There have been several posts showing Mr. Greene's connection to the ADBA; guest judge at events, photos with known dog fighters, etc.
Janette Reever, the Program Manager Animal Crimes and Investigations from the Humane Society International (and expert on criminal dogfighting) sent this to me about the ADBA:
The American Dog Breeder Association (ADBA) has long been the pedigree registration of choice
for dogfighters. Founded in 1909 and utilized by the founding fathers of the blood sport in the
Unites States, the ADBA, originally the "Pit Bull Breeders Association," proudly registered and
promoted fighting dogs. Current leadership is comprised of children of self-proclaimed
dogfighter Ralph Greenwood.
Not all registrants with ADBA fight dogs, but it is the preferred registry for those who do. ADBA
allows dogfighters to keep and record titles earned/won during illegal fights, such as Ch
(champion), GrCh (grand champion) or POR (Producer of Records - each dog is given one point
towards a POR for each win of their immediate offspring. A male must have 15 points and a
female must have 10 points to get the title of POR. Champion offspring will net the sire and dam
one extra point. Grand champion offspring will net two extra points for the sire and dam).
The ADBA continues to promote the preservation of the game dog through weight pulling shows
(a method commonly used to condition and strengthen fighting dogs) and conformation shows.
Criminals engaged in dogfighting commonly claim their dogs are used strictly for conformation
and/or weight pulling events. Founded in the late 70's, these competitions remain a means to
legitimize the conditioning equipment commonly used for a dog in a "keep," and create a large
networking opportunity that will not raise red flags with law enforcement officers. For example
in 2017 we assisted Calhoun County, MI with a dogfighting case and testified as an expert on
dogfighting in court. The defendant, Javaan James, provided his primary defense that the
conditioning equipment was for ADBA weight pulling and confirmation shows. He had an expert
testify at his hearing and I was able to disprove his testimony and he was found guilty.
Many of the ADBA judges are well known and infamous in the dogfighting world.
Some contestants are legitimate and do not participate in dogfighting, but ADBA competitions
are unsanctioned by the International Weight Pull Association and often criticized by the
national community for condoning the use of small animals as "bait." More reputable dog
contests disqualify a dog for aggression, but ADBA rewards this behavior.