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Hillary Lost It. Biden Stole It.


Posted 9:10 pm, 09/29/2024

YipYipYipYip little doggie!


Posted 8:11 pm, 09/29/2024

YOU go, b0y !


Posted 8:07 pm, 09/29/2024

Flakey is well known for being SpaKuhKuh'sWaWa's little lap doggie.

SpaKuh'sWaWa has great pride in his self perceived command of the English language, especially when he attempts to troll with it.
Oh what the little trolls do for attention!


Posted 7:55 pm, 09/29/2024

YOU go, b0y !


Posted 7:43 pm, 09/29/2024

Mucking up the worlds dumbest thread is so your style!


Posted 7:43 pm, 09/29/2024

That lady must be talking about its worthless self again.

Got an issue? Let me know big dog! Ill be here.


Posted 7:39 pm, 09/29/2024

Once again, one of our liberal leftist 5hitZ cannot contain its vile behavior as it foists an attack on the author of another wonderful thread.

WhatZ particularly fummy about this harassment is 'ol shoiuldajesterZ well known lack of originality when spewing its foolishness. It still wears the sash and crown for MZ Originality with Pride AND affection.

YOU go, sucker !

sparkling water

Posted 7:32 pm, 09/29/2024

Your thinly veiled, but unoriginal reflection of my original criticism of your lack of creative thinking, is unsurprising.


Posted 7:19 pm, 09/29/2024

SpaKAKAKAWAWA, you've lost any originality you ever had, repeating the same ole same ole BIG LIE.


Posted 9:10 am, 09/29/2024

Hey lil5hit, why is your existence so putrid that all YOU can do is spew your compulsion to berate, antagonize AND harass folks YOU disagree with politically?

It's all YOU gotZ AND all YOU ever do, all day - every day.

Sure suckZ to be YOU.

YOU go, dolly, the one AND only cloned shoulda !


Posted 8:53 am, 09/29/2024

Just when I didnt think this thread could get any bumber, fakey showed out and made it even dumber. Then Danicas boy shows up and one ups the wholr dumbness of everyone.

Yall really doing a quality job looking below average.

Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 6:49 pm, 09/28/2024

Hillary Lost It. Biden Stole It. And Surfer Sucked it!


Posted 5:45 pm, 09/28/2024

Hey lil5hit, coulda YOU tell us why YOU feel that post made any sense?


Posted 2:01 pm, 09/28/2024

It got even dumber somehow. But d*ldoBaggins showed out, so makes good sense.

interesting fact

Posted 10:39 am, 09/28/2024

Hasn't she already "blown it?" ??????


Posted 10:05 am, 09/28/2024

sparkling water (view profile)

Posted 9:20 am, 09/28/2024

BigSoil, why not just demonstrate the power of your neuron and post something half as "interesting".

You spelled "sexist" wrong.

sparkling water

Posted 9:20 am, 09/28/2024

BigSoil, why not just demonstrate the power of your neuron and post something half as interesting.

DB Cooper

Posted 7:53 am, 09/28/2024

Oink Oink!


Posted 7:45 am, 09/28/2024

Lowest intellectual thread of the year!

About embarrassed for these losers.


Posted 8:52 pm, 09/27/2024

Stay Calm...POTUS Harris arrives in 25!

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