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Posted 12:53 pm, 12/08/2023

Washington, DC, has been forced to remove more than 65,000 outdated registrations from its voter rolls after Judicial Watch, the watchdog organization, threatened legal action.

On Friday, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton announced D.C. officials have removed 65,544 outdated registrations from the district's voter rolls with plans to remove another nearly 38,000 registrations.

Likewise, D.C. officials have identified an additional 73,522 voter registrations as being "inactive" and thus eligible for removal. District officials admitted they had violated the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

"Dirty voter rolls increase the potential for voter fraud," Fitton said.


Posted 8:45 am, 12/08/2023

Hey smallofmind, YOU liberal leftist zhitZ woulda rather shoot a messenger than engage in polite discussion so I am depriving YOU of your favoritest activity.


Posted 8:02 am, 12/08/2023

One of these days writers of these comments posted by Flakey will finally learn of his plagiarism and file charges against him.


Posted 7:16 am, 12/08/2023

COMING SOON: ‘STATE OF DENIAL: ARIZONA' Documentary Exposes Fraud in Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh's Stolen Elections Where 60% of Machines Failed


Posted 7:54 pm, 12/07/2023

Maricopa County Republicans UNANIMOUSLY Pass Resolution Calling on Arizona Legislature Impeach Arizona's Attorney General for Persecuting Honest Election Officials


Posted 5:21 pm, 12/07/2023

Way to go Nevada 😀


Posted 4:56 pm, 12/07/2023

FakeyComrade is still smoking, and evidently inhaling LOL 💩


Posted 10:10 am, 12/07/2023

Wisconsin Trump delegates were forced through a public struggle session on Wednesday for challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election. Wisconsin was one of six battleground states that witnessed President Trump's enormous lead reverse in the middle of the night after a mysterious and still unexplained ballot dump for Joe Biden.


Posted 4:53 pm, 12/05/2023

New Runoff Election Ordered for Caddo Parish Sheriff's Race Which was Decided by One Vote After Judge Cites Illegal Votes

The race for the Caddo Parish Sheriff in Louisiana has been upended by a recent court ruling that demands a new runoff election. Ad hoc Judge Joe Bleich declared the former November 18 runoff results null and void on Tuesday morning after identifying illegal voting in the race.


Posted 2:03 pm, 12/03/2023

Over 140 Mail-in Ballots Discovered from Inactive Mailboxes Across Washington State

Washington county election officials reported the retrieval of over 140 ballots from inactive mailboxes across the state. This incident illuminated critical postal service mishaps just as the nation gears up for the upcoming 2024 elections. The ballots were found after the November 7 election when vigilant voters who hadn't seen updates on the status of their ballots raised concerns. Officials reported finding 87 ballots in King County, 37 in Pierce County, with smaller counts in Clark and Thurston counties.


Posted 11:08 am, 12/03/2023

Lancaster County Voters Seek Answers from Postal Service as Mail-In Ballots Missed Election Deadline Resulting in Disqualification

Voters in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania are demanding explanations from the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) following the disqualification of over a hundred mail-in ballots. A substantial delay resulted in ballots, postmarked by the required date, arriving too late to be counted for the past election. The ballots, all postmarked on October 30th in Harrisburg, sat undelivered for two weeks, missing the 8 p.m. deadline on Election Day, November 7th.


Posted 11:36 am, 12/02/2023



Posted 1:54 pm, 12/01/2023

los demonRatZ stealing it for demented pedo joe, again.

Florida Democrats are keeping Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and President Joe Biden's other opponents off the state's primary ballot, effectively handing Biden the state's 250 delegates, Politico noted Thursday night.

Thursday marked the deadline for the Florida Democrat and Republican parties to submit their lists of approved candidates for their receptive primaries, and Biden was the lone name on the Democrat ticket, per Politico.


Posted 10:13 am, 11/30/2023

No doubt all current voting machines are designed and built to be secure. If someone figures out a way to corrupt them, they should be corrected. DUHHHHHH ****.


Posted 10:01 am, 11/30/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, take a stand AND tell us how YOU feel about the use of corruptible voting machines.


Posted 9:54 am, 11/30/2023

Ole useless troll, why do you keep huffing and lying about me?


Posted 9:05 am, 11/30/2023

Hey suckin

'jimblow, why do YOU feel compelled to promote defend AND condone the use of corruptible voting machines nation wide?


Posted 7:53 am, 11/30/2023

Keep on supporting and promoting YOUR GOD's Big Lie.

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