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Just Curious...how many people feel their lives are better now than four years ago?

the dog's butler

Posted 9:44 pm, 09/23/2024

Let's not forget the toilet paper shortage of four years ago.
Remember not being able to dine out back then.
We worried about our own health.
We saw love ones die four years ago.
It's not a fair comparison.
Rather ask if your life will be better off in four years from now.


Posted 9:30 pm, 09/23/2024

We cannot afford four more years of this, quoth Walz

DB Cooper

Posted 9:13 pm, 09/23/2024

So smallbrain's got $800 now.

Big whoopi!


Posted 8:46 pm, 09/23/2024

Thanks to the Biden stock market my 401k gained a 48.5% increase since he took office!



Posted 7:49 pm, 09/23/2024

What I find interesting is that this is strictly partisan... only Trump-supporters say that they are not better off. But they refuse to say how much their income has changed in those last 4 years.

And I'm sure that none of them will acknowledge how many people they knew died from COVID in 2020. But I'm pretty confident that most of those people's families would feel like things were better before 2020.


Posted 7:31 pm, 09/23/2024

try doing research on those corporate profit margines


Posted 6:48 pm, 09/23/2024

"The problem is not the White House and it's politics, the problem is you folks forgetting that we have had to drag ourselves out of a pandemic...due to it being ignored by that big ole fugly orange fella

The problem is corporations that didn't make those big profits when all shut down...have been making up for those lost profits ever since!!!"

Ole' girl been watching too much MSNBC

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 6:45 pm, 09/23/2024

No one except those paid off in the Ukraine are better off.


Posted 6:43 pm, 09/23/2024

why would you assume something so silly DB???

I also work a full time job, do you?

DB Cooper

Posted 6:28 pm, 09/23/2024

@ godless... she doesn't buy groceries or insurance or automobiles or pay rent.


Posted 6:20 pm, 09/23/2024

I"m doing fine and will say I'm definitely better off than 4 years ago.

More savings, more disposable income to better enjoy life with.

Do I watch what I spend of course I do as everyone should.

The problem is not the White House and it's politics, the problem is you folks forgetting that we have had to drag ourselves out of a pandemic...due to it being ignored by that big ole fugly orange fella

The problem is corporations that didn't make those big profits when all shut down...have been making up for those lost profits ever since!!!


Posted 3:06 pm, 09/23/2024

definitely not


Posted 3:03 pm, 09/23/2024

Well logger...did you make more money in the last 12 months than you did in October 2019 through September 2020?

If so, by percentage... how much more did you make?


Posted 2:59 pm, 09/23/2024



Posted 2:57 pm, 09/23/2024

Is everyone happy to be paying more for food, gas and everything else since Biden came into office.

Four years ago, we were in the middle of the pandemic. I daresay that everyone is better off.

Yes, inflation existed... on a global level. Which was obviously as a result of the pandemic, unless you think that Biden somehow controlled the global economy starting a year before he was in office.

But since wages have outpaced inflation, the wide majority are doing better. You might not understand that your wages went up to offset inflation, but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen.


Posted 2:22 pm, 09/23/2024

I'll be better off when Trump is doing life in Leavenworth for treason, or better yet hanging from the gallows he had constructed for Pence. Maybe they should build new gallows, Mike's might not take the weight.


Posted 11:41 am, 09/23/2024

I'm far better off, but then again, I've worked my tail off to achieve that.


DB Cooper

Posted 11:38 am, 09/23/2024

Only the gowilkes liars say yes.

Who can possibly be better off paying 30 to 40% more for practically EVERYTHING!


Posted 11:12 am, 09/23/2024

Well, for me, I am better off. Things cost a little more bur I have more money.


Posted 10:59 am, 09/23/2024

Is everyone happy to be paying more for food, gas and everything else since Biden came into office.

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