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Hey Anti

sparkling water

Posted 8:32 pm, 09/23/2024

Let it suffer. There's a child that will never have choices of any kind.


Posted 8:19 pm, 09/23/2024

I would agree to her right to the surgery, but not to the state or federal government being required to pay for it. There are some things, like breast cancer exams for a transgender male, that I think would be different, but not an otherwise elective transgender surgery.

I can't find where anything has said that the government would be financially responsible for it, though. If they did then that would set a VERY dangerous precedent... all transgender people would make a point to get arrested so that they could get a free surgery!

Springy’s Specter

Posted 8:10 pm, 09/23/2024

The DOC must now take "all reasonable actions" to ensure Cordellioné undergoes sex surgery, according to the order


Posted 7:46 pm, 09/23/2024

Here's the preliminary injunction...

Am I overlooking where it says that the state has to pay for it? That was the complaint that you're alluding to, wasn't it?

Springy’s Specter

Posted 7:23 pm, 09/23/2024

Indiana judge rules prison must provide transgender surgery for inmate who killed baby

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