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Posted 4:48 pm, 03/10/2023

Across America today there are 17 active court cases, 37 legislative initiatives AND 27 investigations all dedicated to stopping the next steal.

Meanwhile our liberal leftist zhitZ, los demonRatZ AND their media dog enablers are dead set against purging the voter rolls at the precinct level nationwide.

Only one day of voting using paper ballots hand counted AND reported on election day!


Posted 2:45 pm, 03/08/2023

See willfully ignorant, lying faker.
See faker begging for attention.
See faker looking like a fool.


Posted 2:38 pm, 03/08/2023

Hey jestersuckinloser, why are YOU falsely accusing me of regurgitating your spew?


Posted 2:26 pm, 03/08/2023

It true, then you're laughed at nonstop.


Posted 2:22 pm, 03/08/2023

Hey jestersuckinloser, regurgitating your spew will get YOU laughed at.


Posted 2:03 pm, 03/08/2023

See faker triggered.
See willfully ignorant, lying faker.
See faker begging for attention.
See faker looking like a fool.


Posted 1:27 pm, 03/08/2023

Hey jestersuckinloser, your leaps of reality are of your own making.

Coulda YOU show us wherein I ever claimed billgates owned Newsweek?

Through all of your bullzhit, why can't YOU comment on the actions of New Mexico's SoS?

Mitch is a RINO. Why do YOU feel compelled to argue about that?


Posted 1:10 pm, 03/08/2023

Your POS alt-rightie rag gateway funnies cannot be trusted.

Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com)
    Overall, we rate Newsweek Right-Center Biased based on editorial positions that slightly favor the right. We also rate them as Mostly Factual in reported rather than high due to having to make corrections on false information after publication.
I'm becoming quite tired of your lies, insults, and BS faker. So go suck on that.


Posted 12:46 pm, 03/08/2023

Hey suckinjester'sshoulda, I have already explained to YOU that billgatesnews is an amalgamator of various left wing rags offering a biased AND distorted reportage.

Mitch is a RINO. Why do YOU feel compelled to argue about that?

Through all of your bullzhit, why can't YOU comment on the actions of New Mexico's SoS?


Posted 12:35 pm, 03/08/2023

FakerConrad, once again showing your ignorance, as you attempt to shoot the messenger while whining about me shooting the messenger. What a dumaZZZZ.

Why do you persist in claiming that Newsweek is owned by Bill Gates?
Newsweek is an American weekly online and print news magazine co-owned 50 percent each by Dev Pragad, its president and CEO, and Johnathan Davis.

Why do you, as a make believe "righteous" BS artist, hate Mitch, just because he's honest about your GOD DJT?


Posted 12:28 pm, 03/08/2023

Soros backed New Mexico SoS caught stealing their election.

Hey zhitZ, after YOU get done shooting this messenger, again, coulda YOU comment on the truth of the message?


Posted 11:15 am, 03/08/2023

See faker triggered.
See willfully ignorant faker.
See faker begging for attention.
See faker looking like a fool.


Posted 10:37 am, 03/08/2023

Hey suckinjester'sshoulda, quite fummy of YOU to post a billgatesnews distraction.

Coulda YOU tell us, in your own words, why you feel that anything spewed by the yugest rino of them all is worth posting on any thread?


Posted 9:02 am, 03/08/2023

Mitch McConnell's Fox News Denouncement Sends MAGA Into Meltdown (msn.com)

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has joined some of his GOP colleagues in condemning Fox News host Tucker Carlson's reframing of the January 6 Capitol attack, sparking a MAGA meltdown on social media.


Posted 7:57 am, 03/08/2023

Hey rosetok, since YOU have claimed ownership of your bogus thread, coulda YOU tell us more bout the lie YOU told in your title?


Posted 7:53 am, 03/08/2023

A judge has sanctioned former Arizona Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem over what the court called "groundless" claims about election fraud in the 2022 mid-tern election
Ex-Arizona Lawmaker Sanctioned Over Election Fraud Lawsuit (usnews.com)


Posted 6:49 am, 03/08/2023

YOU have done a great job with my thread, Comrade. Have a well deserved Schlitz, and give one to your paramour 168 too 🤣


Posted 5:58 am, 03/08/2023

Hey rosetok, why are YOU confused by the simple terms thread AND post, AND why are YOU attempting to distract this wonderful AND significant thread with a push off topic to your vapid thread wherein YOU lied in the title?


Posted 5:51 am, 03/08/2023

Thanks for getting my post over 1100. Clearly, YOU and your sidekick 168Minimum are the top trolls 🧌 on here. Thanks for your help 🤣


Posted 5:47 am, 03/08/2023

Hey rosetok, the record clearly shows that twelve of the posts on the front page of this wonderful AND significant thread are attributable to ****jolly AND YOU. Thanks ever so much for doing your part.

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