)IF everyone would simply do a FOI request to your state down there and surrounding states you would verify all the claims, such as the few listed below: (FYI: several pages with COunty of Wilkes NC, I did not list them due to the charges and outcome -- NOT LISTED -- ask yourself how that happened so much ?)
Ref: Stoney Green
Wilkes County NC
case no: 01960wilkes2015cr703382
Offense: Unspecified
Richland County Circuit Court South Carolina
case no: WA12748
Traffic offense Failure to conduct Safety inspection or psossess Documenatation of Safety inspection
Forsyth NC
Adminstrative of the courts
Offense: speeding
case no: 0133forsyth 2000cr 001194
plea of guilty
Iredell NC
Expired registration ( again btw)
case no: 01480IREDELL 2007cr 000774
Wilkes County NC
offense: improper use dealer tag
Case: 01960Wilkes 2001cr 002562
New Jersey Court Name listed as OCEAN
Felony charges
case no: OCN011041GRESTO
magically dismissed
Reckless driving
case no: 035GT0300861800
Guilty by failing to appear
78 in a 65 ( haha at the safety corridor past my new stomping grounds)
case no: 197GTO502098000
Wilkes COunty NC
Worthless checks
case no: 01960WILKES 2010CR 052393
dismal by DA
Wilkes County NC
case no: 9602010052393CR
Botetourt County VA?
78 in a 65
guilty by failing to appear
Wilkes County NC
Worthless check again
case no: 01960WILKES 2000CR 050867
Notes from the court on cases in the past:
He is notorious for not paying bills, one might say he has a Habitual record of not paying biills, bad checks, making deals with business owners and then failing to pay for the business and the employee payroll " Skips?"
He was involved with supplying pit bulls thru his KILLER KLOWNS kenel that supplied fighting dogs and has close ties to one Ed Faron (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Faron ) who was arrested and served time in jail. Both were associated with Michael Vick ( of the Atlanta Falcons at the time )
He was named in a sexual harassment law suit for sharing nude photos of a co worker with the Pit Bull fighting ring deal
2 failed marriages
Seems he has a "Buddy at Vannoy construction who keeps him in vehicles, no cost out of his pocket.
( how the FTA for traffic violations? how does he still have a license? )
He is a pushing the contract of a new building in Wilkes proper for over $30 Million towards Vannoy instead of saving the county money by taking the offer from Lowes Home Improvement of purchase an existing buldining that meets the needs for $7 million ( does your county actually need this building ?)
As I have shared in directly , I'm not in Wilkes but from there. Scum like this can cause retirements not to be paid, hense my interest. Does the county no longer have public meetings about such people or dealing?