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Posted 4:27 pm, 08/14/2023

BIG LIEII failed and now that Trump and his Rumplicker/MAGATS are working on BIG LIE #1.

If the RANCIDREPUBS lose by a landslide in the 2024 election, they will still claim it was stolen. No one is enamored of the DUMDEMS but the majority of voters are sick, sorry and tired of the antics of Trump and his follower's antics. The only people that will be trying to steal the election are the same ones that are working on BIG LIE #2 right now.
Check the popular vote for the last two elections 2016; Hillary beat Trump by a huge margin. How the hull does anyone get to be more unpopular than Hillary Clinton? 2020; Sleepy Joe beat him by a bigger margin. Again, Joe is not the most inspiring figure in politics. To the majority of mentally balanced voters Trump is a vicious clown that throws toddler tantrums when he doesn't his own way.


Posted 3:32 pm, 08/14/2023

You're doing a great job at being useless!


Posted 3:23 pm, 08/14/2023

Hey nuffin'stench, twice nuffin' is still nuffin' AND YOUsa gotrZ nuffin".


Posted 3:11 pm, 08/14/2023

Yeah, it's already been undone on another thread last week.

Go check it out!


Posted 3:09 pm, 08/14/2023

He zhitZ, besides shooting another messenger, do YOU liberal leftist zhitZ have anything at all to refute the Michigan State Police report?


Posted 2:32 pm, 08/14/2023

The sorry Rumplicker/MAGARATS will grasp at any sraw to try to prove their fallacious claims. They lack the self-respect that it takes to admit it when you're wrong. So, they'll hang onto the tigers tail.

Enjoy the ride losers and hang onto that tail, guess what happens when you have to let go!


Posted 1:22 pm, 08/14/2023

"Most Trusted Print Media" among these fine contenders.

Other nominees for Most Trusted Print Media include: InfoWars, Natural News, ZeroHedge, National File, The Epoch Times, LifeSite News, Summit News, Political Signal, Breitbart, Uncover DC, Human Events, Revolver News, Valiant News and The Post Millenia.


Posted 10:55 am, 08/14/2023

For your denial pleasure:

As previously reported at The Gateway Pundit – Democrat operatives were caught in October 2020 in Muskegon, Michigan, a city of 38,000, dropping off 8,000 to 10,000 fraudulent voter registrations in a single drop. Many with the same handwriting and fake addresses. Police investigated (report attached) and found guns with silencers, burner phones, rental cars, and temporary businesses where registrations were stored.



Posted 7:48 am, 08/14/2023

For my two favoritest liberal leftist zhitZ:''

The Gateway Pundit Wins Most Trusted Print Media at The American Liberty Awards!


Posted 10:32 pm, 08/12/2023

Now you've done it. Fakey is desperately searching right wing propaganda sites to come up with a reply. His head may explode. And 168 will be lost without her paramour to help find the daily talking points for her 🤣


Posted 9:27 pm, 08/12/2023

So fakerdumazzzzz, who are we to believe, your proven bogus source or another source?


Posted 4:59 pm, 08/12/2023

So rosetok, to your way of feeling, an indisputable report from the Michigan State Police is propaganda because YOU do not accept the source of the reportage?

"The Report Speaks for Itself" – Michigan State Police Officer Stands By His Explosive Report on the Massive GBI Strategies Registration Scandal


Posted 2:05 pm, 08/12/2023

Consider YOUR sources. Instead of reliable mainstream media, YOU parrot conspiracies and lies from fringe sources 🤣


Posted 2:01 pm, 08/12/2023

Hey rosetok, coulda YOU share your feelings with us why YOU falsely claim an indisputable report by the Michigan State Police is propaganda?


Posted 12:16 am, 08/12/2023

Why do YOU condone and defend Gateway, Breitbart, and the other propaganda sources?


Posted 11:39 pm, 08/11/2023

Hey rosetok, from the results of the Muskegon Election Commission, they reported receiving AND counting more absentee ballots than they mailed out.

Why do YOU condone AND defend this malfeasance?


Posted 10:11 pm, 08/11/2023

Fakey, when will YOU apologize for YOUR troll 🧌 thread, full of fake news from Gateway and other fringe nut job sites?


Posted 7:53 pm, 08/11/2023

More election mischief in Muskegon county Michigan.

More absentee ballots returned than were sent out.


Posted 10:11 am, 08/09/2023

Major election fraud network discovered in Michigan!


Posted 9:52 am, 08/08/2023

Was somebody posting about rigged elections?

On October 8, 2020. only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female (whose name was redacted from the police report), dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk's office.

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