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Posted 2:56 pm, 04/24/2024

Bill Barr lied to Trump and the people when he said he had investigated and found no fraud.

He ordered Tony Shaffer to stop his investigation into fraud and send what he had to the DOJ. Shaffer did not , and tells publically what Bill Barr told him to do.

Over this past weekend Barr said things. Like this..
"The real threat to democracy is from the left, not Trump'
"I will be voting the republican ticket in November"
Then he said that Merlick Garland and the crooks going after Trump. "a bunch of thugs. "

So Barr will be voting for Trump.
And Bill Barr will be investigated for his involvement in the cover up of a stolen election.
K ash Pastel who will like be in a position in the dept of Justice has said publicly that Barr wil be investigated .

Of course Barr thinks he is home free. We will see.
At any rate, Barr will be voting for the man who will expose his crimes in the matter of a national elction that was stolen .

And any fool who believe that biden got more votes than obama, that biden go EIGHTY ONE MILLION votes is a brain that is so damaged there is no hope.


Posted 2:37 pm, 04/24/2024

Hey jumBL0Wzer, 'ol shouldadolly shouldawouldacoulda be proud of your spintwist.

YOU go, boy !


Posted 12:56 pm, 04/24/2024

It's good to hear that Barr recognized that the ballot investigation was fraudulent.

Way to go Bill.


Posted 11:43 am, 04/24/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 11:40 am, 04/24/2024

Cyber Expert Harry Haury Reveals How Election Machines Error Rates Violate Federal Law and How Bill Barr Killed a Massive Fraudulent Ballot Investigation


Posted 11:05 pm, 04/23/2024

Hey jamBL0Wsall, why do YOU feel compelled to beg for another messenger to shoot?


Posted 9:26 pm, 04/23/2024

Notice how fakerConDrew is too ashamed to post the sources for his BS election lies, supporting Trump's BIG LIE.


Posted 7:53 pm, 04/23/2024

Georgia's Gabe Sterling Goes Silent and Is "In Hiding" Since Georgia State Election Board Finds Violations in Second 2020 Election Investigation

The people were right. The 2020 Election results in Georgia never should have been certified. The 2020 election in Georgia was stolen. It's a fact.

Georgia's Gabe Sterling who was involved in the certification of the stolen 2020 Election claimed that there were no issues with the Georgia election results. This was false and is false. Even Governor Kemp agreed that there were issues with the 2020 Election.


Posted 10:03 am, 04/19/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 8:02 am, 04/19/2024

New York Democrat Arrested and Charged with Felony After Faking Signatures on Election Petition, Including Those of Dead People

According to allegations, Scott knowingly submitted petitions with forged signatures, including those of individuals who later confirmed they had never signed any document for Scott. This discovery emerged from an investigation initiated by the DA's office after receiving complaints from citizens about the forged signatures.


Posted 11:52 am, 04/15/2024

You have to be a native born or legally naturalized citizen in order to register to vote. If you are not on the list of registered voters, you don't get to vote. How many illegals can afford to acquire forged birth certificates or naturalization certificates, and of those how many are going to vote? Any illegal that has forged documents has them to avoid getting deported and he aint going any place where there's LEO's like a polling station.


Posted 8:50 pm, 04/14/2024

Hey fakeyBL0W, are you afraid of looking even more like a f00l than ever before?


Posted 6:35 am, 04/14/2024

Hey jumBL0W, why are YOU afraid of purging the voter rolls at the precinct level to insure non-citizens are not allowed in federal elections?


Posted 6:23 am, 04/14/2024

A voter data expert who was hired by the Trump campaign in 2020 to look for voter fraud criticized claims by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) about election integrity Friday.

"Speaker Johnson is an attorney, and he should know better," Ken Block told CNN anchor Jim Sciutto during a Friday appearance on "Erin Burnett OutFront". "He should understand that hearsay evidence... what he's talking about, does not stand up in court and it should not ever rise to the level that it is right now, where we're impugning our election integrity and our infrastructure, based on hearsay, which is what he's doing."

Voter data expert hired by Trump on Johnson election claims: 'He should know better' (msn.com)


Posted 3:20 pm, 04/13/2024

Georgia State Election Board Now Admits to Violations of Election Law in 2020 Election

The Georgia State Election Board admitted to violation of election law in the 2020 election. The State Election Board admitted to this in a recent letter to investigator Joseph Rossi. The Georgia Election Board says in their letter to Rossi, "The matter is in the violation found category."


Posted 9:33 am, 04/13/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 7:25 am, 04/13/2024

Speaker Johnson Unveils Voter Legislation During Press Conference with Donald Trump: Proof of U.S. Citizenship Required for Federal Elections - Will Remove Non-Citizens from Existing Voter Rolls


Posted 8:48 pm, 04/07/2024

Hey flakeyConradDrew, provide a list of all the elections that dems rigged for Biden?

How long did it take you to jump into bed with Cenk Uygur?


Posted 1:51 pm, 04/07/2024

Along with all kinds of ID old hickory will be accompanying me to the polls, I'm almost looking forward to having to teach some MAGAT observer (intimidator) election etiquette.


Posted 1:00 pm, 04/07/2024

TYT's Cenk Uygur Admits Democrats Rig Elections For 'Corrupt' Joe Biden, Now 'Considering' Voting For RFK Jr.

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