Poll: do you think that the government should have the right to control retail prices?
Posted 6:45 am, 06/27/2024
@1, what is happening is exactly what millions of people said would happen. The government always overburdens industries with regulations when they take control of it. Consumers always pay more in the end.
the dog's butler
Posted 6:01 pm, 06/26/2024
Trump was in favor of price conteols for drug prices in 2020 as he signed executive order 13948.
Many states have price gouging laws especially for gas
Posted 5:31 pm, 06/26/2024
There were ways, but the insurance industry wasn't going to give health insurance away without considerable reimbursement from the government. So they got it!!!! Still folks can't afford it!
Posted 5:27 pm, 06/26/2024
Government stay out with that we need universal healthcare some how.
Posted 5:26 pm, 06/26/2024
absolutely not! Mainly due to the regulations that would be forced upon those growing and or manufacturing consumer products! It would put 100's of thousands outta business all across the board all industries including small business's , small chains including service related.
Take the medical field as it stands right now, there are more government regulations that are putting the independent medical office completely outta business. This is exactly why Wilkes and many other counties across the nation are healthcare deserts now.
Take the insurane industry, health home auton business and malpractice...this too is so highly government reguated as it stands now, that most folks can't afford it no matter their needs.
I want the government to stay outta my bank account and uterus, Period!!!
Posted 5:20 pm, 06/26/2024
No, with the only exception for critical medical needs. Free market economy.
Posted 1:34 pm, 06/25/2024
Simple question about your ideology - do you believe that the government should have the right to control retail prices?
If so, do you think that this right should belong to local government, state government, or federal government?
Do you believe that the right should only apply to essential products like food and water, or does it also apply to clothing, luxury items, and services?