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Posted 10:58 am, 02/20/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 10:56 am, 02/20/2024

Nevada Voters Surprised to Find Mail Ballots Counted in Primary Despite Not Voting

A wave of confusion and concern washed over Nevada voters this weekend when many discovered that their mail ballots were registered as counted for the February 6 presidential primary despite not having participated.

The 8 News Now reported that these irregularities in voter histories prompted an immediate response from the Secretary of State's office on Monday.

The issue was first identified on Sunday when voters began noticing discrepancies in their voting records.

"On Sunday, February 18, the Secretary of State's Office became aware of possible technical issues related to the vote history of individuals who did not participate in the Presidential Preference Primary," a spokesperson told 8 News Now.


Posted 2:05 pm, 02/17/2024

The MAGATS have already drafted Big Lie II. As soon as Trump loses the election, they'll fill in their last minute fabrications for his non-concession speech. Maybe he'll get Putin to send him some troops to bolster the "peaceful tourists" in his next attempt to take over the Capitol Building?


Posted 11:42 am, 02/17/2024

Hey dementedPedoFakey, how does it make YOU feel to be snuggled up in bed with fraudsters, liars, and promoters of THE BIG LIE?


Posted 11:39 am, 02/17/2024

I removed several posts that were really just the same thing posted repeatedly.


Posted 8:29 am, 02/17/2024

Mich. Rep. Demands Answers from Governor, FBI, on Why Obvious Muskegon Voter Fraud Left Unprosecuted


Posted 3:50 pm, 02/15/2024

Shooting another messenger thereby proving the point is so YOU, ****.

YOU go, boy !


Posted 3:33 pm, 02/15/2024

True the Vote lawsuit: Konnech sues for defamation - Votebeat

In a rare move, the judge granted Konnech's request for a temporary restraining order against Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, leaders of True the Vote, a nonprofit organization known for making allegations of voter fraud without evidence to support their claims.


Posted 2:36 pm, 02/15/2024

Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Discuss Latest Organized Media Launched Against their Work on Election Fraud

February 15, 2024 - Yesterday, a series of negative articles were published about True the Vote, with headlines like 'True the Vote Tells Court It Has No Records To Back Up Georgia Fraud Claims, from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, 'The Final Repudiation of 200 Mules', from the Washington Post, 'Conservative Group Tells Judge It Has No Evidence To Back Its Claims of GA Ballot Stuffing' from the Associated Press .... the list goes on and on.

What you are seeing is an organized hit. How do we know? Synchronized publications across legacy media outlets with no outreach to True the Vote for comment, with lengthy stories that have clearly been prewritten and held for a coordinated drop - but that's just one layer. The other layers, which we are very accustomed to but don't often talk about, involve obscene, threatening emails, texts, and calls, to the organization and directly to Catherine Engelbrecht, a barrage of negative social media, and attacks on our websites. This is not 'just a story', this is an orchestrated political attack.

Why? Because of today's ethics committee hearing in Georgia, because of Sec. Raffensberger's professional failures and newfound alignment with the Left, because of the Georgia timeline we published on Open.Ink , because of our recent victory over Fair Fight, and, quite simply, because of the raging battle for the soul of our Republic.


Posted 9:21 am, 02/15/2024

Investigators with the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) visited the graves of Americans who have long passed away but remain on Michigan's voter rolls heading into the 2024 election.

In November 2021, PILF filed suit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) accusing her of keeping nearly 26,000 dead registrants on Michigan voter rolls and thus violating the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).


Posted 7:49 am, 02/15/2024

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - A conservative group has told a Georgia judge that it doesn't have evidence to support its claims of illegal ballot stuffing during the 2020 general election and a runoff two months later.

Texas-based True the Vote filed complaints with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2021, including one in which it said it had obtained "a detailed account of coordinated efforts to collect and deposit ballots in drop boxes across metro Atlanta" during the November 2020 election and a January 2021 runoff.


Posted 7:23 am, 02/15/2024

Hey ****, what angers AND upsets YOU the most about President Trump's America First policy?


Posted 7:20 am, 02/15/2024

Hey ****, even though YOU have made that false accusation many times, YOU very well know I woulda never do that.

I am merely calling out the stupidity of your antics.


Posted 7:14 am, 02/15/2024

PedoFaker, you trying to control what I post again? Sick little useless troll.


Posted 7:05 am, 02/15/2024

Hey suckiin'jimblow, YOU have been schooled many times regarding the title, theme, initiative, need AND appropriate response to this wonderful thread.

What compelled YOU to post yet another stupid off topic reply?


Posted 9:53 pm, 02/14/2024

President Trump's oft-repeated slogan "America First" was also a credo of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan organization.


Posted 6:53 pm, 02/14/2024

BOMBSHELL RECORDING Captures MI Prosecutor Saying Dominion Voting Machines President John Poulos Perjured Himself Under Oath When Asked About Dominion Machine Access To Internet


Posted 6:16 pm, 02/08/2024

America First Legal Files Landmark Lawsuit Against Maricopa County, Arizona Officials for Violating State Election Laws

The complaint seeks several forms of relief to force the County's compliance with election laws, including those relating to signature verification, ballot chain of custody, voting machines, ballot printers, and racial equality, ahead of the 2024 election.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the stolen 2020 and 2022 elections in Arizona. In both elections, thousands of ballots with no chain of custody documentation or signature identity verification were seemingly added to the results out of nowhere.


Posted 4:01 pm, 02/07/2024

How to Stop Voter Fraud in Georgia in 2024 BEFORE Election Day!


Posted 11:42 am, 02/07/2024

Ousted Republican reflects on Trump, democracy and America: 'The place has lost its mind' | US politics | The Guardian

Bowers was ousted as punishment. The Trump acolytes who over the past two years have gained control of the state's Republican party wanted revenge for the powerful testimony he gave in June to the January 6 hearings in which he revealed the pressure he was put under to overturn Arizona's election result.

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