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Posted 6:58 am, 08/28/2023

The state of Hawaii consists of eight main islands: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii. Hawaii is the most isolated population center on the face of the earth. Hawaii is 2,390 miles from California; 3,850 miles from Japan; 4,900 miles from China; and 5,280 miles from the Philippines.


Posted 6:43 am, 08/28/2023

"HUGE Victory for Election Transparency," Says Kari Lake – Lawsuit to Obtain Mail-in Ballot Signatures Is Going to Trial!


Posted 2:11 pm, 08/17/2023

Yep, it's none other than fakerproudtobedumazzzzzz.


Posted 11:55 am, 08/17/2023

I don't know if Fakey/CONRAD has plumbed the depths of total and absolute stupidity yet, but if anyone does you know it will be him!


Posted 11:53 am, 08/17/2023

hey suckin'jimblow, In the righteous part of America we are innocent until proven guilty.

Why are YOU so tsudip as to believe that charges equal guilt?


Posted 11:43 am, 08/17/2023

Hey fakersuckinyourself, focus and study, you might come up with an even more stupd question.


Posted 11:38 am, 08/17/2023

Those of us with brains, know Rump is lying EVERY time he speaks 🤣


Posted 10:42 am, 08/17/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, are YOU liberal leftist zhitZ prepared to prove PDJT was lying in court?


Posted 9:56 am, 08/17/2023

Forget about the 2020 election. The Rumplicker/MAGATS are busy working on BIG LIE II for 2924!


Posted 7:35 am, 08/17/2023

It's so sad to see brainlocked Rumplickers falling prey to Gateway and other fake news sources. Their minds may be polluted beyond help, at this point 🤣


Posted 7:14 am, 08/17/2023

A good explanation of demonRat election theft from 2020.

Capt. Seth Keshel Explains How the 2020 Election Was Stolen from President Trump in the Midwest States


Posted 9:43 pm, 08/16/2023

Read 27 election lies from Trump in the link below.


Posted 7:45 pm, 08/16/2023

More from Muskegon:

The Muskegon City Clerk and Muskegon City Police confirm to the Gateway Pundit that our reporting is accurate and that the stonewalling is coming from Washington.


Posted 7:38 pm, 08/16/2023

Hey nuffin'stench, why are YOU compelled to show your inability to post a cogent comment?


Posted 4:11 pm, 08/16/2023

Correction: as a part of the defamation lawsuit filed against rudy, in a court filing he conceded that allegations he made were false.


Posted 3:16 pm, 08/16/2023

Those the women that Rudy said under oath he made **** up about?


Posted 3:13 pm, 08/16/2023

CHRIS WRAY STRIKES AGAIN! Georgia Election Workers Caught Jamming Stacks of Ballots Through Machines Multiple Times After Observers Removed from Building – CLEARED BY FBI – Jamming Stacks of Selected Ballots Through Voting Machines Is Now Legal in the USA!


Posted 4:31 pm, 08/14/2023

Oops! got the BIG LIES reversed, I know most folks would catch it but I thought I should spell it out for the Rumplicker/MAGATS.


Posted 4:27 pm, 08/14/2023

BIG LIEII failed and now that Trump and his Rumplicker/MAGATS are working on BIG LIE #1.

If the RANCIDREPUBS lose by a landslide in the 2024 election, they will still claim it was stolen. No one is enamored of the DUMDEMS but the majority of voters are sick, sorry and tired of the antics of Trump and his follower's antics. The only people that will be trying to steal the election are the same ones that are working on BIG LIE #2 right now.
Check the popular vote for the last two elections 2016; Hillary beat Trump by a huge margin. How the hull does anyone get to be more unpopular than Hillary Clinton? 2020; Sleepy Joe beat him by a bigger margin. Again, Joe is not the most inspiring figure in politics. To the majority of mentally balanced voters Trump is a vicious clown that throws toddler tantrums when he doesn't his own way.

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