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Social Security COLA for 2025

Springy’s Specter

Posted 11:32 pm, 09/19/2024

Do you know any middle class single income married couples with kids building homes and buying new cars ?


Posted 11:12 pm, 09/19/2024

That lady still failing to comprehend that the comment made about the "tie break" was a dig at harris for not passing some other bill "because she could tie break the senate."

The facts still remain the same. There is more than one person who makes laws for this country, no matter what kind of trolling the loser of wilkes wants to commit to.


Posted 7:45 pm, 09/19/2024

Hey antZtok, what YOU fail to recogniZe AND comprehend is your nimrod 'ol shouldacasper's vile behavior in spinstracting your thread.

This behavior has been called out for all to see. Take your blinders off AND take a look at reality.


Posted 7:16 pm, 09/19/2024

Thank you LORD


Posted 7:15 pm, 09/19/2024

I did, now it's just waiting for Jason to clean up their mess...

And then the thread will be pushed by 5 or 6 pages and gone. They've already destroyed it with their determination to make every single thing on the **** planet about Trump and Biden.


Posted 7:07 pm, 09/19/2024

Do your job Anti, rat them out


Posted 7:05 pm, 09/19/2024

Are you talking about Big Sal? I rarely know who you're talking about, you call everybody shoulda...

He made this post yesterday, at 10:43am...

Spector youre aware thats just for the Senate right? And that there is also the House of Reps.
Our government is not meant for one person rule.

Specter replied:

Democrats were in total control for two years. Now spin that.

Then Sal said this at 1:28...

Fascinating spin.

The truth still remains that there is two chambers in congress. Harris's "tie break" only applies to Senate, which was your claim that she could have done something.

It ain't a one person government, still.

Ps. Not everything is always party lines, which is a good thing. Voting party lines is silly.

Since then, you've made 6 posts about that post... under Fakey, at least.


Posted 6:51 pm, 09/19/2024

Hey antZtok, this is what happens when your nimrod 'ol shouldaunocasper trolls a thread AND posts, pesters AND buggers its vile behavior.

YOU might shoulda ask it why it behaves this way.

YOU go, antZtok !


Posted 6:36 pm, 09/19/2024

What does any of that have to do with Social Security and the COLA of 2025?


Posted 6:02 pm, 09/19/2024

Hey antZtok, what we have here is yet another perfect example of your nimrod 'ol shouldaunolilzh(t caught posting, pestering AND buggering a spinstraction set push a thread off topic.

kamalatoe did in fact cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate that passed the "Inflation Reduction" (GND) act. This happened while los demonRatZ had control of both houses of congress.

IF she had voted against that legislation our current inflation crisis coulda been avoided. Therefore she AND YOUZ own it AND must take responsibility for it.

While YOU ponder that reality we shall await 'ol lilzh(tZ denial of its vile behavior.


Posted 5:25 pm, 09/19/2024

LAUGH OUT LOUD at d*ldoBaggins!

Uncle Rukuss

Posted 3:00 pm, 09/19/2024

White Man be very generous give us poor welfare folk an increase of 2%


Posted 2:59 pm, 09/19/2024

Springy's Specter (view profile)
Posted 6:29 pm, 09/18/2024
Inflation explained. Anti gained 5 lbs in 2020 , 11 lbs in 2021 , 7 lbs in 2022 , 5 lbs in 2023 , 3 lbs so far in 2024. She's 5' 4 and 245 lbs , would deflation be good or bad ?



Posted 2:47 pm, 09/19/2024

I don't think that Fakey has ever made a good point... he just yells and yells about anything not related to the topic until everyone goes away.

It's like discussing physics with a very spoiled and entitled toddler that thinks it knows everything.

DB Cooper

Posted 2:39 pm, 09/19/2024

You clowns just mad cause fakey kicks your butts on a regular basis. But look at it like this... those fur collars will be warm this winter!


Posted 2:27 pm, 09/19/2024

Sal, hon... Fakey is just trying to change the subject because he doesn't like what this one is about. Don't fall for it.

15 posts in a row that have nothing to do with Social Security or the COLA for 2025...


Posted 2:10 pm, 09/19/2024

Probably because your trolling question is irrelevant, as usual.

But as always, got a problem with it let me know when and where!


Posted 1:21 pm, 09/19/2024

Hey lilzh(t, why do YOU feel compelled to run away every time YOU are backed into a corner AND forced to answer a question that just might expose your Bullzh(t?


Posted 1:15 pm, 09/19/2024

The crying lady truly has hit what most would call rock bottom, but Im pretty sure shes willing to continue one.

Your irrelevant trolling question is as useless as you are, Fakey.


Posted 10:38 am, 09/19/2024


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