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Stoney Greene's confirmed connection to dog fighting and other confirmed allegations

dog gate

Posted 4:40 pm, 03/15/2024

We will continue to post. We will continue to quote from the guys he admires so much.

Greene posts on Dec 12, 2018. ( Notice, it is not 20 years ago.)

" To be knowledgeable about any subject you must first be educated by reliable information! I have BOXES and BOXES of it!! Do your work!! " hashtags his kennels, pit bull library.

And from his buddies book:

" Everyone told me afterwards that Miss Rufus was a fantastic *****; she got on the head and rode it for the first ten minutes or so until she wore the other ***** down and then she went in and worked the chest, legs, brisket- everything. She broke both of the *****'s front legs and even reportedly broke several of her ribs. Wilie B told us that the ***** she beat had been the best Red Boy ***** he had ever seen. Page 44.

"Miss Rufus spent most of the rest of the fight on her back and Bandit broke her other front leg high up in the shoulder, as well as one of her back legs, in the knee joint. The only leg she didn't break she chewed all to ****. She had literally scalped Miss Rufus, tearing a big chunk of skin off the top of her head alongside one ear. Page 54.

This is his friends, his mentors, his comrades. Do you think these people are normal?


Posted 3:38 pm, 03/15/2024

If your Momma is also your sister is that bad?


Posted 3:37 pm, 03/15/2024

Yes, wilkes1977 you are right that many are laughing at Wilkes County and Stoney Greene

Old stereotypes about Southerners inbreeding and having dumb kids like Stoney Greene are on the "other site"


Posted 3:28 pm, 03/15/2024

People on the outside looking in thinks its foolish to keep posting this same stuff over an over.

DLD, people outside Wilkes laughs at people in Wilkes. It has become a lunch time Jerry springer entertainment at work, how else can one place have it all from this to Wilkes county's wizard man.

dog gate

Posted 3:23 pm, 03/15/2024

Sometimes you are forced to clean out the trash at your house. And sometimes you are forced to clean up the trash in your county!!

dog gate

Posted 3:20 pm, 03/15/2024

I bet the horse abuser's family would have said, he was in " the wrong place wrong time."


Posted 1:44 pm, 03/15/2024

Who, moi? Muuuaaah!


Posted 1:43 pm, 03/15/2024

Back, go join your red headed punk who lives in his mommas basement an KMA.


Posted 1:26 pm, 03/15/2024

Thought yous one which wanted these threads about poor ol Stoney which our sources is starting to feel sorry for and such to slide into distant memory on the Go feller's site, DLDo. WTF u making a irrelevant post as such you just posted to keep it at the forefront for?


Posted 1:20 pm, 03/15/2024

How terrible dog gate. Why did Actually kill the man just because a horse kicked him?


Posted 12:08 pm, 03/15/2024

I think its about time to back up an punt maybe.


Posted 12:05 pm, 03/15/2024

Just so you know, theirs a fine line where you could actually have people go to feeling sorry for the guy.An its hard to determine where the line is but I see no reason to just keep piling on the guy. I know a lot of real fine folks in Wilkes an actually have some close kin folksout on cc road an none of them has uttered one word to me about this, other then to say they want no part of the craziness.


Posted 11:55 am, 03/15/2024

Dang, you could sail the seven seas an not come in contact with a crowd of people so obsessed with one person. It would look to me like after one post about this or that you would move on to something else.IYou talking about how bad this makes Wilkes county look, but apparently are not capable of seeing that you are contributing to this. People on the outside looking in thinks its foolish to keep posting this same stuff over an over.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 11:46 am, 03/15/2024

I'm sure he lied to them too. People are doing what they should. No one wants to be involved with someone like this


Posted 11:13 am, 03/15/2024

You younguns r brutal, at least the poor ol boy still has his G is for geometry club to fall back and n if the commissioner gig don't keep working out for him.

old lady

Posted 10:21 am, 03/15/2024

That is why I would use someone else. Would not trust his judgment.


Posted 9:56 am, 03/15/2024

Dog/animal fighting(confirmed) and physically abusing women(alledged), are both acts of a coward. Let a man step to Stoney and get in his face and I can assure you he will run like the coward his, and always has been. He thinks that he is 100% protected right now by the Republican party and the Sheriff. Eddie Settle has boasted how he "hand picked" Stoney for commissioner, and those two frequent Dooleys for lunches, has anyone seen them together there in the last two weeks? Supposedly Eddie Settle isn't returning Stoneys phone calls/text messages and he is advising others in the Wilkes GOP to separate themselves from Stoney to protect their own political futures and reputations. Ninety five percent (95%) of politicians are like ****roaches, when the light comes on, they run and hide. FYI, Stoneys daughter is now the Marketing Manager for Martin Roofing, coincidence, not hardly.

dog gate

Posted 8:28 am, 03/15/2024

People doing these things should be locked up in my opinion.

If you abuse animals or children, you need to put in jail. Animals and children are helpless and innocent. They depend upon humans to love and care for them. Too bad some of these poor dogs don't turn on these owners and let them feel some pain.

Reminds me of a newspaper story from a few years back. A man entered a barn and was attempting to do something.....with a horse. The horse kicked him and actually killed him. Always wondered how that man's family felt at that funeral. What do they say? How embarrassing!! Looks like to me he got what he deserved.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 8:19 am, 03/15/2024

If I'm not mistaken people have been doing all those things.

dog gate

Posted 8:09 am, 03/15/2024

Stoney said on Dec. 12, 2018, to be knowledgeable about any subject you must be educated by reliable information!! I have BOXES AND BOXES of it!! Do your work!! " Then he has hashtags for his kennels. He also has pictures on this post of about 15 books of pit bull books, sporting dog journals.

And from his mentors from their book:

"Sadie had destroyed her face so badly that her sinuses were crushed her whole face was pulsing up and down as she breathed and air was bubbling out of holes on her muzzle and around her eyes. The last thing Jolene did before losing consciousness entirely was throwing up an incredible amount of blood-we couldn't figure out how she could have swallowed so much. We carefully pried open her mouth and peered inside with a flashlight, and it was then we saw just how badly she was hurt. There was a big hole between her eyes- big enough on the outside to stick a dime into, and this hole went clear through her skull, emerges in the roof of her mouth just in front of her throat. A thin trickle of blood was running down her throat, she must have been hemorrhaging throughout the fight. We sat there helplessly, watching our pride and joy take one last faltering breath, and then Jolene was none." Page 54.

Now, Greene idolizes these individuals and others like them. So his judgment can certainly be questioned. So ask yourself:

Do you think he deserves to serve on the county commissioners?
Do you respect him?
Is he a decent representative of our county?
Does he have honor and integrity?
Is he truthful?

You need to be voicing your opinions.

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