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I Nominate Surfer for Poster of the Year


Posted 11:25 am, 09/22/2024

And what's wrong with that if they do ? But I guess if one doesn't have something sensible to post the trash comes out ? We all give off "signals ". Some are hilarious


Posted 11:23 am, 09/22/2024

Springy's latest post is typical of the low grade mentality of the average MAGAT.

Springy’s Specter

Posted 11:15 am, 09/22/2024

Most liberals still live in their mommy and daddy's house so they don't know what's happening


Posted 11:08 am, 09/22/2024

Keep up the good posts Surfer. Nobody's fault if our c*ckwombles can't deal with the truth. Sort. Of like asking them what their excuse of a party has EVER done to improve their lives ? Ask and get ready for personal attacks. All they got I guess ? Back an excuse of a human with 34 felony convictions and no doubt many more to come? And they used to toot the "party of law and order " ? Respect for the constitution. The one that Mooron wants to annul. "Fix" it to where you won't have to worry about voting again ? Be a gop'er. You have every right but how about being an American first ?


Posted 8:34 pm, 09/21/2024

Sparklin, if you're speechless, it's OK. Kind of a weak effort though.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 7:58 pm, 09/21/2024

It's the American system. Did you know someone could win the Presidency without getting the most votes? Weird!

sparkling water

Posted 7:53 pm, 09/21/2024

Sort of like a democrat primary.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 7:34 pm, 09/21/2024

Too late. DB is already president of the fan club. The delegates have spoken.

sparkling water

Posted 7:32 pm, 09/21/2024

Surfie is on top of a poop pile and thinks he has climbed Mt Biden.


Posted 7:05 pm, 09/21/2024

surfer contributes some great stuff. he's on top of the real facts and stat's and all the MAGATS can do to refute his statements is to lie. You can almost see the steam of frustration coming out of the ears of the likes of Foxxy, Flakey and freddy et al when they make their futile attempts to refute his posts. As is the way of MAGATS they have to resort to pathetic lies. You'd think with all the practice they've had at lying they'd be good at it by now.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 6:44 pm, 09/21/2024

I think I found the fan club's president! I hereby nominate DB. He follows surfer around like a lost pup anyway.

DB Cooper

Posted 6:38 pm, 09/21/2024

I'm sure many of you remember several months ago when smurf went on his little rant against political threads on gowilkes, filling the front page with dozens of threads about any goofy topic that popped into his disjointed mind. Now he floods the forum daily with his own political threads. If this isn't a sign of a serious mental deficiency... I don't know what is.


Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 6:24 pm, 09/21/2024

Keep it up! So far, I haven't seen anyone dispute anything you've posted. The truth shall set them free.


Posted 6:19 pm, 09/21/2024

Thanks but I just post the truth from honest reliable sources...NO BULL§HIT

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 6:13 pm, 09/21/2024

Surfer's beautiful truth smashes through conservative misinformation like Csonka through a linebacker.

sparkling water

Posted 6:09 pm, 09/21/2024

I cede the field. Surfer is the greatest bestest mostest awesomest poster the lefest has everest producest.

Without surfer, the right would only exist to debunk ordinary lies.

Surfie has the greatest bestest mostest awesomest bullest schettest lies everest toldest.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 6:02 pm, 09/21/2024

Surfer continues to run through the fall undefeated. He's like the '72 Dolphins of Go Wilkes.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 7:47 pm, 09/17/2024

I think we should start a Surfer fan club. We need to vote for officers.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 5:27 pm, 09/17/2024

Nervousness must affect her ability to make actual English sentences.


Posted 5:26 pm, 09/17/2024

HaHaHa! Foxnit, you then are the most nervous one of all.

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