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Posted 4:10 pm, 04/21/2023

Hey rosetok, coulda YOU tell us why YOU are able to reverse the order of this thread AND spew lies about what is clearly evident?


Posted 3:32 pm, 04/21/2023

Anyone with eyes can see all YOUR lies Lol. The first page YOU had 11 posts, I believe each with a clickbait to Gateway lies 🤣 Isn't it time for YOU to apologize for all that?


Posted 3:10 pm, 04/21/2023

Hey rosetok, neither YOU nor your admirer, defender AND enabler jestersuckin'jolly have shown where I have posted a lie on this thread.


Posted 1:22 pm, 04/21/2023

So 500 posts and YOU still haven't apologized for YOUR lies and begged for atonement?


Posted 1:08 pm, 04/21/2023

Hey my two favorite zhitZ, I woulda like to take this opportunity to congratulate AND thank YOU both for your continued efforts to post your bullzhit comments that have pushed this wonderful thread past the 500 milestone. We coulda not have amassed this impressive total without your antics AND diligence.

Keep ttrying!!!.


Posted 12:52 pm, 04/21/2023


You have created and promoted this garbage thread with lies and fake news links.
Explain your hypocrisy, you useless POS.


Posted 12:36 pm, 04/21/2023

Yet more clickbait links to Gateway that nobody opens. Comrade when will YOU apologize for YOUR multiple lies on this bogus thread?


Posted 12:08 pm, 04/21/2023

Rasmussen Poll Reveals a Majority of Americans (60%) Believe that Recent Elections Were Affected by Cheating

A majority of voters suspect recent elections have been affected by cheating, and believe officials are ignoring the problem.


Posted 10:00 pm, 04/19/2023

Well fakerdumazzzzzzConrad, sorry to interrupt your chortling, but you have obviously not opened and read the link.

Poor useless f00l.


Posted 9:45 pm, 04/19/2023

Hey joker'sjestersucker, how tsudip of YOU to conflate AND confuse 2020 with 2022.

YOU go, 'ol snopes boy!


Posted 8:52 pm, 04/19/2023

That's because drop and roll is just another LIE.


Posted 8:25 pm, 04/19/2023

NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the "Drop and Roll" Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden


Posted 4:59 pm, 04/19/2023

They can't lie their way into denying the election results, so they resort to violence. These are the kind of people that want to run our country?


Posted 4:53 pm, 04/19/2023

The hildog's campaign lawyer in trouble again:

Marc Elias and the Democrat Party Accused of "Possible Criminal Violations of Both the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) and the Federal Criminal Code"


Posted 1:10 pm, 04/19/2023

Texas county election head who was targeted by Sidney Powell quits after lynching threats (msn.com)
"Mr. Garcia oversees elections in a county where, in 2020, Donald J. Trump became only the second Republican presidential candidate to lose in more than 50 years. Right-wing skepticism of the election results fueled threats against him, even though the county received acclaim from state auditors for its handling of the 2020 voting," reported Neil Vigdor. "With Mr. Trump persistently repeating the lie that he won the 2020 election, many of his supporters and those in right-wing media have latched on to conspiracy theories and joined him in spreading disinformation about election security. Those tasked with running elections, even in deeply Republican areas that did vote for Mr. Trump in 2020, have borne the brunt of vitriol and threats from people persuaded by baseless claims of fraud."


Posted 1:09 pm, 04/19/2023

Now fakerdumazzzzz gets to see how the Smartmatic suit plays out.

How does all this make YOU feel fakerConradDrew?


Posted 10:01 am, 04/19/2023

With the Dominion settlement it looks like the BIG LIE is beginning to see the light of day. Time for you Rumplickers to 'fess up, you never believed it either it was just a ploy to overturn the election.

I'm sure y'all are working on some slimy deal for 2024. You just want an authoritarian government with Trump as its Dictator so bad you can taste it.


Posted 6:43 am, 04/19/2023

It's Rump's fault 🤣


Posted 4:54 pm, 04/18/2023


Posted 8:52 am, 04/18/2023

Hey jestersuckin'nadas, a liberal leftist zhit masquerading as a demonRat woulda never do that.

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