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Posted 5:37 pm, 08/13/2024

Hey shoulda/dolly/uno/starfart/conslut, coulda YOU offer us some proof of your accusations regarding "mass intimidation" AND "illegal tactics" YOU have foisted against folks YOU disagree with politically at the polling locations in November?


Posted 4:44 pm, 08/13/2024

Gotta give it to them MAGATS, nothing like mass intimidation to bring about a fascist dictatorship. Put down that beer and get your arses off the couch and down to the polling station in November regardless of what obstacles they put in your way. Where they are using questionable "legal" tactics go that extra mile or wait the extra hour. Where there they are using obviously illegal tactics barrel on through and sort it out in court later. I'll be taking every piece of identification I have and Old Hickory for good measure. If some miserable MAGAT "poll watcher" requires some education in election etiquette, I'll be equipped to deliver same.


Posted 4:21 pm, 08/13/2024

The Republican National Committee (RNC) and Trump campaign have surpassed 150,000 poll watchers and workers after setting out for their goal of 100,000 for their election integrity program, the RNC announced Monday.

"The RNC and Trump Campaign set out to build an unprecedented 100,000-person-strong election integrity program," the GOP announced on X. "We have already passed 150,000 poll watchers and poll workers! Americans are ready to save our country."


Posted 1:11 am, 08/06/2024

Hey conslut, whenever YOU get back from runnin' away, coulda YOU tell us how YOU feel about purging the voter rolls at the precinct level to insure free AND fair elections?

YOU go, Del's little runaway !


Posted 6:58 pm, 08/05/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election. Hull, it's beginning to look like we need to be working on Big Lie II, it needs to be more convincing than BL I."


Posted 2:47 pm, 08/05/2024

Hey conslut, whenever YOUZ runZ away, how many of your screen names follow your lead?


Posted 1:58 pm, 08/05/2024

If Fakey keeps having these hissy fits he's gonna end up having a coronary, and I'll lose one of my sources for a good laff!


Posted 1:38 pm, 08/05/2024

'ol conslut shares the very same theme music as shouldadolly:

YOUZ go, b0yZ !


Posted 1:31 pm, 08/05/2024

I can't believe Fakey wants free and fair elections. If the repub's and MAGATS hadn't stolen (with the aid of Putin) the 2016 election, Trump would be out of our misery.


Posted 1:25 pm, 08/05/2024

Hey conslut, why are YOU afraid to express your feelings, YOU know - take a stand, regarding purging the voter rolls at the precinct level to insure a free AND fair election?


Posted 11:12 am, 08/05/2024

Fakey's falling behind. If Trump picks anymore winners like Vance to help him with his campaign, Fakey will need to be working on Big Lie II.


Posted 9:55 am, 08/05/2024

Hey conslut, coulda YOU tell us how YOU feel about purging the voter rolls at the precinct level to insure free AND fair elections?


Posted 9:46 am, 08/05/2024

I never thought I'd ever compliment Fakey but I have to admit he's phuggin consistent. I think that he'll still be trumpeting (pun intended) The Big Lie long after all the other MAGATS have folded their tents and gone home.


Posted 9:32 am, 08/05/2024

Trump Was Right to Call Out Kemp and Raffensperger at His Rally on Their Shoddy Election Work

President Trump lit up Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for their slow, hesitant pace in cleaning up sketchy voter rolls during his rally this past weekend in Atanta.


Posted 4:46 pm, 08/04/2024

Quick someone, get Fakey's pills to him before he goes into a conniption fit!


Posted 3:24 pm, 08/04/2024

Hey conslut, does shoyldadolly know YOU are striving to emulate its vile behavior?


Posted 2:10 pm, 08/04/2024

Fakey, hissy fit, how well they conflate.


Posted 1:52 pm, 08/04/2024

Hey conslut, does trybutt know YOU plagiarized its trolling?


Posted 11:16 am, 08/04/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 9:06 pm, 08/03/2024

United Sovereign Americans Filing Election Integrity Lawsuits in Multiple States - Group Finds 29 Million Voter Registrations That Need to Be Removed, Explained or Adjudicated

United Sovereign Americans, a nonpartisan, all-volunteer organization dedicated to honest elections, has just released a report detailing millions of errors discovered in state voter databases in twenty states that account for 338 electoral votes.

The report can be found at https://unite4freedom.com/progress/

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