EDITION: Wilkes County
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Is gasoline available in Wilkes without sitting in a line?


Posted 1:34 pm, 09/30/2024

For some unknown reasons, goashe comments and posts are on gowilkes....

Why is this Jason or Mel?


Posted 12:56 pm, 09/30/2024

DB Cooper (view profile)

Posted 8:11 am, 09/30/2024

...I heard of one stooge filling up plastic coffee cans.

I bet if that "stooge" were related for you one of two things would have happened.

1. You would come on here bragging about how resourceful your relative was
2. You wouldn't have commented at all.

Until you have been in the situation our mountain communities and your neighbors in Ashe county are in and have lost everything you own you have no right calling anyone a stooge nor criticizing how anyone is coping with the aftermath of a historic weather event in our mountains!

But if you feel the overwhelming need to continue ridiculing people, I believe most, if not all of us would appreciate it if you kept your comments limited to Go Ashe.


Posted 12:42 pm, 09/30/2024

Wilkes did not suffer near the devastation that the mountain counties proper did. Our infrastructure is somewhat compromised, but imminently reparable in the short term. Other than power outages, most of us have gotten through this unscathed (the northern and western parts of the county, along the ridgelines, did take more of a hit than us lower in elevation, but still, not devastation).

Plenty of gas, water, and other necessities available, if you can get down the mountain. Stay safe.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 11:18 am, 09/30/2024

Calling a guy a stooge, when they are probably worried about the safety of their family, is pretty low.

I guess DB can't help himself. Must be tough being him.

sparkling water

Posted 9:30 am, 09/30/2024

That is sad. Most folk will be fine if they stay put till order is restored.

DB Cooper

Posted 8:11 am, 09/30/2024

They are still lining up here in Ashe, filling up jugs, etc. I heard of one stooge filling up plastic coffee cans.

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