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Posted 12:28 pm, 03/28/2024

BREAKING: Court Rules Undated Ballots CANNOT BE COUNTED in Pennsylvania Elections

The Third US Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday ruled that mail-in ballots with no dates cannot be counted by Pennsylvania election officials.

Democrats use this tactic frequently to add more ballots to their candidate's totals following election day.

This stops the Democrat Party insanity and lawlessness


Posted 10:02 am, 03/28/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 9:26 am, 03/28/2024

The U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of signature verification for mail-in voting in the state of Pennsylvania.

In November 2022, the RNC, NRCC, and PAGOP secured a victory on this issue in front of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. A federal district court then struck down the dated signature requirement in November 2023. We appealed, and now the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals has agreed with the RNC's argument.

This was a 2-1 ruling handed down by 3 Democrat-appointed judges. This ruling will have far-reaching effects regarding left-wing attempts to weaponize the Materiality Provision of the Civil Rights Act across the country and represents a victory for mail ballot safeguards in a crucial swing state.


Posted 1:38 pm, 03/27/2024

Election Integrity Firm: 7% to 18% of Registered Voters in 26 States Either DO NOT EXIST or Reside at an Address that DOES NOT EXIST


Posted 1:05 pm, 03/25/2024

Ohio Volunteers Uncover Massive Irregularities in Voter Database

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 requires election rolls to be accurate. The Ohio team had collected more than a million pieces of evidence of apparent violations of law that called into serious question the accuracy of Ohio's statewide voter roll database at the time of the 2022 general election and its subsequent certification.

The day after certification in 2022, the Ohio statewide voter roll database showed:

    58,209 resided in an apartment or in a mobile home lot but had no unit number as required on their voter registration application to ensure proper delivery of mail, including mail-in ballot material.4,143 were older than the oldest person in the U.S. at the time or were too young to legally register.6,348 had a date of birth that was different in 2022 than it was in 2020.253,486 voters supposedly registered on January 1st, 84,221 voters registered on another Federal holiday and 201,693 voters registered on Sunday - all times when Ohio boards of elections and state offices are closed.120,094 had registration dates in the 2022 state voter file that were earlier than their registration date in the 2020 file. 59,025 people were listed as registering to vote before they were born.243,583 had state identification numbers that had changed since 2020, even though federal laws require each voter be issued "a unique state identifier." 34,233 had 2 to 5 registration records with different state identification numbers, making it possible for them to vote more than once.


Posted 7:39 am, 03/25/2024

Democrats Even Cheat on Each Other: Chicago Announces Existence of 10,000 More Mail-In Ballots that Were "Mistakenly" Not Mentioned Until Now in Cook County State's Attorney Race


Posted 1:21 pm, 03/22/2024

Election Integrity Activist Rick Weible Alleges in Real-Time Demonstration Vulnerabilities in ES&S Voting Software During County Board Meeting


Posted 12:26 pm, 03/22/2024

Lol. Go cry some more.

Why so mad that someone added the missing context you intentionally left out?

Fraud is fraud, right?


Posted 12:23 pm, 03/22/2024

Making yet another false accusation is so YOU.

YOU go, shouldadolly !


Posted 12:16 pm, 03/22/2024

Thanks for acknowledging your intentionally omitted context.


Posted 12:08 pm, 03/22/2024

Hey shouldadolly, fraud is fraud no matter how YOU spintwist it.


Posted 11:58 am, 03/22/2024

So it is the woman who got military absentee ballots by making fake names and fake SS#, then sent them to the GOP state legislator?


Posted 11:46 am, 03/22/2024

Hey shouldadolly, why are YOU having such difficulty comprehending that she did commit voter fraud?

Hey trybutt, let's dumb this down for YOU. Do YOU have anything to refute Mr. Spring's report?


Posted 10:50 am, 03/22/2024

If some MAGAT were to tell me that the sun would not come up tomorrow, how would I "controvert" (sorry for the bad grammar) its statement? I couldn't.


Posted 9:27 am, 03/22/2024

That the woman who used fake names and SS numbers to get military absentee ballots, then sent them to a Republican state legislator?


Posted 9:19 am, 03/22/2024

REVEALED: Woman Charged with Voter Fraud in Wisconsin Was ALSO INVOLVED in Election Night Missing Absentee Ballot Flash Drive Scandal


Posted 10:07 pm, 03/21/2024

Hey trybutt, do YOU have anything to controvert Mr. Spring's report?


Posted 6:43 pm, 03/21/2024

Here they go gearing up for Big Lie II. If yer gonna lie fer Christ's sake try to be a little more creative!


Posted 6:14 pm, 03/21/2024

Exposing the DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election - Former WA State Democrat Operative Blows the Whistle on Dems

David Spring is a former leader of the Washington State Democratic Party. He was the East King County Representative to the King County Central Committee and Training Advisor for King County Democrats - where he taught hundreds of volunteers how to run political campaigns using the Democratic Database called Votebuilder.

Spring was on the Board of the WA Progressive Caucus - which is the largest caucus in the WA Democratic Party and ran the WA for Bernie Sanders website, where he published articles and videos teaching thousands of Sanders supporters (most of whom had never been Democrats) how to take over the Democrat party. As a result, in 2016 WA state had the highest percentage of Bernie delegates of any state in the nation.

Spring was taken out of the Democratic Party for exposing a million-dollar bribe given by the leaders of the State Democrats to a Republican State Senator which induced her to drop out of the State Senate and endorse her Dem Party opponent.


Posted 1:30 pm, 03/21/2024

Amazing how these MAGATS will twist themselves into pretzels to "prove" ahead of November that the DumDems will steal the election, they must sense that they are going to lose. But don't give up you RancidRepubs you've got an ace (or maybe the joker) up your sleeve. Maybe Vlad will come through for ya this time.

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