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Posted 10:26 pm, 03/06/2023

Prove your claim Schlitzhead.

Then answer the 3 questions.


Posted 10:24 pm, 03/06/2023

Hey suckiinjester, the simple math yields that there are nearly as many who shoulda NOT be on the voter rolls in Wisconsin as coulda be there IF all of those eligible woulda got themselves registered.

Coulda YOU share your feelings with us regarding why YOU find this acceptable?


Posted 8:45 pm, 03/06/2023

Hey fakerConschlitzhead,

how many of said voters are registered more than once?
How many voted more than once?
How many are dead?

Show me the criminality, oh useless one.
Give your bestie at gateway a call and ask him/her.


Posted 7:22 pm, 03/06/2023

Hey shouldasuckinjester, YOU obviously don't know this but it is against the law in any state to register to vote more than once OR if YOU are not a law abiding citizen of your state.


Posted 6:13 pm, 03/06/2023

So fakerCondoooshbag, show us the factual evidence of said "criminality".


Posted 5:35 pm, 03/06/2023

Hey shouldasuckinjester, in Wisconsin, a full blue AND ERIC abiding state, there are over 7 million registered voters on the rolls where they only have less than 4 million citizens eligible to vote.

IF YOU were not so lazy YOU coulda found that in the second paragraph of my reference, after shooting the messenger, of course.


Posted 4:53 pm, 03/06/2023

Hey FakerConrad, you stated, "Replacing the criminality of the ERIC system"

Provide factual evidence of said "criminality", or is this another one of your lies?


Posted 3:20 pm, 03/06/2023


Posted 2:46 pm, 03/06/2023

Any more Rumpoganda to report, Comrade?


Posted 11:37 am, 03/06/2023

Hey shouldasuckinjester, Your year old endorsement of the flawed ERIC system does not refute the fact that states are moving away from it. More will follow!


Posted 10:06 am, 03/06/2023

Some on the far right are spreading disinformation against ERIC, a valuable system helps states maintain accurate voting lists and prevent voter fraud.
States must support this effective tool that keeps voter registrations up-to-date - Chicago Sun-Times (suntimes.com)


Posted 9:14 am, 03/06/2023

Replacing the criminality of the ERIC system, one state at a time.


Posted 8:00 am, 03/06/2023

Yawn one of the twin trolls 🧌 is again posting Rumpoganda from Gateway Pundit LOL 🤣


Posted 5:57 am, 03/06/2023

The dnc is rigging their primary AND wants dementia joe.


Posted 1:16 pm, 03/05/2023

In December 2022, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson threw out the lawsuit because Lake failed to provide any "clear and convincing" evidence of irregularities or misconduct costing the Republican her midterm election.


Posted 12:42 pm, 03/05/2023

Hey jestersuckingshoulda, once again that is an opinion piece with nothing factual to back it up.

How does snorting the fumes pooted by one of your approved purveyors make YOU feel?


Posted 10:54 am, 03/05/2023

Well then, this link is truly appropriate. Lake is clearly trying to cheat her way into winning an election.


Posted 10:18 am, 03/05/2023

Hey unjollysuckingjestershoulda, YOU have obviously forgotten wherein I set the record straight regarding your ongoing deflecting AND distracting allegation.

The entire premise of this thread is to accumulate AND amalgamate reportage of the various forms of election malfeasance, investigations, litigation AND outright theft involving the 2020 AND 2022 elections. Nothing more.

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