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Posted 10:10 am, 11/01/2023

Judge: Trump signed court document that knowingly included false voter fraud stats - POLITICO
Former President Donald Trump signed legal documents describing evidence of election fraud that he knew were false, a federal judge indicated Wednesday.

What say you Pukey? Gonna grow a pair?


Posted 10:04 am, 11/01/2023

So in other words Pukey, you've got NO BALLS.


Posted 7:38 am, 11/01/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, demanding someone else explain your departure from reality betrays your disingenuous exitance.

YOU go, BOY !


Posted 7:10 am, 11/01/2023

Hey pukey, have you got the balls yet to tell us about Jenna Ellis?


Posted 7:33 pm, 10/31/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, coulda YOU tell us why YOU feel that diatribe is somehow pertinent to the topic of this wonderful thread?

A diatribe, also known less formally as a rant, is a lengthy oration, though often reduced to writing, made in criticism of someone or something, often employing appeals to emotion


Posted 5:50 pm, 10/31/2023


A lucid, sane member of the GOP could beat Biden, but Trump doesn't stand a chance. Oh sure, he'd win the nomination because of his cult, but the Dems, some GOP, and the Independents are sick of his sleazy ways. Trump = an embarrassment to our great country.


Posted 2:29 pm, 10/31/2023

Former President Donald Trump's legal team arrived in Colorado on Monday for the five-day trial that will decide his eligibility to be on the state ballot.

"They're trying to put up their ‘steal' curtain around Colorado," Jason Miller, a senior adviser with the Trump campaign, said ahead of the trial's start. "And when I say ‘steal' curtain, that's S-T-E-A-L. Democrats are trying to steal this race."


Posted 7:08 am, 10/31/2023

"We mustn't let them know that we have lost the election."


Posted 8:28 pm, 10/30/2023

"We mustn't let them know that we have lost the election."


Posted 2:03 pm, 10/25/2023

Hey fakersuckinyourself, I know all I need about Jenna Ellis. Apparently your balls are too tiny for you to explain who she is and what it means to your GOD and your lies.


Posted 4:27 pm, 10/24/2023

Now look what you've done Jim, Fakey/CONRAD's gone into a hissy fit. Please be more considerate when you ask him questions. You should have realized by now that he's incapable of giving any comprehensible answers. His mental capacity limits him to insults, lies and "facts" from "unquestionable" sources.


Posted 3:12 pm, 10/24/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, is your dickipedia broken AND why are YOU begging others to do your homework for YOU?


Posted 3:07 pm, 10/24/2023

Hey Faker, tell us all you know about Jenna Ellis.


Posted 11:42 pm, 10/22/2023

Very funny, if it weren't true 🤣


Posted 10:35 pm, 10/22/2023

The sound of crickets, from the Fascist conspiracy believers. They are too deranged about their Orange Fascist to see the truth about him.


Posted 10:42 am, 10/19/2023


Posted 11:16 am, 10/16/2023

DLD, just don't want you Trumplicans to forget, being as your collective forte is conveniently forgetting unpleasant truths. One of your own fessed up, and there will be more.


Posted 10:35 am, 10/16/2023

Centurion the feeling is mutual. What are you 12? I have never seen someone that gets on something an just cant let it go.


Posted 9:31 am, 10/14/2023

The only thing DLD and I have in common (I hope) is that both our fathers served their country in the armed services. My father was killed in action fighting against the very system he and his rancid Trumplican friends would impose on our nation.

I guess my dad was one of the "Suckers and Losers."


Posted 9:10 pm, 10/13/2023

my daddy was a **** marine an had a large family of 6 boys an four girls. He sent all the girls to college but us boys had to fend for ourselves. He never tolerated any foolishness in his house course that didnt mean we couldnt do stuff outside the house. But he would wear you out woth a peach tree limb if you did something he didnt like. He never touched those girls that I ever saw but he has wore out my *** aplenty.

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