Someone please let 7 Eleven in on the good economy
Posted 11:19 am, 10/13/2024
Scandanavia, Finland, the UK and the Netherlands etc. all have socialistic societies, and they are also capitalist nations just not unbridled, unregulated avaricious capitalism. They also have universal health care and many other benefits which are stipulated by the state. The worker's benefits are not subject to the employer's generosity, or not. And yet they have thriving industries and some of them even have monarchies.
Posted 9:01 pm, 10/12/2024
Socialism is when the workers control the means of production. Your definition is incorrect and meaningless. Modern American capitalism is where executives, who do no real work and produce nothing, extract wealth from workers who actually make things and then use that money to bribe politicians into rigging the system in their favor so they socialize their losses and privatizing their profits so they can hoard wealth. Then they pay pundits to blame immigrants for bad pay and bad working conditions and distract workers from the fact that wealthy people could just pay their workers more instead of taking exorbitant bonuses, salaries and stock by backs.
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 3:56 pm, 10/12/2024
Are you on the right thread, racist? This is the one about you wanting socialism for 7-11, for some st00pid reason.
Posted 11:10 am, 10/12/2024
I realize gascan that the two have the same meaning to many and maybe even you but, consider the different definition of "giving" and "taking" There is a difference. Giving is a Christian virtue. Taking is a Liberal concept
Posted 10:14 am, 10/12/2024
would you give to a one legged man with you hard worked out money? be thankful you have two arms, two legs, a brain of sort, a butt , fingers to type bs.
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 9:30 am, 10/12/2024
What conservative actually works?
You don't.
Posted 9:20 am, 10/12/2024
Moral is taking from someone that has worked and earned it and giving it to someone who has not?
How can that be moral?
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 9:18 am, 10/12/2024
I retract my LOL.
I'm not saying capitalism is good or bad, but anyone - not you - who would claim it cares one whit for morality is insane.
Posted 9:14 am, 10/12/2024
but neither works because of greed, we all need to change. untill we care for our neighbor we are doomed. its a nation of the "have and have nots" remembering bush
Posted 9:12 am, 10/12/2024
no conrad im saying socialism is moral, read it again, it runs together. i said some don't die from health care under socialism
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 9:01 am, 10/12/2024
Moral? You think capitalism cares about morality?
Posted 8:55 am, 10/12/2024
you have some with billions you have some with 2 dollars, capitalalism.$$$ you have you need took care of, you have some with billions, some dont die from lack of health care, socialism. neither works for all but only one is moral. but you have to figure the moral one out, i have.
Conrad’s Ghost
Posted 8:44 am, 10/12/2024
How can you pretend to support capitalism when you don't understand how it works, st00pid?
In capitalism, not everyone survives. 7-11 has to compete with places like Sheetz, and it isn't.
Jesus. You get more simple every day.
Jack Schitt
Posted 8:44 am, 10/12/2024
Anti will be along shortly to explain with charts how it's just poor people taking what's rightfully theirs
Posted 7:01 am, 10/12/2024
Someone and there is someone on here with the business smarts to help this struggling company out of their situation. Evidently someone at the top of management does not see the bright glowing economy through the same set of rose colored as "someone on here, Come Anti, SAVE THIS BUSINESS