It sounds like you realize that biden can't draw flies much less TENS of thousands of people like Trump always has.
I understand that you really have nothing going for you.
All biden has is throwing off oh Trump and cheating.
He has no winning policies. And the ones he has is what is going to win Trump the election.
Every one in the country is fed up . Except the ones like you mutts that will never have any more sense than you have right now.
You've got a party that wants nothing more than to get rid of biden and Harris. The problem is, the old crook won't step down.
Now they are plotting for a way for him to hang himself.
The debate should do it. Must see TV unless you a foolish biden supporter.
Lordy, no wonder you're worried and trying to cut down Trump's crowd size . biden couln't fill the blocked off corner of a small high school gym.