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Janet Jackson thot Klemella was White


Posted 10:30 am, 09/23/2024

I don't care what race she is, I just want some capable of running our country and she definitely is not. She couldn't even do the job she was given.

Return of Kangz

Posted 9:25 am, 09/23/2024

KamelHoe isn't black

She had some black in her in the past but now is married to a good clean White man


Posted 9:21 am, 09/23/2024

When kamalatoe first got selected as a senator from californica she made a yuge deal about being the first Indian-American to achieve that position AND has since opted to self identify as Black.

This appropriates the antics of bho'bummer, our first mixed race president, who still chooses to self identify as Black.


Posted 9:11 am, 09/23/2024

She's mixed race - Black dad, Indian mom.

Y'all knew that, right? I don't know how she can be "fake".

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 7:59 am, 09/23/2024

Fake black VP

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