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Posted 8:57 am, 06/14/2023

"Make America Great Again" infers that America is no longer great. "Drain the swamp" infers that America is a swamp, if that's the way it is at the top it must be that way throughout. Ergo, all residents of America are swamp denizens.

The slogans used by "The Chosen One," his MAGATS and Rumplickers are by inference an insult to this great nation and the MAJORITY of its citizens. If this country is not great enough for you and the swamp is too wet for you get the phugg out! I'm sure "The Chosen One's" patron and master (Putin) would welcome you with open arms. And later on down the line when you start whining about your rights, he'll have some nice gulags where you can go relax and enjoy yourselves.


Posted 8:53 am, 06/14/2023

Note how quickly fakerdumazzz lies and distorts my posts.

Useless as always.


Posted 7:26 am, 06/14/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, twist away YOU POS.

YOU are the one that called America a "swamp puddle"

PDJT was referring to the uniparty's habitat.


Posted 6:59 am, 06/14/2023

Oh now fakerdumazzzz you're denying the swamp? The one your god claimed he'd drain?

Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp" while running for office. Voters gave him the opportunity to follow through when they propelled him to the White House. Instead, he surrounded himself with people who saw his victory as an opportunity to enrich themselves by selling the promise of access or influence.


Posted 10:53 pm, 06/13/2023

Hey suckin'jimblow, why do YOU feel that America, the greatest country the world has ever known, is a swamp puddle?


Posted 9:33 pm, 06/13/2023

Michigan Republican chairperson Karamo, others ordered to pay legal fees for failed election lawsuit (msn.com)

Hey flakey, do YOU and gateway know that your crush Kari Lake is only a tiny lying resentful tadpole in the little swamp puddle of America?


Posted 7:16 pm, 06/13/2023

Kari Lake Attorney: Maricopa County's Chain of Custody Docs Show 18,000 Illegal Ballots Were Injected The Day After The Polls Closed In 2020


Posted 3:24 pm, 06/11/2023

Hey trybutt, coulda YOU show us what the lie was in the referenced reportage?


Posted 2:04 pm, 06/11/2023

The MAGATS are going to ride this poor old nag until it drops. And yet all they can do is trot out more and more lies.


Posted 8:58 pm, 06/10/2023

Box of 289 Absentee Ballots from 2020 Election Discovered in Michigan Storage Unit

A Michigan official says approximately 300 absentee ballots from the 2020 election were discovered in a storage unit in Genesee County.

Thetford Township Supervisor Rachel Stanke found the ballots thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Just the News reported Friday.


Posted 4:41 pm, 06/08/2023

Ballot Printer Company Sends ****ING "Response to Factual Errors in Maricopa County Elections Report" Debunking Maricopa County's Lies About Ballot Printer Failures – LEFTWING MEDIA SILENT


Posted 6:30 am, 06/07/2023

More news from the National Enquirer, Comrade? 🤣


Posted 3:58 am, 06/07/2023

MORE EVIDENCE Shows Voting Machines Were Secretly Reprogrammed and Fraudulently Certified in Maricopa County, AZ


Posted 4:32 pm, 05/31/2023

Republicans are crying foul following the news of President Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) targeting West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice's (R) family.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) was among the first to accuse the Biden DOJ of sheer abuse of power, connecting the announcement to Justice's recent candidacy for Senate.


Posted 1:44 pm, 05/31/2023

Poor FakeyComrade, I bet he reads the National Enquirer religiously. And believes every word 🤣


Posted 1:40 pm, 05/31/2023

faker, your decision to fall in love with Lake and to change the dialogue to her was your choice.

Just another Trump wannabe conducting her own version of THE BIG LIE.


Posted 1:16 pm, 05/31/2023


New Evidence Found in Maricopa: Tabulators Had Wrong Data Base and Machine Behavior Settings During 2022 Election


Posted 1:41 pm, 05/29/2023

Hey ****dumbpire, why do YOU feel compelled to twist a cogent comment to fit your narrative?

How does pushing your "big lie" fantasy make YOU feel?

Was PDJT on the ballot in Arizona in 2022 when Kari Lake had her election stolen?


Posted 1:34 pm, 05/29/2023

You go fakerDrewConnie,

Nice to see that you finally admitted that Lake's excuses are all fantasy.
Ready to admit that your purpose for this OP was to support THE BIG LIE?

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