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Posted 8:23 am, 11/15/2023

Voter fraud, voter suppression, and other election crimes | USAGov

Federal election crimes fall into three broad categories:

    Campaign finance crimes, such as when candidates accept funds that violate the amounts or donors permitted under the law
    Voter fraud and voter registration fraud, such as when someone illegally casts a vote in the name of a dead person or someone who has moved. Many states have strengthened their voter ID requirements to try to stop voter fraud.
    Civil rights violations involving voter intimidation, coercion, threats, and other tactics to suppress a person's ability to vote.


Posted 8:12 am, 11/15/2023

Fractal technology is showing that voter rolls are compromised nationwide. This report from Minnesota is just the beginning.

When Citizens Have Better Computer Technology Than Their Government – Minnesota Investigation finds 172,000+ Voter Issues

Let's see how long it takes my stalker, suckinjimblow/censeless/trybutt, to show its ugly face AND snark a foolish reply.


Posted 6:01 pm, 11/13/2023

DBCoupCoup, any functioning brain could easily tell that the Trump cult was, and still is, in denial about the election. If Trump and his cult leaders said "drink the koolaid" you'd be first in line.

How much did Fox News pay for their election lies?

DB Cooper

Posted 5:55 pm, 11/13/2023

Suckin'jimlow... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know the election was rigged. All you had to do was watch the evening news in Oct 2020 on any mainstream media station to see what was going on. The FBI was even in on it.


Posted 5:48 pm, 11/13/2023


Jason Donner, a former reporter and producer for Fox News, said in a lawsuit that he was fired last year after he complained about the network's "false reporting on the ‘stolen election.'"

Donner, who worked for the Fox Corp. channel for 12 years, sued the network for wrongful dismissal in September in District of Columbia Superior Court. On Monday, Fox asked that the case be moved to federal court. The company didn't respond to a request for comment.


Posted 2:54 pm, 11/13/2023

The best part, Fakey the Troll hasnt "debunked" anything other than the notion that its' relevant.


Posted 2:28 pm, 11/13/2023

Why do we pay any attention to Fakey/CONRAD? He/she/it is obviously just a mentally deprived cretin that craves attention


Posted 2:05 pm, 11/13/2023

Hey suckinjimblow/censeless/trybutt, why do YOU fail to comprehend the difference between shooting a messenger, which YOU do all the time, AND debunking one of your lies?

Bonus question, why do YOU feel compelled to jerk the circle on this thread by citing the same debunked lie three times?


Posted 1:40 pm, 11/13/2023

Hey flakeysuckinyourselfagain, why are you shooting the messenger again?


Posted 1:38 pm, 11/13/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, bumping your demonstrably false AND thoroughly debunked post is not only quite fummy but makes YOU look disingenuous, foolish AND stupid.

Do YOU feel proud of hitting your trifecta?

When an executive from a voting machine company admits one of their employees programed errors into tabulating machines that makes it intentional AND therefore FRAUD !


Posted 9:40 am, 11/13/2023

Hey suckinjimblow/censeless/trybutt, are YOU proud to display your mz originality crown AND sash again today?


Posted 9:16 am, 11/13/2023

Deja Vu all over again in Dallas polling books.

It Happened Again: Dallas County, Texas ES&S Pollbooks Add Hundreds of "Checked-in Voters" on Their Own in Real-Time as Polls Close


Posted 8:01 am, 11/13/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, bumping your demonstrably false post from four days ago is not only quite fummy but makes YOU look disingenuous, foolish AND stupid.

Do YOU feel proud of hitting your trifecta?

When an executive from a voting machine company admits one of their employees programed errors into tabulating machines that makes it intentional AND therefore FRAUD !


Posted 7:34 am, 11/13/2023

Fakersuckinyourself, your opinion about my post showcases your poor reading comprehension as well as your stupidity and uselessness.


Posted 7:21 am, 11/13/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, citing an opinion piece makes YOU look stupider than usual when some of the "local problems" were found to be intentional rather than accidental AND therefore fraud.


Posted 2:07 pm, 11/12/2023

Just another demonRat caught trying to steal an election.

Virginia Democrats on the Brink of Losing State Senate Majority Following Revelations That Candidate Ghazala Hashmi Lied About District Residency

Residency requirements are a critical aspect of electoral eligibility, and any misinformation or false claims regarding this can lead to serious legal and political consequences. Senate candidates in Virginia must be residents of the district they seek to represent.

DB Cooper

Posted 12:44 pm, 11/12/2023

They don't call him "smallbrain" for nuthin'!


Posted 7:14 am, 11/12/2023

Hey smallofmind, how does begging for another messenger to shoot make YOU feel?

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