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Posted 12:13 pm, 06/25/2024

Nonpartisan Election Validity Group Files Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania

United Sovereign Americans, Inc., a nonpartisan, all-volunteer election validity advocate group, and two Pennsylvania residents, have filed a Writ of Mandamus, directed to the following Pennsylvania officials and organizations - Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Bureau of Elections, the Bureau of Election Security and Technology, the Department of State, and the state Attorney General.

They have also named Attorney General Merrick Garland and the United States Department of Justice as additional "Respondents."

They are claiming that the officials named above are not performing their duty to follow existing laws that safeguard our elections.


Posted 11:27 am, 06/25/2024

What's Happening in Lynchburg, Virginia? Shocking New Video Reveals Ballot Dropbox Left Open for Days, Mail-In Ballots Collected After Election, and No Security Camera Present!

Concerns about the Lynchburg Republican primary center on several key issues. Primarily, there are significant concerns regarding the chain of custody of ballots collected from drop boxes.

Additionally, absentee ballot processing began before observers were permitted to monitor the process. Records also show that ballot box seals were broken before observers could watch, suggesting potential tampering or mishandling of ballots.


Posted 8:25 am, 06/25/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 7:16 am, 06/25/2024

Temp. Election Worker in Maricopa County Arrested for Stealing Security Fob and Keys From Tabulation Center Was Registered Democrat Who Filed Papers to Run for Senate, Previously Charged With a Crime

New concerning details have emerged about the theft of a key fob at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC), worrying some that Arizona election officials are plotting another stolen election starting again with the Primary. Walter Ringfield Jr., allegedly stole a security fob and keys from MCTEC.

The man was reportedly previously charged with stealing $1,000 cash from a grocery store. Prosecution reportedly suspended the case after the suspect entered a diversion program, possibly indicating a plea deal was accepted. How he passed the background check required to work in the election department is unclear.

Election workers are now in the process of reprogramming the tabulators and reconducting Logic and Accuracy Testing, which was a source of controversy after the 2022 election when tabulators were programmed to intentionally fail on election day.


Posted 10:37 pm, 06/17/2024

'Voter Fraud Is Real': Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Slams Overturned Houston Judicial Election

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has called out voter fraud, "especially in Houston," after a judge ruled that more than 1,400 votes in a 2022 district court race were invalid, forcing the results to be thrown out.


Posted 6:07 pm, 06/17/2024

Coulda any of YOU liberal leftist SheetZ tell us why YOU feel we shoulda not purge the voter rolls at the precinct level prior to every election cycle ?


Posted 5:08 pm, 06/17/2024

Out. Of 60 lawsuits over the 2020 election and not even Moroon appointed judges would allow even one to come before their court ? P T Barnum will never never quit laughing


Posted 4:42 pm, 06/17/2024

Just more examples of Faker promoting THE BIG LIE.


Posted 3:10 pm, 06/17/2024

Breitbarf said so "therefore it must be true."


Posted 2:56 pm, 06/17/2024

320,000 GHOST VOTERS Identified in MUST-WIN State of MI - Are Democrats Resorting to Dirty Tricks Reportedly Used by a Third-World Country to Win in 2024?

While Democrats used every dirty trick in the book to prevent their opponents from watching them steal the election in 2020, the GOP and Independent poll challengers were able to identify the biggest fraud taking place in plain sight-dirty voter rolls, courtesy of MI SOS Jocelyn Benson.


Posted 11:31 pm, 06/13/2024


Posted 10:12 am, 06/12/2024

Oh, and don't forget; "We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 10:09 am, 06/12/2024

Mayoral primary race, what the hull as that got to do with Trump and Putin trying to steal a national election? But it does go to prove how impartial justice is. I haven't heard the DumDems trying to defend Menendez. I guess they don't have the kind of "loyalty" the RancidRepubs exhibited when Santos got caught with his hand in the cookie jar!


Posted 11:51 pm, 06/11/2024

Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Four Democrat leaders were arrested and charged this week with election fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

The voter fraud was tied to a 2019 mayoral primary race.

Bridgeport City Councilman Alfredo Castillo, Vice Chair of Bridgeport's Democrat Party Wanda Geter-Pataky were charged with election tampering.

Two campaign workers Nilsa Heredia and Josephine Edmonds were charged with election fraud and unlawfully possessing another person's absentee ballot. Wanda Geter-Pataky was also charged with witness tampering, the Connecticut Mirror reported.


Posted 11:12 am, 06/11/2024

Until Trump came on the political scene there were no significant cases of voter fraud. The whole thing was concocted by him and his sore loser MAGATS. They're using the false voter fraud claims in an attempt to load the election process against those who would vote against Trump and his Trumplicans.

Don't forget; "We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 11:01 am, 06/11/2024

Republicans Must Confront the Democrat's Fraudulent Voter Registration Manufacturing Operation and the Bloated Voter Rolls to Win in 2024

Without a doubt the key to the Democrat voter fraud is bloating voter rolls.

This was crystal clear when the Biden administration dispatched federal agencies to collect registrations.

And in February the Biden White House held a summit exclusively with far-left "voting rights groups" to execute plans to 'register' voters.

Democrat lawmakers and Joe Biden also fund suspect far-left groups that write up tens of thousands of voter registrations and turn them into county clerks in battleground states.


Posted 12:13 pm, 06/10/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 11:34 am, 06/10/2024

South Texas Judge Overturns City Council Election Due to Voter Fraud and Allegations of Fake Addresses on Voter Registrations

A visiting judge has overturned the results of the November 2023 Edinburg City Council election, declaring Gerardo "Gerry" Lozano the rightful winner over incumbent David White, myRGV.com reported.

The lawsuit, brought forward by challenger Gerardo "Gerry" Lozano, contested the narrow victory of incumbent David White, alleging widespread irregularities, including illegal assistance to voters and the use of fake addresses in voter registrations.

The central issue in Lozano's suit involved allegations against 'politiqueras', paid campaign workers accused of illegally aiding voters both in-person and through mail-in ballots. Some accusations extended to voters allegedly using fake addresses on their voter registrations.

The court's findings revealed that these politiqueras assisted numerous voters who did not meet the legal criteria for such help. According to myRGV, citing Texas Election Code, assistance at the polls is strictly reserved for voters who are either illiterate or physically incapable of filling out ballots on their own. This assistance can extend to physically disabled voters eligible for curbside voting.


Posted 10:05 pm, 06/04/2024

Arizona GOP Files BOMBSHELL Lawsuit Against Corrupt Secretary of State After Discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 Million ILLEGAL Voters on State's Voter Rolls

This is how Democrats win.
This is how Democrats cheat.
This is what must be addressed by Republican groups across the country!

Thank you Arizona Republican Party for showing the rest of America what must be done to bring back election integrity in America today.

The Arizona Republican Party filed a lawsuit against the corrupt Secretary of State Adrian Fontes after discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 million ILLEGAL VOTERS on the state's voter rolls.


Posted 9:04 pm, 05/29/2024

Would you care to expound upon your most ignorant post PedoTrollFaker?

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