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Posted 11:01 am, 05/10/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 10:59 am, 05/10/2024

Georgia Election Board hearing confirms Fulton County double-scanned thousands of ballots in the 2020 election recount, lost hundreds of thousands of ballot images


Posted 9:42 pm, 05/09/2024

Dont forget, "Drewser."


Posted 9:26 pm, 05/09/2024

Welcome to the BOGUS thread created by FakerConradPedo, to promote and support the BIG LIE as he worships his GOD Trump.


Posted 3:40 pm, 05/09/2024

Georgia State Election Board Member Misrepresents 6,000-plus Ballot Recount Discrepancy - Heavily Favored Joe Biden

On Tuesday, the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) heard several election complaints, including the long-anticipated SEB 2023-025 submitted in July 2022. After almost two years, investigators for the SEB and Georgia Secretary of State's Office presented their findings. The claimants were not permitted to speak during the hearing.

During the discussion of Complaint 2023-025, however, another reference was made regarding Complaint 2021-181 (and 2022-025), which was based on the "Risk-Limiting Audit" (full hand-count) that Fulton County performed after the 2020 Presidential Election. This resulted in a heated but limited debate between a SEB Member and the complainant.

Rossi, a Georgia resident, has been investigating the 2020 Presidential Election and subsequent elections in the State of Georgia for several years. In September 2021, Rossi submitted evidence to Governor Brian Kemp's office evidencing "36 inconsistencies" that contradicted the Risk Limiting Audit Report findings regarding the Fulton County hand-count of the 2020 Election. Rossi's findings only involved the approximately 148,000 absentee ballots cast in Fulton (out of more than 520,000 total ballots cast).


Posted 12:48 pm, 05/09/2024

Calling out your petty bogus thread and exposing your ongoing support of the BIG LIE is no trouble Fake-it.


Posted 8:33 am, 05/09/2024

Hey gemBL0WZall, thank YOU so much for your foolish AND misguided efforts to trash this wonderful thread!

Without your stupid missives we woulda never gotZ to 1100 posts.

How does this affect your personal relationship with billgatesnews?

Keep up the good work as we shall strive for yet another milestone.

YOU go, jimmy !


Posted 7:52 pm, 05/08/2024

keep securing Trumps 2024 win...thanks in advance!


Posted 7:23 pm, 05/08/2024

Yeah that's another lie you've been sold, Senile Singer.



Posted 6:35 pm, 05/08/2024

Oh jimmy most people aren't brainwashed mutts like you.

We know you lost the election.

And evidence like this just keeps coming out.


Posted 5:51 pm, 05/08/2024

Hey pedoFakerFulminator, this thread was created to promote and support "THE BIG LIE" THAT YOUR GOD authored. You are the consummate little sheep.


Posted 9:48 am, 05/08/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 7:58 am, 05/08/2024

Hey jimBL0Viator, coulda YOU tell us why YOU feel posting on topic reports of efforts to stop los demonRatZ from stealing another election is bogus?

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Signs Election Rules Bill into Law

Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed a bill into law on Tuesday, establishing rules and processes regarding voter registration and how elections are conducted.

Kemp signed Senate Bill 189 (SB 189) into law on Tuesday, Kemp's press secretary Garrison Douglas confirmed to USA Today.

Under SB 189, a process would be created to help each county remove certain voters from its voter registration database.

The law also establishes new rules regarding how homeless people can register to vote, explaining that homeless people without a permanent address must use the "registrar's office" in their county as their mailing address for "election purposes."


Posted 9:39 pm, 05/07/2024

How many times have you bumped your own bogus thread to keep it alive?


Posted 7:44 pm, 05/07/2024

Over 200,000 People on North Carolina Voter Rolls 'Missing' SSN Numbers, Likely Ineligible to Vote

More than 200,000 people in North Carolina are on the state's voter rolls despite missing the full details of their social security number.

According to a report from The Federalist, the records of approximately 224,000 people are simply "missing" the last four digits of their Social Security number (SSN) and their driver's license identification number.


Posted 12:33 pm, 05/02/2024

"Let My People Go" Full Interview: Dr. Walter Daugherity Reveals How 35,000 Illegal Votes Were Added to Democrat Totals in AZ Election and the Massive "Albert Sensor" Back Door Vulnerability

Daugherity details his analysis of cast vote records, which is the only record that shows the sequence of votes to see if impossible patterns exist, and reveals how the underlying software design for Dominion, ES&S, and many other election vendors is the same. What is evidenced in Daugherity's analysis is a PID (proportional integral derivative) controlled algorithm that selects candidates in a predictive fashion. One of the more shocking revelations in the interview was Daugherity's finding of 35,000 votes being added to vote totals of democrat candidates up and down the ballot in Arizona and digitally spread out in a controlled fashion to avoid detection. Through a democrat whistleblower's assistance, Daugherity was able to identify computer-driven vote spikes at precise locations in the electronic records.


Posted 7:50 pm, 05/01/2024

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster Launches Investigation After Non-Citizen Refugee Receives Voter Registration Form

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster on Wednesday announced he launched an investigation after a non-citizen 'refugee' received a voter registration form.

The government is giving voter registration forms to non-citizen 'refugees.'

According to South Carolina state representative and congressional candidate Adam Morgan, the state government is including voter registration forms in packets at the Social Security Office in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

"Is the Federal Gov giving voter registration forms to non-citizens?" Adam Morgan said on X earlier this week (this was later corrected to the state of South Carolina).


Posted 12:38 pm, 05/01/2024

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."

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