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Posted 8:31 pm, 02/18/2023

Hey jestershoulda(jollies), once again your adherence to the propaganda spewed by los demonRatZ' media dog enablers has YOU blathering premature speculation.


Posted 5:25 pm, 02/18/2023

Looks like Fox News may be paying dearly for supporting the narrative you helped to spread.


Posted 5:22 pm, 02/18/2023

Conrad, as expected you finally spun and run from your bogus claims and denials. What a pathetic joke you are.
Try and control the narrative all you want. HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!
Be sure to come back with a stupd question. Tell us how YOU feel.


Posted 4:57 pm, 02/18/2023

Charged AND arrested in California.


Posted 1:28 pm, 02/18/2023

No, its just not worth anyone's time to engage with someone who provides nothing to anything.


Posted 11:56 am, 02/18/2023

Hey jestershoulda(jollies), that's nice, but why do YOU feel compelled to post yet another distraction?


Posted 11:45 am, 02/18/2023

Hey lamont, we have recently noticed that when YOU start to lose a polite discussion YOU repeatedly throw out "useless" as a parting shot.

YOU go, boy!

Since YOU AND jestershoulda(jollies) have failed to show us what YOU have falsely alleged, let's move on from your baseless accusation.

In case YOU have missed it, this thread is dedicated to aggregating reports of election irregularities, investigations AND litigation wherever they occur AND NOTHING MORE!

YOU might try comprehending the message before YOU shoot the messenger.


Posted 10:17 am, 02/18/2023

Sorry that you're useless.


Posted 10:03 am, 02/18/2023

Hey lamont, your continued failure is a good look for YOU.


Posted 8:58 am, 02/18/2023

Posted 5:04 pm, 02/17/2023
Jimbojolly (view profile)
Posted 7:07 am, 02/15/2023
How long have you been an active member of the Stop the Steal org.?

Fakey (view profile)
Posted 7:43 am, 02/15/2023
Hey jestershoulda(jollies), unlike YOU liberal leftist ****, I do not a member of nor do I adhere to the tenets of fictitious organizations.


Posted 8:25 am, 02/18/2023

Hey lamont, both YOU AND jestershoulda(jollies) have reposted those AND neither one shows where I claimed Stop the Steal was a fictitious organization.

Why do YOU zhitZ keep failing to p[rove what YOU allege I posted?

How does your failure make YOU feel?


Posted 8:07 am, 02/18/2023

Posted 5:04 pm, 02/17/2023
Jimbojolly (view profile)
Posted 7:07 am, 02/15/2023
How long have you been an active member of the Stop the Steal org.?

Fakey (view profile)
Posted 7:43 am, 02/15/2023
Hey jestershoulda(jollies), unlike YOU liberal leftist ****, I do not a member of nor do I adhere to the tenets of fictitious organizations.


Posted 7:37 am, 02/18/2023

Hedy lamont, given jestershoulda(jollies)'s utter failure to back its false allegation maybe YOU coulda help out, YOU know, show us persactly where I said what it alleges.


Posted 6:41 pm, 02/17/2023

Apparently CONRAD is not only a liar, but also blind.

Looks like Jim done showed you the answer to you dnmb question.

Stay useless CONRAD!


Posted 5:14 pm, 02/17/2023

Hey jestershoulda(jollies), YOU have failed once again to show where I specifically said what YOU are alleging.

Hey jestershoulda(jollies), coulda YOU show me wherein I specifically said Stop the Steal was a fictitious organization?


Posted 5:04 pm, 02/17/2023

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 7:07 am, 02/15/2023

How long have you been an active member of the Stop the Steal org.?

Fakey (view profile)

Posted 7:43 am, 02/15/2023

Hey jestershoulda(jollies), unlike YOU liberal leftist zhitZ, I do not a member of nor do I adhere to the tenets of fictitious organizations.


Posted 4:56 pm, 02/17/2023

Hey jestershoulda(jollies), coulda YOU show me wherein I specifically said Stop the Steal was a fictitious organization?

How does being caught in another one of your fictitious AND tsudip gotcha questions make YOU feel?


Posted 4:44 pm, 02/17/2023

Oh fakeConrad, your huffin and spinnin is typical. This is you two days ago stating that Stop the Steal is fictitious.

Fakey (view profile)

Posted 7:43 am, 02/15/2023

Hey jestershoulda(jollies), unlike YOU liberal leftist zhitZ, I do not a member of nor do I adhere to the tenets of fictitious organizations.


Posted 4:38 pm, 02/17/2023

Hey zhjitZ, Stop the Steal is a 527 organization AND nowhere in its charter nor operations doe it promote "the big lie" as YOU call it.

Why are YOU against training election observers?

Why are YOU against purging the voter rolls at the precinct level?

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