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Stoney Greene's confirmed connection to dog fighting and other confirmed allegations


Posted 8:32 am, 04/08/2024

I mean they's videos of the poor ol boy on the big site this a.m. which looks like he knowed he's being videoed also. You reckon this is why Theesy ain't wanting younguns to have them phones in the classroom and such?

spring is here

Posted 9:50 pm, 04/07/2024

Libel has to be false information. I think most people are stating things like "according to court records" or from his own words like how many dogfights his dogs won according to his own words.

His actions, his words is where all the information is from.


Posted 7:35 pm, 04/07/2024

Tommyboy, he owns you, you can't let it go.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 7:31 pm, 04/07/2024

Stoney don't even own the truck he drives. After he's off the board he'll be on his way to homelessness. So nah.... he don't own nothing.


Posted 7:31 pm, 04/07/2024

I tried to warned. Oh well. Back to my booger music.


Posted 7:00 pm, 04/07/2024

You folks are gonna need the show the facts in court. Hearsay, the lawsuits is mounting up. Stoney just might be owner of this site.

interesting fact

Posted 3:20 pm, 04/07/2024

In case you have not read about dog fighting, dog fighters abuse their animals and normally also abuse their families. At least those 2 women got out still alive. That is better than his dogs did.

interesting fact

Posted 3:13 pm, 04/07/2024

I could care less how many people say the attacks are not called for.

Do you have a split personality or what? One minute you say you want stoney out but then you take up for him. So are you saying their kids needed therapy because they saw the other dogfighting people attack their mother?

Just sounds like they are all trash to me.


Posted 2:47 pm, 04/07/2024

"I suspect that all the women knew about the dogs but that does not mean that they deserved to be attacked. Are you saying because she was guilty of knowing, that it is okay that she ends up with 2 black eyes?"

I'm saying 3 things.

The wife is no better than he is, so there's no reason to trust her on anything.

And you're only hearing one side of the story, you don't know the rest of it. Did she hit him first? You don't know. Was he the one that gave her the black eyes, or did she lose at a dog fight and didn't have money to pay so the other dog fighters whipped her ***? You don't know. Were they all smoking meth and it got out of hand? You don't know. But we know that the cops and DA didn't see enough evidence to press charges, so unless you think the whole county is in on covering up for a dog fighter in 2015 then her story doesn't add up.

And third, I'm saying that nobody cares that he had a mess divorce over a decade ago. None of it was illegal, and personal attacks are distracting from the actual crimes.

Just look through this thread at how many people have said that these attacks are uncalled for.

interesting fact

Posted 2:38 pm, 04/07/2024

Maybe those 2 dog fighting groups need to be called back to Wilkes. Maybe if they cover this again, maybe that would help.

interesting fact

Posted 2:37 pm, 04/07/2024

I suspect that all the women knew about the dogs but that does not mean that they deserved to be attacked. Are you saying because she was guilty of knowing, that it is okay that she ends up with 2 black eyes? If so, you are no better than he is.

Megan posted the excerpts from the books, I think the ones written by Wilkes county men and we had not seen that before. She also found where he stated that he had been taught by the very best and that is where he was educated all about dog fighting or something to that effect.

It does not matter who finds the information, just find it. I want to see him out of office. I want to know why the county is not doing anything to get rid of him? Does he have something on them ?

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 2:24 pm, 04/07/2024

I've yet to hear anyone defend him. In person I mean.


Posted 2:21 pm, 04/07/2024

"They want this fight to be about FB vs GoWilkes. And it isn't."

Not at all.

I want it to be about Stoney. Megan is trying to make it about Megan.

I think Stoney should be kicked off of the board and face criminal charges. But Megan and her bullies have lost the plot, making it about his divorce and a bunch of he said **** she said that nobody cares about. All they've done is made everybody forget about the crimes.


Posted 2:18 pm, 04/07/2024

"No one posted the charges made by his second wife."

AdBrowser, 2/25

"Exactly how do you have proof that the second wife was involved in dog fighting? The first one was. Give us your evidence and I will be happy to see her charged along with him."

She was married a guy that was a dog fighter from 201 to 2015, and Jason posted an article awhile back about him fighting dogs in 2013.

GoWilkes (view profile)

Posted 2:40 pm, 03/04/2024

I can also confirm that the telephone number on the Killer Klown Kennels poster (336 984-5841) was registered in Lynda Greene's name.

There is absolutely no denying the connection of this kennel to dog fighting. A simple search found this article in 2013 that gives a detail account of one of their pit fights:

There's just no way that she wasn't involved, or at least complicit. You can't have dog fighting pits in your back yard for 4 years and have no idea.

"Which wife was screaming out in the woods on a Boone Trail for help when a neighbor called 911. That was also not on here but the on the other site."

EW9791, 3/1

But like I said, that doesn't make a hill of beans. He had a messy divorce, big whoop. A handful of bullies attacking him all day is just the kind of thing that just makes people feel sorry for him.


Posted 2:11 pm, 04/07/2024

What spitfire is doing is an abuse tactic called DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Spit is making sparks, but not much fire. They want this fight to be about FB vs GoWilkes. And it isn't. This is 100% about Stoney Greene being a criminal connected to criminals reading criminal materials and going to criminal events. All proven. Stoney has put himself in a bad spot, and it is his ego keeping him in the spotlight. He is in absolute control. Resign and this is all over. His life is upside down right now, and he is taking hits from all sides, but he refuses to lose to a "girl" so he keeps it going. This whole thing is about accountability for one's actions. Don't let spitty distract from that.


Posted 2:06 pm, 04/07/2024

"All he had to do was tell the truth. He should have told voters about his past. But no, he bragged instead about his integrity, his Christian beliefs."

It wasn't a past, though. Jason showed he was still doing it in 2020


Posted 1:57 pm, 04/07/2024

"No one on this site published the actual excerpts from those books."

That's my point, though. Owning a book isn't illegal, Megan and her gang are just posting nonsense. And like I said, they're just running it into the ground.

Here are the books that were posted here on March 10.


They're just about dogs, nothing to do with fighting. The ones I looked up are on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.


Posted 1:36 pm, 04/07/2024

Our sources said the G is for geometry club has money, they still claiming Stoney or what?

spring is here

Posted 1:32 pm, 04/07/2024

Makes you think why does he have the support of the officials in the county government. As someone always says, look at the money. Did he do what the county wanted with the new building? I would say he probably did. They did not want DSS to get a new building as it was stated months ago. How would that look? People getting free stuff out of a new building according to officials. So, it did not matter the cost.

interesting fact

Posted 10:55 am, 04/07/2024

You bet it would end if he resigned because no one gives a crap about this sick individual.

What do you not understand? We do not want someone with this reputation making decisions for this county when he has made such as mess of his own life.

We have no trust, or confidence in any decision, or judgment he makes. All he had to do was tell the truth. He should have told voters about his past. But no, he bragged instead about his integrity, his Christian beliefs.

Integrity is admitting your faults, your failures and it is paying your bills, being honest, and not hurting others and not hurting animals and by being kind to all. This is not this individual.

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