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Posted 12:16 pm, 03/22/2024

Thanks for acknowledging your intentionally omitted context.


Posted 12:08 pm, 03/22/2024

Hey shouldadolly, fraud is fraud no matter how YOU spintwist it.


Posted 11:58 am, 03/22/2024

So it is the woman who got military absentee ballots by making fake names and fake SS#, then sent them to the GOP state legislator?


Posted 11:46 am, 03/22/2024

Hey shouldadolly, why are YOU having such difficulty comprehending that she did commit voter fraud?

Hey trybutt, let's dumb this down for YOU. Do YOU have anything to refute Mr. Spring's report?


Posted 10:50 am, 03/22/2024

If some MAGAT were to tell me that the sun would not come up tomorrow, how would I "controvert" (sorry for the bad grammar) its statement? I couldn't.


Posted 9:27 am, 03/22/2024

That the woman who used fake names and SS numbers to get military absentee ballots, then sent them to a Republican state legislator?


Posted 9:19 am, 03/22/2024

REVEALED: Woman Charged with Voter Fraud in Wisconsin Was ALSO INVOLVED in Election Night Missing Absentee Ballot Flash Drive Scandal


Posted 10:07 pm, 03/21/2024

Hey trybutt, do YOU have anything to controvert Mr. Spring's report?


Posted 6:43 pm, 03/21/2024

Here they go gearing up for Big Lie II. If yer gonna lie fer Christ's sake try to be a little more creative!


Posted 6:14 pm, 03/21/2024

Exposing the DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election - Former WA State Democrat Operative Blows the Whistle on Dems

David Spring is a former leader of the Washington State Democratic Party. He was the East King County Representative to the King County Central Committee and Training Advisor for King County Democrats - where he taught hundreds of volunteers how to run political campaigns using the Democratic Database called Votebuilder.

Spring was on the Board of the WA Progressive Caucus - which is the largest caucus in the WA Democratic Party and ran the WA for Bernie Sanders website, where he published articles and videos teaching thousands of Sanders supporters (most of whom had never been Democrats) how to take over the Democrat party. As a result, in 2016 WA state had the highest percentage of Bernie delegates of any state in the nation.

Spring was taken out of the Democratic Party for exposing a million-dollar bribe given by the leaders of the State Democrats to a Republican State Senator which induced her to drop out of the State Senate and endorse her Dem Party opponent.


Posted 1:30 pm, 03/21/2024

Amazing how these MAGATS will twist themselves into pretzels to "prove" ahead of November that the DumDems will steal the election, they must sense that they are going to lose. But don't give up you RancidRepubs you've got an ace (or maybe the joker) up your sleeve. Maybe Vlad will come through for ya this time.


Posted 12:30 pm, 03/21/2024

Fox News Interrupts Donald Trump During Live Broadcast (msn.com)

Fox News cut off a live stream broadcast of Donald Trump's rally in Iowa in an effort to correct statements made by him regarding the 2020 election, asserting that it was not rigged or stolen.


Posted 10:14 am, 03/21/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 9:08 am, 03/21/2024

Leading Wisconsin Democrat Kimberly Zapata Found Guilty on All Counts Against Her in Voter Fraud Scheme Involving Military Ballots


Posted 9:18 pm, 03/13/2024



Taking out the dems blue states that dems depend on to have more votes than voters . I have a feeling there will be more coming .

Dems can't win if they can't have more votes then the state has voters. And now they will register illegal invaders and allow them to vote and they will count those votes.


Posted 6:46 pm, 03/13/2024

New RNC Leadership Sues Dirty MI SOS Jocelyn Benson and MI Elections Director and ERIC Chair Jonathan Brater: At least 53 MI Counties Have MORE ACTIVE REGISTERED VOTERS Than Citizens Over 18 Yrs Old


Posted 9:08 am, 03/13/2024

Columbia County Georgia Election Results to be 'Manually Counted' After Tabulation Machine Malfunctions in Several Precincts


Posted 11:19 am, 03/10/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 10:24 am, 03/10/2024

Tucker Carlson 'they're going to steal the election "


Posted 9:12 am, 03/10/2024

Sheriff Dar Leaf Announces Investigation into Michigan 2020 Election: Claims Possession of "Sensitive Documents" Tied to Dominion Employees and High-Profile Figures Including Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel - Accuses Muskegon County Prosecutor of Attempting to Usurp His Ongoing Investigation

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