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Posted 12:12 pm, 02/03/2024

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ordered state election officials to include Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) on the ballot with Joe Biden in the April primary.

The Democrat Party, of course, have done everything in their power to rig the primary for Joe Biden. At the same time they are preaching "democracy" to the masses.

Joe Biden has one of the worst approval ratings in history. The country is in a downward spin. The economy and foreign policy are in shambles. And Old Joe erased the US border with Mexico. Over 10 million illegals have walked right over the open border to enter the US since Joe Biden took office.


Posted 10:39 am, 02/02/2024

FOIA Documents Reveal Government Officials Notified of Election Fraud in Michigan Following Election Day in 2020


Posted 10:01 am, 01/26/2024

Full Scope of Dominion Voting Machine Hack in Federal Court is FAR Worse than Just the BIC Pen Hack - Audit Logs Can Be Edited


Posted 6:31 pm, 01/24/2024

Hey ****, ever since this wonderful thread hit the 1,000 post mark YOU have been responsible for 1/3 of the new posts.

How do YOU feel about that accomplishment?


Posted 5:33 pm, 01/24/2024

pedoFaker, why are you plagiarizing other's articles, fraudulently appearing to be the messenger?

If this wasn't such a small-time site you might get litigated for it.


Posted 3:40 pm, 01/24/2024

Hey uckin'jimblow, why are YOU begging again for another messenger to shoot?


Posted 12:51 pm, 01/24/2024

Who wrote that drivel for you pedoFaker?


Posted 12:49 pm, 01/24/2024

Texas AG Ken Paxton Explains How Democrats Stole the 2020 Election

Attorney General Ken Paxton is the one man who has stood up against the Democrat-Marxist onslaught in the great state of Texas. Democrats hate him for this.

I've never seen it before in my life. I was like, I knew it when they stopped and Trump is leading in all these states. I knew exactly what they were doing. Because there's no way to know where those mail in ballots came. Anybody could have filled them out. Anybody. There's no way to know where those ballots came from.


Posted 2:09 pm, 01/23/2024

Arizona Democrat Secretary of State Says Voter Registration Glitch is Switching Republican Registrations to Independent Prior to Closed Primary Election

Arizona's Presidential Elections have closed primaries, meaning that only registered Republicans or Democrats can vote in their party's primary. The Arizona Secretary of State's office reportedly acknowledged this issue and noted it is "currently impacting all recognized party preference values" in an email to Arizona county recorders. Adrian Fontes, who served as Maricopa County Recorder during the stolen 2020 election, is the current Arizona Secretary of State.

Still, the only example that was provided is for Republican voter registrations.


Posted 11:07 am, 01/23/2024

pedoFaker, Are YOU lying whenever YOU claim to be registered unaffiliated?


Posted 8:38 am, 01/23/2024

CNN just admitted to censoring Trump


Posted 8:33 am, 01/23/2024

Hey suckinjimblow, although it has been explained for YOU numerous times, YOU still cannot comprehend nor grasp the theme of this wonderful thread.

YOU go, BOY !


Posted 8:27 am, 01/23/2024

Well fakerpedo, per usual I see that you only take up for the GOP and worship your orange GOD. Yet you claim to be an unaffiliated independent voter? How can that be?


Posted 7:38 am, 01/23/2024

A new low for los demonRatZ:

Some voters in New Hampshire reported that they received phone calls that encouraged them not to vote in this week's Republican primary and instead save their energy for the general election, in which they were encouraged to vote for Democrats. The robocalls used a voice that sounded exactly like President Joe Biden, and they are now being investigated by the New Hampshire attorney general's office for election interference, NBC News reported.


Posted 1:00 pm, 01/22/2024

The orange Jesus's sheep refuse to admit that folks turned out in droves to oust their GOD.

Folks were tired of the grift, the lies, the fraud, and the daily drama and hate mongering. Other than an extension of the Trump Family business raking in cash, what did they accomplish that helped working class people?


Posted 10:06 am, 01/22/2024

Wow! That's how the Dem's stole the election. The business titans and unions made it easier for people who otherwise would not be able to vote to do so. Now that's really sneaky, stealing the election by using legal voters. Next thing you know those conniving Dem's will be allowing a Canadian born Cuban to run for the presidential nomination.


Posted 9:37 am, 01/22/2024

Before a single vote was cast, the 2020 election was baked into the cake. America's political and media establishment were not going to let what happened to them in 2016 happen again.

Don't take my word for it. TIME Magazine published an article in February of 2021 called "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election" which describes a vast effort by a network of partisan political operatives, union leaders, and business titans to create a mail ballot "revolution" to oust Trump.

This is, quite literally, a plan hatched by a highly motivated and well-funded few to undermine American democracy as we know it.


Posted 9:53 pm, 01/21/2024

Yes flakeyConrad, the jig is up your ......


Posted 3:03 pm, 01/21/2024

THE JIG IS UP... EXCLUSIVE: Local Reporter Describes Election Expert Halderman Breaking into Dominion Voting Machine and Changing Vote Totals During His Georgia Testimony


Posted 6:14 pm, 01/17/2024

Me thinks this is like a merry-go-round at the county fair!

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