a negative LOL🤣


Posted 11:29 pm, 05/10/2023

Hey rosetok, why are YOU running away AND deflecting from providing proof of your assertion?


Posted 9:10 pm, 05/10/2023

Comrade , coulda YOU post links from a legitimate news site? And coulda YOU comment about Lake's attorneys being sanctioned by the Arizona court?


Posted 8:25 pm, 05/10/2023

Hey rosetok, is this YOU?

"More lies and clickbait from Gateway Pundit. Yawn."

Coulda YOU prove to us that Lake's attorney didn't file the referenced lawsuit or are YOU just lying, again, to impress AND titillate your defenders AND enablers?


Posted 8:21 pm, 05/10/2023

Is this the "victory " YOU are trolling about? YOU need to stop inhaling and lay off the Schlitz 🤣


Posted 6:34 pm, 05/10/2023

Hey rosetok, coulda YOU prove to us that Lake's attorney didn't file the referenced lawsuit or are YOU just lying, again, to impress AND titillate your defenders AND enablers?


Posted 5:34 pm, 05/10/2023

Honest mistake, I didn't know. But maybe God is saying YOU need to see it twice LOL 🙏


Posted 5:05 pm, 05/10/2023

Hey rosetok, your biggest defender AND enabler **** already posted that distraction.

Why do YOU feel compelled to repeat it?


Posted 4:42 pm, 05/10/2023

Is this what YOU are babbling about, Comrade?


Posted 4:06 pm, 05/10/2023

Hey rosetok, coulda YOU prove to us that Lake's attorney didn't file the referenced lawsuit or are YOU just lying, again, to impress AND titillate your defenders?


Posted 2:33 pm, 05/10/2023

More lies and clickbait from Gateway Pundit. Yawn.


Posted 2:29 pm, 05/10/2023

Kari Lake Attorney Files Lawsuit Against Runbeck and Maricopa County for Denying Legal Public Records Request Which Could Prove Claim of 35,563 Ballots Were Injected Into 2022 Election


Posted 12:56 pm, 05/09/2023

The court sanctioned whiny loser Lake's attorneys for their lies. Is that what YOU reference, Comrade?🤣


Posted 12:46 pm, 05/09/2023

Hey rosetok, do YOU have anything to negate the jurisprudence of the courts in Arizona?


Posted 9:09 am, 05/09/2023

More clickbait from Gateway Pundit as Comrade continues to beat the dead horse of non-fraud. YOU go, Troll 🧌

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