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People suck


Posted 3:38 pm, 08/18/2024

In 10 border jumping illegals.
You've got 3?4? Legit Wortha dam hard worker.
Honestly wanting to be AN AMERICAN. LIVE THE DREAM.
of US CITIZENSHIP.THOSE are the very few.that I'll run over top of people.to shake their hand and welcome them.
Now...the OTHER 6? you be the judge.
hunt chupacabra...smoke skinwalker dung.
Cause ima Dirty White Boy...dirty white boy
A dirrrrrrty white boy.
Humor. Try it sometime. But yeah not all ofem are POS.
personally? IMO? STAY THE F OUT MY YARD.
hire James over Jose...on a stick...


Posted 1:01 pm, 08/18/2024

Funny to watch these brain dead sheep trying to pin on Trump what Democrats actually do. Trump built 500 miles of border fence and would have built the rest if you Marxist Democrats and a few turtles had not stood in his way. He built a wall, Joe and Kamala built a ramp

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 11:51 am, 08/18/2024

Sorry but this thread isn't about Trump. It's about some folks trying to make the predators into the victim and then hiding behind racism.

So I make fun of both.


Posted 10:32 am, 08/18/2024

Takes one to know one.


Posted 10:29 am, 08/18/2024

You're acting like yourself. A racist.


Posted 9:58 am, 08/18/2024

There are good and decent people and some evil people in each and every race on earth. You can't judge a book by its cover.

You people need to do your research instead of listening to the rants and raving of a delusional man. He uses psychology to convince people to believe lies. Under Trump border crossing were actually higher. When he left office it went down. Because the republicans would not agree to border control laws--he got what he wanted to run on. Trump has undocumented illegal aliens working in all of his buildings, home, and clubs. Cheap labor. Please do your research and don't believe what anything some people tell you. In his own words, "If you say it enough and keep saying it, they'll start to believe you."

"I play to people's fantasies," he wrote in "The Art of the Deal." "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole."

Bullies use psychology to make everyone dislike, hate certain things, or feel bad about themselves.
That is why Trump repeats the same words over and over: crazy, lazy, sleepy, and all the other insults to people. Do you ever notice he never tells you how he's going to fix something? He uses psychology to make you think what he wants you to think. So far it is working with republicans. He once said that republicans were the dumbest voters. His words not mine.

As for drugs; he had ties and has been laundering money for drug cartels in Russia, Venezuela, Panama and Mexico. Read the truth.

Narco-a-Lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club, Panama | Global Witness

God said select leaders who fear God, trustworthy, who hate dishonest gain-and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens" (Exodus 18:21).

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 9:53 am, 08/18/2024

Just acting like a Democrat


Posted 9:37 am, 08/18/2024

That doesn't make all the disgusting racist generalizations you've made not racist.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 9:24 am, 08/18/2024

The OP made it about race.


Posted 9:19 am, 08/18/2024

Color pigment excluded.


Posted 9:01 am, 08/18/2024

Just a bunch of racist nonsense.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 8:48 am, 08/18/2024

Kayla and Anti are the kind of people who blame the kids or women for the abuse they receive. Always perverting the truth for some grander social justice.

The truth is we have people here that broke the law to come here. Why then would they care about breaking other laws? They don't.


Posted 8:09 am, 08/18/2024

Promiscuous women do not care if they are being used for anchor babies and drivers job, housing and cover as long as they are being used


Posted 3:16 am, 08/18/2024

"These men did literally nothing but walk around a public location, and she panicked. Kayla is right, I can't help but wonder if she would have panicked the same way had it been two white guys doing the same thing."

Anti were you and Kayla both there to witness this, or are you both just basing your opinion on "a story going around"?


Posted 8:42 pm, 08/17/2024


Posted 2:38 pm, 08/17/2024

If they were trying to do something... kidnap her, rape her, whatever... they wouldn't have been following her around Walmart. That increases their chances of being spotted, and puts their faces on camera.

No, they would have simply waited near the exit for a girl to walk by, then follow her home.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 6:42 pm, 08/17/2024

Anti - you are dead wrong. I worked in Mexico off and on for a decade. Folks act and react differently there. It's likely there were others waiting to do exactly what you suggest she just got lucky and responded in a manner they didn't expect.


Posted 6:13 pm, 08/17/2024

You haint right lol
Take the cake when it goes south? Womern...you done confused meh lol

Uncle Rukuss

Posted 4:26 pm, 08/17/2024

RollOn2 (view profile)

Posted 5:12 pm, 08/15/2024

Kayla likes the brown root.

That girl is not particular.


Posted 2:38 pm, 08/17/2024

If they were trying to do something... kidnap her, rape her, whatever... they wouldn't have been following her around Walmart. That increases their chances of being spotted, and puts their faces on camera.

No, they would have simply waited near the exit for a girl to walk by, then follow her home.

This story reminds me of the recent Karen that was at a hotel and saw some drag queens in the lobby. She pulled out her camera, started yelling at them while they sat their calmly and bemused, then she acted like she was the victim in the whole thing.

These men did literally nothing but walk around a public location, and she panicked. Kayla is right, I can't help but wonder if she would have panicked the same way had it been two white guys doing the same thing.


Posted 9:50 am, 08/17/2024

Millions of illegals are swarming over the border thousands of 'em are carrying duffel bags full of fentanyl. Thousands more are Al-Qaida. Hezbollah, Isis and Hamas terrorists, help "the sky is falling." "Please we need more fearmongering and hate stirring narrative, the present crap doesn't seem to be working too well. "Tell the truth you say, are you nuts?"

Trump and his MAGATS are running out of ammunition, washroom deviants, school groomers, hundreds of illegals raping and murdering our women, just aint cutting it.
"Issues, wadya mean infrastructure, healthcare and stuff like that? You really are nuts!"

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