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I am so tired of the right wing BS about immigrants.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 3:55 pm, 08/31/2024

From your hospital bed? Nice.


Posted 12:55 pm, 08/31/2024

Springy I can move you in 25 lovely migrant/illegals tomorrow, just provide your address.


Posted 12:47 pm, 08/31/2024

****, smalltown, get over it already.


Posted 11:46 am, 08/31/2024

Thomas Hobbes (view profile)

Posted 10:07 am, 08/31/2024

That's a lie

And I suppose it's a lie Mango Mussolini said he would build a wall and make Mexico pay for it?

DB Cooper

Posted 11:37 am, 08/31/2024

20 migrant varmints attempt to board school bus. Parent s in an uproar.


Posted 11:33 am, 08/31/2024

Trump does own our immigration problem. He got the GOP to block any bill that might help with immigration.

interesting fact

Posted 11:18 am, 08/31/2024

Consul, that is ridiculous. Look at the number of immigrants that Biden allowed in. They asked them to come, invited them in.

You look like a nut when you post ridiculous things like that. What did Biden do with some of the border panels waiting to be installed? They sold them for scrap. Others are still being stored on private citizens land.

Harris knows the truth. But of course, she still want illegals to come but she has to lie right now. If she is elected, there will more invitations sent out and we will have America full of murderers and rapists and terrorists. We will have gangs taking over apartment buildings just like what is happening now and individuals trying to get on school buses. Citizens will be in danger. We will have terrorists from the Middle East planning more attacks like 9 -11. And it will be all on BIDEN and HARRIS.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 10:07 am, 08/31/2024

That's a lie


Posted 10:01 am, 08/31/2024

Trump owns the immigration CRISIS 100%! Sleepy Joe made some mistakes in his handling the situation, but he inherited the situation from Trump. The immigration CRISIS is Trump's baby, give the orange S.O.B. a big cigar.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 10:00 am, 08/31/2024

When the hoe says she'll close the boarder does this include the staging camp? Democrats established a camp to stage illegals at the Darian Gap.

Check it out.


Posted 9:32 am, 08/31/2024

What part of "surge the border" do you not understand? Crooked Joe Biden said that the first day of his illigimate adminstration. I would hate to hold tricky D*** hostage for as long as you have for shipping my job off shore.**** looks like you could let it go.

interesting fact

Posted 9:27 am, 08/31/2024

The Democratic flip flopper is even calling for a closed border now and saying she will build a wall. So what is the problem? Her and her boss has already allowed 10 M into this country costing cities billions of dollars that could have been used for homeless veterans and homeless Americans. They are getting social security and plans for them getting down payments for homes.

Taxpayers are being screwed and American citizens have been screwed by Joe and Harris. Even she knows it now.


Posted 9:25 am, 08/31/2024

If you have a problem with immigration discuss it with your orange idol. It was he that deliberately exacerbated a decades old problem into a crisis, for his own political advantage. It was on HIS watch that the first caravan of illegals arrived. It was he that threatened his cowering toadies in congress into not passing the bill to get the situation under control.

Until Trump decided to use it as a political tool illegal immigration was a nuisance rather than a problem. Employers looking for cheap labor encouraged it, and consumers benefitted from it with low food prices. He saw an opportunity to use immigration as a weapon which would appeal to the sorriest elements of American society: Fear and Hatred.


Posted 9:17 am, 08/31/2024

Acumen calling out one of his own. jmt has does that make you feel?

DB Cooper

Posted 6:17 am, 08/31/2024

Ask the folks in Aurora, Colorado how they're liking them.


Posted 12:34 am, 08/31/2024

And I am tired of people with their head up their rear in talking about things they have no knowledge other than a democrat is never wrong. For over three years, I have listened to those liars in the Biden administration telling us how the border was secured. The only purpose was for the democrat party to remain in power and only become a problem because it become a political issue. They come up with the anti immigration bill because that was all it was. Do you honestly think the people coming across the border have the same documents and credentials that Americans have? There is no way to verify who these people are but border patrol was told to fast track them. That is what the democrat party thinks of your safety. They are put in hotels, taking over schools and even school buses. They are telling Americans go screw yourselves., that is your democrat party. Forty percent of the immigrant women and children coming to the border are raped, that is what your democrat party thinks of women and children. The FBI has repeatedly said the border was a security issue and expect an act of terrorism but crickets from your democrat party. In North Carolina, illegal immigration cost each household $779 a year. Gang members in all 100 counties in a wide assortment of crimes but you are tired of right wing bs. I am tired of democrats cherry picking laws to enforce for political reasons.


Posted 10:59 pm, 08/30/2024

You are so full of BS.


Posted 10:58 pm, 08/30/2024

interesting fact (view profile)

Posted 8:17 pm, 08/30/2024

Illegals are not here because Tyson hires them. They are here because Joe and Harris opened the border. Besides chicken workers, we got terrorists, killers, gang members, rapists, and drug dealers. This will be the end of our society as we know it. All because of these 2 s. The blood will be on their souls.

fun interesting fact for you most illegals here dont just "walk over the border" they come over on planes!

interesting fact

Posted 10:36 pm, 08/30/2024

Laugh all you want. Maybe some of them will get a family member of yours. Hundreds if not thousands have been murdered and raped by some of them and this includes children. Why don't you put your name and address on here and welcome them to your house and your wife or your child? If you are so brave or don't give a crap about your family and you probably don't.


Posted 10:23 pm, 08/30/2024

I know, I see those gang banger all over the place. They stole my car 5 rimes this week and raped and murder 25 of my neighbors. They have moved over 200 more gang bangers into my dead neighbors. I can't open my door without worrying about being raped and murdered. What am I going to do?

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