Posted 7:40 am, 07/01/2024
You little small brained democrats dont know **** about a medicare advantage plan. Persons with one have 3600 - 4900 each year out of pocket so 33 dollars isnt going to hurt them, now do your homework on medicare.
Posted 7:31 pm, 06/30/2024
Plagiarism is why Joe dropped out of a earlier Presidential campaign
Posted 7:12 pm, 06/30/2024
Even if what you were true and it aint, why would it bother you mouse? I think it would b a sign that Sleepy Joe's coming over to the Dark Side. Cutting entitlements, isn't that what you righties consider to be Fiscal Responsibility?
Posted 3:39 pm, 06/30/2024
Fred aint known for providing facts.
Posted 3:37 pm, 06/30/2024
The OP is plagiarizing again... here's the source...
Fox states:
The Biden administration in April finalized plans to cut MA benefits, which experts said could lead to an additional $33 a month for out-of-pocket costs, or $396 a year, for enrollees.
It doesn't cite a source for those experts, though, and the only source I can find is a statement given by Florida Senator Rick Scott. Who also gave no source.
The best I can tell, he's referring to Biden's proposal that increases the Medicare tax rate for taxpayers with incomes over $400,000, from 3.8% to 5%...
So while it's true that some enrollees would pay $33 more... it's only those making over $400,000 a year...
Posted 2:35 pm, 06/30/2024
Leave it to Biden to take something bad and make it worse
Posted 2:19 pm, 06/30/2024
Its take a pure idi0t to get a Medicare advantage plan.
Posted 2:03 pm, 06/30/2024
Seniors are expected to face $33 in out-of-pocket expenses each month after Medicare Advantage cuts