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Stoney Greene's confirmed connection to dog fighting and other confirmed allegations

interesting fact

Posted 10:55 am, 07/03/2024

As usual, Stoney has his numbers incorrect. He stated that it would cost $8M to $10M for roof repairs for the Lowes property. The fact is that only one part of the roof needs repairs and this was estimated to have a cost $1M . The rest of the building has had roof replaced a few years ago.

His other incorrect statement was that it would cost $1.5M per month to own and operate the building. This amount to operate the building is for a YEAR not a month as he stated. And this amount was for a fully occupied facility. If the county purchased only a portion of the building, they would only be responsible for that portion, not the entire facility. What does the county pay to operate all 3 buildings they have now?

These comments are a pattern of his to always misinform. Just as his comments at the last meeting when he stated the appraised value of the building and land was $7M. The fact is as reported in the JP, that appraisal was for the LAND only.

When will he ever get the facts correct? He certainly has not been thinking what is best for his county.


Posted 9:58 am, 07/03/2024

Greene did speak again last night at the BOC meeting, and now his agenda is becoming very clear and evident. He is pushing the new county building so hard and for the funds not to get held up, because until these funds are released to the contractors on this project he doesn't get his kick back from the contractors for helping them secure their contracts on this building. Greene has always been about himself and lining his pockets by any means necessary, and he will sell out anyone, including the taxpayers to do so. Greene thinks he is the smartest person in the room and everyone else is dumb, but the exact opposite is true. He has always been a con man, and always will be.

old lady

Posted 8:08 am, 07/03/2024

Men do not hurt animals unless they are worthless and heartless. No true Christian would hurt animals because all life is precious. "He was elected because of his integrity." That is the biggest lie ever stated at a commissioner meeting.


Posted 7:57 am, 07/03/2024

Greene was supposed to speak last evening at the BOC meeting, does anyone know if he opened his arrogant and ignorant mouth again slinging baseless accusations? Acumen, don't ever call Greene a man, because he is anything but a man, a man doesn't assault women, cowards do that that.

Acumen (view profile)

Posted 11:52 am, 07/02/2024

Greene is a bad man, and the Wilkes GOP placed him in office. Any GOP person can be made a fool, if a politician says parse God and Aman.


Posted 11:52 am, 07/02/2024

Greene is a bad man, and the Wilkes GOP placed him in office. Any GOP person can be made a fool, if a politician says parse God and Aman.

Albert Pike

Posted 11:14 am, 07/02/2024

Dog gate,
I'm not defending Greene or any of his past or current actions, I think he got real close to slander when he insinuated Elmore had positioned himself for type of kickback. My point was and is this, the JP did not make a mistake in its reporting in that particular article, the JP may not have written everything that you think they should have, but their article was factually correct.

dog gate

Posted 8:41 am, 07/02/2024


Isn't Greene himself committing slander? He could be sued right now in my opinion.

dog gate

Posted 8:38 am, 07/02/2024

I personally think he is going to get himself sued.

And there should be an investigation into his time on the board. Too many things do not add up. Why would he lie about the value of the Lowes Property? Why was it a personal thing to him? Was he helping another party? Was he benefiting in anyway? Why would he vote for a 45,000 building at a total cost of $32M instead of even doing a study on a 450,000 sq ft building at a cost of $7M? Does not make any sense at all.

It is ludicrous for this individual to be calling out others when his actions have been so incompetent and totally dishonest and misleading to the citizens of this county. Of course, this is my opinion. But ask yourselves, does his actions make any sense at all?


Posted 7:47 am, 07/02/2024

Will loud mouth Greene speak at tonights BOC meeting, and just keep digging his own grave deeper?

dog gate (view profile)

Posted 11:33 pm, 06/30/2024

Did you see the error in the article in the JP? It said stoney was involved in dog fighting 20 years ago, but Jason had the evidence that he still was involved 4 years ago. In fact, Jason presented that to the commissioners the night he resigned.

Another one of his lies was also exposed. He had stated to many people that the appraisal that Lowes had done was for the entire tract of property including building and land. However, as people on here told us it was for the land only excluding the building. So why would he have lied about that? Why was he wanting the public to think that a property valued at $28M by the county was only valued at $7M? Why was he opposed to the Lowes property? Why did he want the county and the citizens stuck with a $32M building when they could have had a property 10 times larger for a quarter of the price ? There has to be a reason.....!

Albert Pike

Posted 7:01 am, 07/02/2024

"Reporting that someone else said it would be true and accurate, not libel."

Reporting what someone else said would not insulate the JP from a civil suit...for instance if Jason's information were proven to be inaccurate by Greene Jason could face a slander lawsuit, then if the JP had reported what Jason had said they could face a libel lawsuit. So instead the JP reported what is known to be factual, "Greene resigned as a commissioner May 7 amid controversy over dogfighting-related charges filed against him over 20 years ago and charges of misdemeanor assault on a female and misdemeanor domestic criminal trespass filed in April."
All backed up by court filings completely immune from any lawsuit.

Albert Pike

Posted 6:51 am, 07/02/2024

The entire article was about Greene's address to the county commissioners during a Public Concerns portion of a recent meeting concerning the Lowe's / Old Mall property. Greene's past and current situations has been aired out for months now on this site Facepage and by various news outlets; he has resigned completely from the board which was the goal of the campaign against him. The last paragraph of the article in the JP (pasted below) is factually correct, the information that Jason presented to the county board was not germane to the story.

"Greene resigned as a commissioner May 7 amid controversy over dogfighting-related charges filed against him over 20 years ago and charges of misdemeanor assault on a female and misdemeanor domestic criminal trespass filed in April."


Posted 1:25 am, 07/02/2024

While Jason's evidence against Greene is compelling (I believe it to be true and accurate), newspapers are held to a higher standard than the average citizen when it comes to slander and liable claims. Most newspapers will only print what has been verified in a court of law or admitted to by the accused.

In this case, they should have reported Jason's accusations and preceded it with something like, "this was said at the County Commissioner's meeting."

Reporting that someone else said it would be true and accurate, not libel.

By not reporting on it, it certainly seems like they were protecting Greene...

dog gate

Posted 11:10 pm, 07/01/2024

I did not include that part because it has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

We just do not agree. More information could have been given.

Albert Pike

Posted 10:04 pm, 07/01/2024

Dog gate,
You forgot the rest of what the JP article said,
"and charges of misdemeanor assault on a female and misdemeanor domestic criminal trespass filed in April."

The fact that the JP did not report on what Jason presented to the commissioners does not invalidate the JP article, what the JP article said was factually correct. While Jason's evidence against Greene is compelling (I believe it to be true and accurate), newspapers are held to a higher standard than the average citizen when it comes to slander and liable claims. Most newspapers will only print what has been verified in a court of law or admitted to by the accused. In this case Greene has only been charged in the NJ incident over 20 years ago and as far as I know he completely denies (I think he's lying) any involvement with dogfighting since the NJ incident.

dog gate

Posted 9:57 pm, 07/01/2024

The paper said " Greene resigned amid controversy over dogfighting-related charges filed against him over 20 years ago...."

People have said on this site that citizens should not care about dogfighting because this was 20 years ago. I think it should have included the fact that there is posted evidence that he was linked to this as late as 4 years ago. And Jason has the evidence. And that is why he resigned that night.

Albert Pike

Posted 6:54 pm, 07/01/2024

Dog gate,
I never said that Greene was only involved in dogfighting 20 years ago and neither did the JP, the JP printed factual evidence, there was no mistake by the JP as you originally claimed.

dog gate

Posted 6:19 pm, 07/01/2024

Is it a coincidence that Greene resigned 1 minute before the commissioners meeting where Jason was resenting his evidence of his involvement with dogs used in dog fighting as recent as 4 years ago? I think not. People on here has been saying that we should not care about what he did 20 years ago. The point is his activities are not 20 years old.

Albert Pike

Posted 6:06 pm, 07/01/2024

Dog gate,
The JP article did not say Greene was only involved in dog fighting 20 years ago the article said he was charged over 20 years ago in reference to dog fighting. Which is factually correct. The fact that the JP did not report on what Jason presented to the commissioners does not invalidate the JP article. While Jason's evidence against Greene is compelling (I believe it to be true and accurate), newspapers are held to a higher standard than the average citizen when it comes to slander and liable claims. Most newspapers will only print what has been verified in a court of law or admitted to by the accused. In this case Greene has only been charged in the NJ incident over 20 years ago and as far as I know he completely denies (I think he's lying) any involvement with dogfighting since the NJ incident.

dog gate

Posted 8:35 am, 07/01/2024

Albert, I was saying that Jason has proof that he had dogs involved with dog fighting 4 years ago, so it was not all 20 years ago.

Albert Pike

Posted 7:18 am, 07/01/2024

Dog gate,
If you are referring to the article titled "Greene: No county offices in Lowe's building"; this is the last paragraph of that article...there is no mistake here, the article says Greene was charged and he was.

"Greene resigned as a commissioner May 7 amid controversy over dogfighting-related charges filed against him over 20 years ago and charges of misdemeanor assault on a female and misdemeanor domestic criminal trespass filed in April."

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